
Tuesday 4 October 2016


Back from our meal. Gifts open, cards read. Thank you to our friends who took time out to send cards Hubs way.


Teen out with his friend now. I’m sitting in our lounge with a very full stomach, though I wasn’t keen on the meal. Being a vegetarian is a challenge, but that challenge I shall   live with.


All the gifts I bought Hub for his birthday were somehow wrong. Even the coffee machine, I just went near it before and it made me a coffee, though I didn’t want it too. It’s that sensitive. I don’t think I will be able to use it. Sad about that. The theatre tickets I bought I thought it was written by a friend of Hubs. Well, no. Wrong person. Wrong place wrong time. Also I forgot to ask if they had an audio showing. Silly me. So they are going to be returned and try to get times for when they are showing an audio production.


Two of the designer t-shirts are not right Hub said he wouldn’t dare wear them. They are too expensive. One of the shirts is going back so a pain to do that. The other one he said he will not wear for work, though that is what I bought him for. But the trousers, they were fine. Few, one out of seven?


Shame about the theatre tickets, egg on my face. I love the theatre as does my love, but somehow this time the tickets are not right.


Teen got Hub some lovely gifts, five syrups for his coffee, some chocolates, his favourite, Maltese’s, and a huge cup for his cup of tea. Bless our boy, he is so caring always thinks about his gifts.


Our friend Vivi bought him his last gifts. She got him socks, posh coffee and three work shirts. Perfect. Too kind she is.


All over for another year. Hub and I met 42 years ago tiny children at school. How much time has travelled since then, here’s to the next 42 years?


Yesterday, I had a most enjoyable day with my friend Geordie. She came I made lunch, typical, we had to stay in because I was waiting for parcels. She always says I am amazing because I can make lunches, bless her, she isn’t the most domestic person, but she always looks like she has stepped off the cat walk, whereas I look more like I have just finished walking the cat!!!


Time chased us and won the race so before I knew it, she had to leave to go home to see to her Son. As she pulled away from the drive, in her brand new posh red car, my neighbour came over and he wanted to know if I wanted to go for a cup of coffee? I told him I had to stay in so I invited him and his wife to mine, so I was the hostess with the mostest yesterday.


Still no news on the job front. But I know if I had the job I would have heard by now. I just hope that I will learn soon where I went wrong, if they will tell me?


 It’s late, I’m really tired, so I must go to bed, but before I do, some words.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some?

Some people complain that roses have thorns. Be grateful that thorns have roses.




Marcel Proust was said to say the first quote

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