
Saturday 27 October 2018


I was talking with my friend from India yesterday about a film she was watching. It’s a true story about a man in India who was shocked to see his wife washing a dirty rag and using it for when she had her lady moments. He tried to make her a pad like ladies use across the world. It failed. So, he tried time and time again and failed. At last he ran out of people to trial his pads as menstruation is a Taboo subject in India.


He filled a balloon with goats’ blood and wore it. The villagers where he lived called him a pervert and disowned him his wife’s brothers came and took his wife away. Long story short, he ended up living with a professor who told him about machines that make such things. He ended up designing the perfect pad and going to America. He’s now a millionaire and of course… his wife has come back to him.


Unfortunately, he’s now known as The Pad Man

But bless him I mean, why on earth does it matter to him if women are comfortable? I think he deserves every Rupee he gets.


We also spoke about toilets in India. Oh, yes, we keep it real… how there is a part of India where there is a block of luxury flats with at least two toilets each and just outside there are people having to take a small bucket of water and a stone to toilet outside.

Of course, I did have to ask the question that will be on some peoples minds right now…. what do you do with the stone once used?

Our other friend asked where do people find such stones, surely, they will have to be smoothe ones? Haha.


It just made me realise how lucky we are but how lovely people in India are, well most of them with the odd exception. In general, people are so friendly and so hospitable. Moreover, so grateful, humble for what they have or in some cases, what they don’t have.


That took us onto another conversation about another movie a man and woman married but she came from a family where by they wouldn’t have a toilet in the house it’s considered unhygienic. The husband built an outside loo for his new wife. The father of the new wife refused to have such a toilet but one day his wife the mother of the bride fell as she was about to go to the field to defecate and fell on the doorstep. So, long story short the father decided to allow the toilet to be built and the villagers then all got toilets built, well in the film. In real life, I think that village are still waiting for an indoor loo. Come on India, please give your people toilets?


Here is a brilliant read. I did laugh especially at the end.