
Thursday 4 October 2018


Today my Darling Husband has reached the big five zero. Of course, he’s working. But he won’t be too late home. Before six anyway. Our Son has changed his shift at work so he can be with his Dad for a few hours. Hub won’t be opening his cards and gifts until he gets home. He has a little pile there, I’m guessing from two of our joint friends, a couple of our neighbours as they don’t have stamps on, as well as two of my, friends. Mine and BW’s are not in the pile for him to open just yet. I used our Pen friend to say what I wanted in my card to him. The pen friend is so good. Though he does have to listen to my voice, smile. You take a sticker, place it where you want it in my case his card and press the pen which looks like a microphone onto the sticker and talk. Then Hub will put the same pen on the sticker and hear what I said. It’s amazing.


I told Hub last night where we were going to celebrate his birthday and he sounded really excited. I hope he will enjoy himself. I shall tell you more in my blog later.


Our friends have just been on the phone to arrange when they are coming through. They are booking a table for a meal too. So, I think Hubs diet will start after the weekend.


Another year has passed. There has been loads of changes for us two this year. Some really good unexpected changes. Changes that if someone had told us would happen last year we wouldn’t believe it. We are still getting used to those changes but enjoying immensely learning all about a different way of being.


Of course, there was that awful scare we got when Hub was rushed to hospital. I wouldn’t wish for anything like that to happen again. We had six weeks of worry, three days of hell and now still coming to grips with what happened.


Our Son is in the same relationship as he was last year at this time. In fact, it’s two years for those two now. My boy doesn’t do short term relationships. His last girlfriend lasted three years. I can’t remember when I was that age people my age apart from me, staying in the same relationship for long… well actually apart from my brother too. As he was eighteen when he married. But in general people married around 23 plus and didn’t really live together. Now all of my Sons friends have been living with their girlfriends since they left school. He has a couple who have been in relationships for a couple of years but most four years plus. How do they even know what they want at that age? And the parents encouraging it by allowing the girls to live with them. When you see his friends, they are like old married couples who really have no spark left. Again, not all old couples as I know of (One) who still have a spark. Again, excluding Hub and myself… but I’m not old… he is… hahaha. Hub and I talk about when we are older and we know we will be just as happy and in love as we are now. as we just are meant to be together.  He told me yesterday I was the best thing that ever happened to him. Well he for sure is my hero. Knight in shining Armor and my everything.


Oh, today I have been somewhere I have been putting off for years… no joke. Two years Hub has asked me to go to this place and I have gone close every day, even ventured a little into this place, but came away as fast as I could say Boo.


So today was the day. I gulped. I shivered in fear of what I would find. My heart beat so fast as I knew I would have to finish what I started. Why today? I’m really not sure. But all I know is something had to be done. I had to do this. Best foot forward and into the ridiculously rickety robe!


I have a tiny wardrobe. It’s about 5 feet long. My clothes are packed in there so that they go in so very well ironed and come out needing to go back on the ironing pile to be done again. I can’t find anything I want, there are things in there I can’t even remember buying. And things that no way I would ever wear. Some things I wouldn’t ever buy, let alone wear. Some were gifts people like to buy me clothes and I’m not sure why as what they buy me sadly never fits apart from a couple of things my friend Di bought me and I have worn those things so many times they are threadbare. But one thing I chucked out today, oh, my, goodness. Never ever, ever would I wear that item. I’m not even too sure what I would call it? But it’s something that a matronly Dame would wear at a funeral, or what a transsexual would wear at a coming out party.

Oddly the person who bought me this well, em, thing, wasn’t too sure if she was Arthur or Martha. She used to buy Hub and myself the most horrific clothing… but thankfully she’s like a few other people now, we have managed to get out of our lives making way for kind genuine people who make us happy not anxious sad or angry. And this person ticked every negative box.


   My Son has bought a pair of dress shorts for night time when he goes abroad. He got them in a sale. £25 and because they are too big for him, he’s paying £15 to get them altered…. We tried to tell him to buy his clothes last week, then he would have had chance to send back and change size. But you know what our kids are like? They know it all, we have lived but things  are different now days. People today, do not do or feel what we used to… They also of course don’t make the same mistakes now days not the same as we made. As we of course were such a let down of a generation… We are old… Again, well, Hub is….


OK, on that note, I shall go and do some housework as I need the house to look really tidy for when our friends come. Funny my friend Pip was saying yesterday that she had to clean her walls…. She said you know when there is dust on your walls and you notice a mark? Haha. Em, no!!!

I guess I have dusty marked walls…



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