
Tuesday 2 October 2018


Good day Bloggets. Well it’s fast approaching 2 30 in the afternoon here. I at last have time to sit down before my dearest friend Geordie comes. She’s popping in with a gift for Hubs birthday, bless her. BW last minute Charlie, of course is shopping today for his Dads birthday. It’s Hubs day on Thursday, so tomorrow BW is working all day as well as Thursday, so this is his last chance to buy. I have asked him to pack for his holidays as you don’t know the stress he has over packing at midnight before leaving the next morning. He goes in a few days. He said he would start to pack tonight this is a good thing, believe me. I bought him factor 50 for his holidays. Sham laughed and said no way factor fifty on holiday. OK, burn then. They are both fair skin and they are going where it is so hot.


It’s really windy here. And last night we saw some rain. But it’s mild. The fragrance in my plug-in air freshener today is orange. It’s a dish that you fill with oil and plug in. it’s the only air freshener that I have found that works though you do have to fill it every couple of hours.


My friend has just took on a gun dog. He is retired. She doesn’t understand why he is being given away as he’s only six. But she also told me he was not so good at picking up birds…. Em, bit of a clue why they got rid of him? Mind you, I’m surprised knowing the minds of hunters, they didn’t just take a gun to the poor dog. Well now he has a good life and because he’s been used to being kept in a box, sorry, kennel, he is so much enjoying the freedom of the large house and land. There’s just the fact of the new kitten to work out…


I have just heard something disgusting on the news. In England a badger has been found hung from a football goal post. How disgraceful is that? Oh, I feel ill. I pray to God those evil people get found before the Police find them and they are dealt with.


My head is spinning today. I know I have been asked to write about something, Jim, tomorrow I shall touch on your subject. But I also wanted to talk about how I got from A, to B in the blind world, if I get chance later, I will tell you that. But todays subject? Oh, my, Saturday evening remember I went out? Well are you sitting comfortably, if so I shall begin.


OK, so most of you will know that I totally believe in angels. That is our name for them, not sure what they call themselves, not even sure what they are, who they are. I also believe in ghosts and what they, we, call spirit!


I used to go to a spiritualist church and I loved it. I met a really good friend there called Elaine. She really helped me when I was breaking up with my ex. She was a brick that I will never forget. So, those churches I loved because of many reasons. Firstly, it was release. Freedom, just for a couple of hours per week. And then there were the beautiful songs we would sing, songs with meaning. Not religious songs, but songs of compassion, love and thought!


We would pray, but it didn’t feel like we were praying to one person, thing, being. It was as if talking to our maker whoever he may be, or it may be. God? May be. Jesus? Possibly. Or another being with another name. but we spoke to our soul. We listened to our inner selves. We got chance to trust in something and that was so much what I needed back then, but I wasn’t one of these people I hear others talking about. I wasn’t vulnerable in the respect that  I just grabbed onto anything. No, I had been on my own for so long in life, probably from the age of six, that I needed no one but wanted someone. But trust was something I had long forgotten about and trust is something that I would have to take a long time in finding again.


So, when spiritualists came to me with a reading, and I didn’t believe them I would say no. or not me. I knew of people who would say yes to every suggestion that their loved ones were coming to them through spirit. I sussed them out as fast as I sussed out fake readers.


But then there were a few may be two people who would stand before us and really did have something to offer us. Only I would say two people, out of those three years I went to those churches really did tell the truth, as in they somehow knew what I had been doing the week before and no way they themselves could know about such events. Names dates and so on they would just know. No research could tell you what they knew, and I know from what I have experienced in life, that there is something out there I just don’t know what it is. I talk to my Dad a lot, tried talking with my Mum, but sadly I don’t feel her coming through. But my Dad he ‘s always there. I feel sad as does this mean he is wondering around earth lost? Not sure.


I have been able to predict deaths and births. And for me I regard this as a curse not a gift. I can’t just ask anything and have an answer and this is where I do wonder about these people who do perform on stage if you like. For me it comes very rarely thank goodness. I don’t like it and I don’t want it. We don’t use all of our brain at the same time, so, when that part isn’t being used, perhaps that is when out of normality kicks in. who knows.


So, a couple of weeks ago, may be more I went with my friend to a hotel to see a medium. Spiritualist. He was great, he got so much right, no one hesitated in their answers and he just seemed so genuine. Remember there were fifty of us and we were the only two who didn’t get a reading?  Well we went to see him again this time in what they call a spiritualist centre…


Well as soon as my friend and myself walked into this place, I really didn’t like it. He came on stage and that is what he was. An actor. He was shocking. He was like a totally different person. Almost sinister. Seriously. I couldn’t wait for him to finish. He made everything up as he went along it was so obvious and as for the congregation? Oh, my, where the heck they got them from, is beyond me.


I got out into the street. Turned to my friend and said. Okay, I shall let you go first. What did you make of him tonight? She replied. He was awful. I was really disappointed. And she went on to say loads of things I agreed with. I said to her. It’s as if it’s a totally different person, she replied, funny you should say that, he has got a twin brother. I was shocked. I thought she was joking. But she wasn’t. she said she looked him up when she got home after the last time we went. He has a twin, he was investigated some years ago for punching a member of public at one of his shows… he likes his alcohol.   Oh, and the list went on… so he is a showman. But I still have a theory. The first guy wasn’t the second… I do wonder if they are twins and they work together. I mean, he works every single night of the year apart from may be seven. Who can work that amount of time? The first time I saw him, he was really nice, it was a lovely atmosphere. Second time I felt like I wanted to leave from second three. He wasn’t a nice man and the messages were just dreadful. He talked so much about other shows he has done. Who cares? We wanted to see him to see if our loved ones came through, not talk about Betty’s birthday party at one of his shows ten years ago… he just kept talking about his past shows and the little he spoke about now, to people there, was so bad… also he kept talking about two ladies’ names. Well we have done research and found out that he speaks of the same ladies’ names all of the time, and these two names were the same as the ones he was talking about in his last show… and on research, we learned that those names are the names of his Grandmother and Mother. I guess that is so he doesn’t forget them? It was a huge act. But, what was the first one we saw? No way that was an act this is why I think he is a double act with his brother… he may be able to contact those who have moved on but his brother should get a day job. If it was two men. if it’s the same one? I really have been conned. And normally I can smell a rat from a mile… he was a huge dirty rat.


Will I be put off going to places like this again? No. am I furious that people go around saying they can sense those who have moved on? Yes. Especially when they are fake.


Talking before about our brain. There are things we can do to improve our vital organ. Eat well for starters. Food that contains vitamin E. Such as Broccoli, blueberries and spinach.

Foods high in Beta carotene such as sweet potatoes, spinach and red peppers.

Also, oily fish and olive oil. Looking at this list, I actually do OK. Apart from oily fish, I eat everything else, I guess just not enough.

Eat these foods and exercise, and you will lower the chance of getting dementia. Hmm. Until that last part, where it had the E word, I was doing so well.


Also challenge your brain like doing cross words and reading helps. Could writing be included? Smile…


So on reflection, trust that T word. It’s a word I just find hard in believing these days. Hub is the same. Unless it’s me him or our Son, we just keep our shoes and hats on. Laters.






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