
Sunday 7 October 2018


 Good day Bloggets. Thank you all so much for your lovely emails. We have almost received 350,000 views and I’m grateful for all of your well wishes but I write this blog for you as I have obviously chosen not to add adverts because I know it would be really awkward to read if you use a screen reader. Can I apologise for anyone who has written comments on my blog page, as I said in the last blog, I can’t access comments not sure why? Thankfully most people email so I can communicate that way.


It’s cold today but sunny, so after Hub and I went to the shop to take one of his birthday gifts back, we took the dogs for a walk. There was a lady who had one of those ball throwers, I’m sure they have a proper name, but her poor dog didn’t have a look in with our two brutes. We stopped to talk with her and she was so sweet.  We joked after about twenty minutes saying thank you for exercising our dogs… Her poor dog gave up running for the ball after realising he couldn’t compete with Waggs and LF.  He was a lovely red fox lab. So, we had every colour today with my black little one and Hubs golden dog.


Hubs sitting with a cup of coffee and a slice of his birthday cake. Gosh, there’s so much of it. I felt so bad cutting it as it was really beautiful. So, kind of our friend. She brought it yesterday, we had a lovely day, she came from where I used to live with our friend Yvonne. We had a great afternoon. Hub had another birthday meal kindly Yvonne took us out for lunch as a gift. Hub also received a large bag full of all kinds of nuts from our dear friend Kinzy. He received his favourite black socks too. I have never known anyone be so pleased to receive socks. He always likes plain black so he doesn’t need to worry about matching them.


Today our gardener came. He hasn’t been for a while. As always, he has done a great job. He is so trusting and that is why I like him. My friend said the other day we had a tidy garden. She also counted the apples on our tree. We have 26. We really don’t deserve any apples and as regards our garden being tidy? I really don’t know how. Hub cuts back the thorns and apart from that, we do nothing. We don’t even really water the garden and this summer has been so very hot, goodness knows how we have anything still alive.


Our Son arrived safely on his holiday. I hope they have a great time. Sham was excited to go. She works hard along with BW so I hope they both come back chilled.


Next week Hub is taking time off work he needs a rest. He has a busy week this week. I hope the weather will be kind and we may be able to get out. Or I might see what is on at the theatre. And of course, we are visiting friends next week too.


I’m going to get our garden furniture in now for the winter, though it’s said that the next few days will be hot again. It’s so difficult to imagine right now as it’s freezing.


Well we have two very tired dogs and I suspect they are hungry so I shall go and feed them.


Before I go, re hunters and hunting dogs or gun dogs as they call them there was a comment sent to me and this person thought I was talking about them. Well I know they hunt, they kill so many birds they have to hire a van, they had a hunting dog, they didn’t shoot it when it was no longer any good, they gave it away. It was only because their father kindly took it back as the person the hunter gave it to didn’t want the poor dog, so they thought I was writing about them. Haha. No, oddly I have better things to do. I was talking about my friend who is the wife of a farmer. She was saying that she knows so many people who do get rid of their dogs when they are no longer working. It’s sad. But I guess it’s not much life for them hunting all the time either as I don’t believe you can love animals i.e dogs if you hunt.


My friend luckily has saved a lovely black lab who was a working dog as they call them, and now he has a very happy life.


Take care chat later.




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