
Wednesday 17 October 2018


Good day Bloggets. I had a meeting booked in for me at one today. By the time it was 2.00, I was getting cross. By 2.20 pm, I learned that the meeting was a total waist of time. Sloppy workmanship and people suffering from lazy itus. What is wrong with people these days? You have a job, be grateful for that and be proud of what you do, don’t just turn up and exist. Have some kind of pride in your achievements. Know you have made a difference in someone’s life and managed to change something for someone. Whether it be repairing a car or signing an agreement to make someone’s life easier. Manage to go behind the scenes and find a jacket that wasn’t on display so that person can go home happy with their purchase. Or agree to funding a charity so that others can get on with helping and saving lives. But to stand like a dope and have no answers is just time wasting for me and the lovely person I was with.


But whilst I’m grumbling, I have to stop and think of others who are in pain right now. I know she won’t mind me saying her name, but a huge hug goes out to Magda and her family. My love is sent your way in your hours of grief. Be strong honey you can do this. Be proud of your heart too!


For the past hour I have been writing catching up with you all through emails. Thank you again for your words. Hub is taking an early bath listening to his favourite radio drama. Our dogs are fed and Waggs is laying on the rug in front of the fire and if you could hear her snoring? She sounds 11, not 7.


My baby let me know he’s back from Trinidad last night and back in Cuba. He said he went swimming in the beautiful waters after a track through the mountains. I’m trying to buy his food for when he returns. It’s difficult not to buy beans and rice, when he is a vegan, but that is all he is eating where he is so I doubt he will want to see another bean or grain of rice for a while when he gets back.


I have bought him vegan pasta white sauce to make him a lasagne for when he returns later on this week. It’s almost half the size of the one with eggs and it’s double the price. Shocking that they rip people off. I have not had any suggestions to a good vegan cheese yet, again, if anyone knows of where in the UK I can buy that I would be grateful as the one we have been buying is the most revolting thing ever.


It’s going to be so cold tonight and frosty tomorrow morning. We are out for a long dog walk I hope. We all need to have a good stretch of our limns. So, I hope it won’t be slippy under our  feet. Believe me, if I fall, our recent court law allowing Fracking to take place in Lancashire, locals will think already they are seeing negative signs… the ground will move for sure. Once the Fifi has fallen, the cracks will open up.


In our news, in England, our trains again make headlines. We are in a really bad way with our railway. It used to be the best form of travel I thought. Now it’s a nightmare. My Husband is travelling on trains next week with his work, I fear for him.


Did you know the banana is dying? No one is buying them anymore. What a shame. They are so good for us. Unless you are my Hub and allergic to them, but they are a magical food that has been forgotten about. I remember when I was a child. Sliced banana with a little sugar in white bread with some butter was part of our diet when we visited our Nanna… Healthy eating wasn’t thought of in those days. Haha.


There is a tree competition in England every year. The competition is to raise awareness of England’s unique trees and history attached to them and the trust is campaigning to have a national list to protect them! The Ankerwycke, is 2000 years old and it is said that it witnessed the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215. That was a peace treaty,  agreed by King John of England.


There is a tree called the witch’s broom which apparently can look like a human skull. (Nice) not… an oak tree which has said has received a Bijou dining experience in its hollow! A yew tree said to be from 1066. Wow, I love trees, they have seen so much. I always think about them as some kind of God. They just stand there listening to so much, seeing more and witnessing trees near them being cut down whilst they provide only good for us humans. Without trees we would all die. I love Nellies tree. I think it’s a beech tree. A man was in love with a lady called Nelly. He would walk along the train track every day to see her. On his way to visit one day he went to three trees and entwined them together to make an initial of the letter N. 100 years later it’s huge and still the shape of the letter.    The tree is popular among couples still today. This year it was nominated by The Grandson of Nelly and the man who became her Husband who grafted the tree Vic.


There is a tree in London that is rumoured to have been planted by Russia’s Tsar Peter the Great.   

I have written before about the tree I grafted in Russia’s friendship garden. I’m proud to say I share a tree with our ex-Prime Minister Tony Ben and the Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin!


Trees will one day not exist I’m sure unless we fight for their rights. Talking of rights, I have written about fracking that is now going to be allowed in England. Three men last July were arrested for protesting and sent to jail for up to fifteen months. Disgusting. A paedophile can commit the worst crime and get six months in prison. Three men can try to save our planet and get over a year. Something really is wrong with our justice system in the UK.


“Don’t ever be ashamed or afraid to be who you want to be or stay away from whoever you want to be with.”” (FC)

And on that note, I shall go for now. With love.