
Monday 15 October 2018


Good evening Bloggets. Well after a huge panic attack with Hub and myself, where it involved the internet, Alexa and picking Hubs brains considering he once was head of International development and this included so much travel around the world, so obviously he would know and understand my predicament? What is it I hear you shouting?


You know our Son is on holiday in Cuba. Well 2 a.m. earlier today I received a text from him saying Hi Mum tomorrow we are going to Trinidad.

Say what? Alexa informed me it was just over one thousand six hundred miles away from where he was or, is, in Cuba. The distance between Edinburgh and London is something like three hundred miles. How much would that cost? How long would he be in transit?

Answer thanks to Google, $720 what’s that, about £500? And almost three hours in the air. For one night?


Well as if I’m not with a more speedily heartbeat until he’s home, without having to worry about him doing that?


A couple of texts later, I learned that our Sons parents are not as good at geography as they thought they were.


So, it’s not Trinidad in Tobago,

But Trinidad in Cuba. A bus ride away. Half an hour. They are still staying overnight, but not flying. Then Hub reminded me that actually they may have been safer in the air as on the roads. Haha.


With a 19th century colonial home, now turned into a Museum, and the finest Spanish mansion’s and churches. Higgledy piggledy cobblestone peter out into the mountains. You can take a steam train to the sugar plantations and enjoy horse riding along the beautiful white sands. Learn how to Salsa dance and enjoy the local music.   So much public art,

Marble sculptures and benches adorn the cities square surrounded by historic buildings. Amazing restaurants with views. Beautiful coloured buildings including the colour turquoise.   He’s still going to Havana, but not overnight, just for the day. They have made friends so are going with them. I must say, Trinidad sounds stunning when you read more about it. If you have been there or live there, would be great to hear from you.


My heart had a normal beat after half an hour. And then left to sleep before waking up today and meeting our friend going to the shops as the weather was awful. Hub got some new clothes and I bought some nice Christmas gifts and I know, already, it’s too early, but we have so many people to buy for, if I get it done now, when it comes to December, I just need to have focus for two people the most difficult to buy for, Hub and Boy Wonder. I have Shamrocks gift half of my Brothers and Sister in laws, and Hubs brother and sister in law too. I have two of my friends bought for and half of another, so about eleven other people to buy for, friends and a couple of special neighbours. Everyone in our street are all friends but we only buy for a couple of neighbours. Have done since we moved in as I’m close friends with the lady.


I have noticed this year, there are some really unusual ornaments for Christmas. Some beautiful, some unusual and some totally different to what I have seen before. 

But it’s still ridiculous buying for Christmas in October. Though I am looking forward to the season of Christmas. And we have some lovely plans for the lead up to the big day.

But enough about the C, word for now. let’s think about Diwali, our beautiful neighbours celebrate that, Halloween then November the 5th. And then, start the chats and blogs about the most exciting time of the year. Or in my blogs case, time to reflect and think about those who live on their own.


So, after a great time shopping the three of us went for our lunch. We went to a pub near by but not easy to get to with guide dogs. We had a delicious meal. You help yourself and my friend is one of those friends who piles my plate up. I like that kind of friend. Though after the absolutely delicious dinner, I couldn’t move. I had, ready for this? Creamy mash potato, New potatoes and roast potatoes. Green beans, carrots, sprouts, cabbage with what seemed to be a cream, mushroom and leak sauce. I also had what we call stuffing, which is sage and onion with butter cooked in the oven. I had vegetarian gravy and a huge Yorkshire pudding. Yum. And because I didn’t want meat, they offered me a pie. A vegetarian mushroom pie. Oh, my goodness. I turned to my friend and asked her if there was a sofa in the pub. She laughed, I wasn’t joking, haha. And then said I needed a wheelbarrow to carry me out. I don’t eat much so when I do, my body goes into shut down. My friend used to be a nurse and told me that she thinks it’s because of all of the operations I have had on my stomach. She suggested that I had a small stomach. I looked down, (As if I could see it) and replied.

“You are joking love?”” she laughed and explained….


We had a lovely morning the three of us. She’s great. It’s so good to gets out without stress or having to stick to the same shops as we normally do. But to go to shops we didn’t even know were there.


A chilled-out evening, loads of TV to watch and Hub is sitting with a dish of his favourite chocolates he got from our besties.


 Six more nights before my baby is home. Not that I’m counting of course…


Once again sorry to those who have people who have died in the latest dreadful floods in the South of France. I feel for you. Our world is going mad. At one time we heard of may be two weather related disasters per year. And certainly not in Europe. Now, it’s almost every month. The US had a huge hit with it and in the UK, there has been land slides killing two people and so many poor sheep. Over a hundred. That’s just in the past two weeks.


We have to seriously do something about our planet or our children won’t have a life.


You could start by walking to the local shop or walking to collect your child. Stop eating as much beef would also help and when parked up waiting for someone, turn off your engine?





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