
Wednesday 12 July 2017


Good afternoon Bloggets. Chasing life again. Seriously, I have been on the phone again to the tax department. My so-called case has been an ongoing experience since the start of May. It should take no more than five weeks. They said after eight weeks, I would hear by last Friday. Called today, oh, guess what? They forgot, just like the guy coming to fix our bath for the past four months. He is honest, and keeps saying sorry, but he forgets too. Hub says he thinks we live in a black hole.


As soon as our Son moves out with his girlfriend we are moving house, I have had enough of life here. People of late have really shown what they are all about and I am sure it is this area. I have some lovely friends but they all have cars my friends who can’t see, can visit us in the way they do, by train. Even that though is a bit of a trek.


Hub and I obviously live in the same house, share the same bills. An yet before, I received a call from our electric and gas people asking to talk with Hub. I said he is at work, can I help? No, we need to talk with Mr. Blogget. Smile. It’s bloody electric and gas, not his medical records.


My lap top has started to do funny sounds, but I quite like them. I haven’t to my knowledge done anything to update my system, so why or how it’s doing this, I just don’t know.


My Husband downloaded an ap on his iPhone yesterday. It’s something he had on his old phone and not this one, so we had to pay for another one. It’s called Black Square. I think I told a friend earlier it was Blind square, but I’m sure it’s black. It’s for navigation. Our friends friend, gave us a demonstration the other day and it looks great.


We are going to need every single bit of help come this weekend to navigate. I’m a little scared but let’s see how far we get to our destination. It’s a bit of a nightmare. If I take my Wagga, she will have heart failure, she hates the town, if I take my white cane, I have never been before so won’t have a clue where to go. Hub and the Little Fella, march off, fast. I can’t keep up.

I can see me getting soo’oo’oo lost.


Shopping arrived Groceries. The guy today had the personality of a doormat. Bless him. He was lovely and polite, I have had him deliver many times, he is always the same. I wonder if I am the only person who takes the bags at the door and comes back for more and more? Most of my friends get the guys to come in and pop bags on the worktops. I just don’t like people in my house. Also, we have at least one dog home and mine in particular, will be all over him and a lot of the delivery guys don’t like dogs. One does, and he is so sweet, but he insists he has brought his favourite dogs a treat. He then hands over a huge chew, but I don’t like giving them anything from strangers because you just don’t know what on earth it is? Where it has been or how long it’s been where it’s been for!


It’s a beautiful day. Birds are so quiet these days around here. I miss them. I miss my canary too, he was Irish you know? So, tempted to buy another, but believe that birds should fly free in their countries where they come from.


My Son has booked his forth holiday this year. He is going to the Caribbean. Two weeks.


Today would have been my ex-husbands and mine anniversary. Gosh, we would have been married I think 32 years. I think. I remember the weather was lovely on that day too. Back then, I had a Mum and Dad. Soon it will be my Dads anniversary of his death nineteen years.  And a few months later, nineteen for my Mum too. I hope there is a life after this one and I pray wherever they are now, they are happy and life on that land is better than it was for them on this land.


In our news? Measles have taken the lives of 35 people in Europe. I remember the days when I had to decide whether or not to have my Son vaccinated. I am glad I did now.

In America, a braindead lady age 21, has been kept alive for over 100 days to give birth. Sad. Very sad. But I guess happy for Father and the lady’s parents. But tragic for the new born as when they grow up, how will they feel?


There is absolutely nothing different in our news. The news in the UK used to be the best in the world. It was so varied. Now, it’s the same news in the morning that was heard the night before and the same at night, than it was in the morning. As for celebrity news? Haha, that’s a joke, I am so out of touch I don’t recognise any of the so-called celebs.


Gosh last night or should I say this morning, I had a dreadful nightmare. One of those life changing ones. I wish we could pick our nightmares, or dreams like we would pick a movie to watch? Wow, wouldn’t that be great? You would look forward to dreaming so much sleep would be easier I would think. Sleep for me is awful. Always has been. I never sleep more than three hours these days, used to be four. Didn’t help my Son coming in today and our LF barking. At twenty to six. Then Hub had to be awake for half six.


I’m going to have to go and get my dog from our conservatory. It’s boiling in there, she is loving it but it is so dangerous. Please never leave your dogs in a hot car or conservatory if you are going to leave the house. They will die, and before they do, they will suffer.






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