
Monday 24 July 2017


It’s been a funny old day for weather. It rained so hard today, this morning, it was as if being at the beach on a stormy day, with the teal water lashing against the grey rocks! This afternoon, I have had to come in as it’s so hot I’m burning.


Our dogs have been for a free run and they loved it. My Son has been at work, sadly he was meant to go out with his friends tonight, but he has chosen once again to see his beloved Shamrock.


I have been in the garden cutting or is it called pruning, smile, God help our shrubs and roses now. Hub has been fighting with the hose. Or, watering the plants.


I have made my simple leek pie for dinner. Sounds gross but is really scrumptious. I have told you about it before. Cook chopped leeks in butter. Put in a oven dish. Then pour over two cans of baked beans in tomato sauce. Then add cheese. Then loads of buttery mash potatoes with grated cheese and today I fried an onion after the leeks and mixed that in with the mash. Then after seasoning with salt and pepper, put it in the oven for 35 minutes. I make loads and oddly, it’s always better the next day.


We went to our friend’s house last night. It shocks me just how many people drink so much alcohol. I was saying that if the Government made it so buying it for home went up by 50% and to buy out and about, it increased by 40% and brought the cost of activities and swimming pools, gym membership and other things that young people could perhaps get into such as ten pin bowling and there were classes to do more art and woodwork, pottery and perhaps cookery classes then in the long run,, it would save our country thousands if not millions because surely there would be no such thing as diabetes because there would be fewer people overweight and especially if they increased a pack of cigarettes by 50%? Also, it’s a fact that exercise helps to lessen depression.


Whilst I was putting the world right in my opinion, I said it’s awful for parents who work to find childcare in the summer holidays too. I mean between 6 and 7 weeks of holiday for our kids in the summer can be a nightmare. What happens is, when our kids get to about 11, parents leave them thinking they are safe in the house. My Son always had me at home and the amount of his friends who used to joke saying their Mum thought they were at home, but in fact they had been at my house and many other places where the parents were totally oblivious to. They just made sure they were home before their parents came home. more kids bored getting into trouble. So, in the 6-week holiday, keep the schools open. Get checked volunteers to come in or even payed professionals who charges the parents so much per day, and it would be much less than childcare, because there were a lot of children. Academies to learn to play football, cricket, tennis, arts and crafts and so on. So, school would be fun for the summer, even things like horse riding or swimming as there are schools with pools. Most children go to schools not far from where they live and a lot of them over nine, walk there on their own. So, no stress for parents having to even find transport. Some teachers would be paid to supervise. So, the kids would get hooked into sports or other hobbies and it would continue after school when they were much older. It would be like a way of life. Rather than the drink culture that is an epidemic in our country right now and has been for years. And for those reading this who are saying oh no to the increase of alcohol, well, why are you saying this? Is it because you can’t think of a weekend or even night, without your alcohol? If so, well, your health will suffer in the future, do you really want this for your children? What would you rather say to your colleagues or friends, oh, my Son is out drinking, or, he is playing cricket. My daughter couldn’t get out of bed on Sunday, she was hungover, or, my daughter spent the weekend cooking with her friends and then had a great time comparing one an others dishes, or our kids went camping at the weekend and took guitars and ball games.


Hub and I went to our local shop to buy mushrooms. Strawberry’s, and bread. What did we come back with? Salmon steaks and crisps. Yep, the dreaded C word.  Tomorrow though I’m going to stop eating bread again and then I will follow by crisps. We were saying we would love to go swimming, but for those who can’t see it’s so hard. We are always afraid to bump into anyone, mind you, the way I swim, they won’t get hurt, I’m like a log battling against the tide, I seem to almost kill myself heart pumping as if I have ran a marathon and I get nowhere. My friend JB is as I always say, amazing, she goes at sixish in the morning before people get there, but she lives next to the pool, we are far from the one I want to go to, there is a one near us but again it would require a taxi and before seven in the morning the taxi would be about £12 there and back. Then it’s at least £10 to swim, see what I mean? But we can go out and buy bottles of beer and a bottle of wine and come back with change of that same amount.


Right I shall go for now the start of the week begins here and I hope yours is a good one. At least better than last weeks, but not as good as next week. Xx





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