
Friday 21 July 2017


Today we have had views from Bangladesh, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, South Africa, Canada, Australia, UK, US and The Netherlands. I’m sure your country has looked too, but as I keep saying, I can only see the top ten countries.


Just had dinner. It was delicious. I made pulled pork for the family, to be honest, by the time I sort out the meat being a vegetarian, every kind of meat looks blooming pulled. I hate touching it but it has to be done sadly. There isn’t a chance I can get my Son to be a vegetarian again, though I am sure if Shamrock became one, he would follow, just there is no way she will ever give up meat. As for Hub, he could, but he would complain a lot. My ex was easy he was never a fan of meat, I loved it, but I love animals more. My Son saved the animals until he was thirteen then he started to eat it sadly.


I made new potatoes they were really lovely, green cabbage, butter beans and carrots with Yorkshire puddings and onion gravy.

My garden fairy has been today and put more plants into my basket. It smells lovely. I had a cow bell out there and sadly it’s gone. A shame really because it was bought on holiday and I loved it. Where it’s gone, is a mystery. I noticed it a few weeks ago. Or I should say I didn’t notice it.


I had a beautiful wind chime in my back garden. He was a Peacock. Well only half of him hangs now. It looks rather bad, I should cut it down, but it’s mangled in the roses that have sadly died this year. They were what my Mother in law gave us at our first house and they have survived eight years and moves, but this year are very sad looking.


It’s forecast to rain this weekend. But going to be warm. All of my wedding poems have been sent off and I hope they have a wonderful wedding and are madly in love forever. I did tell you years ago, I wrote a poem for a guy from him to his wife to be and some years later he sent me an email. I recognised his name as it was very unusual. I checked my files and sadly, yes, it was the same man. He was asking me to write a poem to his wife for their divorce haha. Bless. He was heartbroken. Tried to get her back. No pressure Fifi. Well it was too late for that but he wrote to me again after that to ask for another poem. This time it was for his second wedding, again his name was familiar but today I was approached to write a poem and until I called the person, I hadn’t recognised that I wrote for him two years ago. It’s a happy outcome for him though I am pleased to say.


It’s almost eight in the evening and the traffic here is dreadful. So loud. It’s like being in Deli. My Son has another hour to go at work. My kitchen looks like a murder scene so I better go and fix it as I hate it being messy.


Before I go, some fun for Friday.

What would you pick, you can only have one of these attributes?

Being very very attractive

Being a genius

Or famous for doing something great?  For me, I guess doing something great.


If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? For me, weight.

 What do you think the right age is to marry? Personally, over 21 for sure.

What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Hahahah. Gosh, that’s difficult, I would not be seen, but to get anywhere, my guide dog and stick would be seen, wouldn’t it?

If you could time travel, where would you go? Me, heaven, is that included? Oh, I love that subject. My friend is very religious and she says she cannot wait to meet Jesus. My Husband thinks that is a scary view, because what if it’s all not true? But she totally believes it is. We were talking about it the other day. I hope there is such a place, but, what will it look like?

Would you rather live for a week in the past or the future? Me, hmm. Depends how much in the future, as if I could see no question, it would be the past, but what if it’s so far in the future there is no such thing as blindness and I could live a week seeing

And finally, if you could ask your pet three questions and get answers, what would they be? For me,


Why do you give so much love?

What is the best thing you like to do and are you in any kind of pain.

I hope their answers would be (Because I love you so much and I’m so happy here. Having my tummy tickled and hearing you and Daddy laughing and no pain at all.)


OK, TV time after a clean in the cooking room. Sleep well tonight and only have beautiful dreams. That’s an order. X


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