
Thursday 14 December 2017


Good evening Bloggets. I’m about to get ready to totally humiliate my Husband… Me, I don’t care, it’s fun. But poor Hub doesn’t deal with this situation at all an yet we go through his pain every week at the same time! I will return home and hear the same old same old thing how we have embarrassed ourselves. Hahaha. I will smile silently so he can’t see me and try not to encourage him into talking to me with questions other than rhetorical, as I really won’t be able to answer without showing the shape of my face giving away the beam upon it.


I’m wearing my Christmas jumper. So, I shall look like a walking talking penguin. It has pompoms that need adjusting as where they are situated now are not quite appropriate haha.


Yep, we are going to the local pub quiz. There will be about forty questions and the week after Christmas, there are over sixty questions, well my Husband said this will mean we will get more wrong and I just replied. “We will get a higher number correct, surely?””


My Son has been ill for two and a half days with the Shamrock bug. She works for the NHS as a care assistant and seriously she brings all sorts home not only nice hot chocolate with marshmallows and treats for us all, but nasties that we really don’t want to share with her!


I have gone around the house really cleaning every light switch, every door handle and totally cleaned the bathrooms. All sparkling. Hub comes home and wants to Christen my bath so not so sparkly dot com.


It’s rained all day and it’s cold so no doubt there will be dangerous walking for us I hate that.


OK, it’s a short blog as my dogs are driving me crazy I can only hear every three words. LF is bashing Wagga tail with the big squeaky wheel and he is growling like a lion. Funny thing is, she is so quiet she doesn’t growl or make any sound apart from tiny tapping on the wood floor where as LF, oh, my. He has a funny walk as if to dance he brings his toy to you and tap dances in front of you. He thumps along the floor with attitude and he is so cute. I said it before and I shall say it again. All the toys and our two dogs want what the other one has. Why is this?


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