
Saturday 23 December 2017


Gosh, wow, I have just come in from our local huge building which is our grocery store. They call it a super store. I guess as in size. As there is absolutely nothing super as in wonderful about it.


Oh, my goodness. As one left the store I felt as if I needed therapy. People are so miserable, unhappy, stressed whatever motion you can think of that is dark, deep and depressing!


I hear sounds I’m blessed with Okay hearing. So, I see nothing at all but hear what people are saying. Firstly, people were complaining about there being no baskets. I mean, what? For customers to have nowhere to put their shopping? Ridiculous. One person was saying to another that they struggled to find a trolley. One man asked a very stressed member of staff why was that isle empty? Answer, we haven’t had the delivery today. Another person, a mother told their child to be quiet as they couldn’t be bothered with all that shopping and another Mother screamed at her child not to talk, saying they couldn’t get what they wanted…


I went in for 6 items came out with three. That was enough for me. Even the music was so quiet I couldn’t hear it so why bother? Gosh when I have watched old American movies, people are shopping with smiles buying candy sticks, chestnuts and oranges for their homes. Haha.


This year friends just seem to be in a state of worry and depression.  The atmosphere is thick with sadness. What a real shame. I have loads of theories why this is but don’t want to bore you with what I think. It’s society and it really can’t get any better if the media and huge companies keep continuing to destroy the real meaning of Christmas. Even churches now days are changing to so call keep up with the modern way of life. There is a great word called Tradition… Oddly, that doesn’t mean now and future. It’s something that we have always done in our past and wish to keep up the way of life.


Families just don’t get on now like they used to. Friends are selfish too wrapped up in their own life and no one has time for anyone today.


Christmas should be calm kind and caring. And if you can be like that at this time of year, then hopefully we can carry it out through the year.


It’s a very sad time for a lot of people. Some have lost loved ones this year and this is their first Christmas without that person. For me it’s my nineteenth Christmas without my parents and believe me it still really hurts deep into my heart.  I feel for those who are just starting this horrid road. Hub really misses his Mum as do I but we carry on. English people used to hide their feelings but now we wear our thoughts on our sleeve for everyone to see. And, boy, did I see, or hear it today.


I think we should all have to go to lessons of life and this is where I miss my spiritual church I used to attend. It would be there where we would talk about caring for others. Being there. And by doing that, they are there for us.


Hub and I have really struggled this year with buying gifts, food and just small things like wrapping paper cards and so on. It’s been so difficult. And apart from one friend who after texting me to tell me how busy she is right now and stressing, she asked if she could pick anything up for me. Well I hate bothering people, so I wouldn’t ask, especially knowing just how busy she is. Also, I love to shop and hate the idea someone else picks my things for me. It would be lovely to pop in our car and go shopping, Hub and I arm in arm. Loving the fact, we can browse at what is in the shopping isles or what isn’t there. To be able to touch smell anything fragrant feel what we are buying, see the colours. But no, we have to order most things on line. Not knowing what gifts look like until they arrive.


Thankfully I don’t see a family member, who used to complain about everything I bought her. That used to really hurt.


Our friends have been coming telling us their troubles but not once do they wonder if we are OK… Fine, rant over. It’s that shop, I tell you. Put me in a grumpy mood or reflections that I need to get out of my head so I can start to enjoy Christmas.


I received a beautiful email from a Dear Blogget and friend yesterday that read about how she was looking forward to Christmas, though this year is different for her.  So, I know someone out there is looking forward to the big day, and that is what it is, a big day. For those worrying about not being able to pay for a good Christmas, for me personally, the best gift I could receive from our Son would be his time, something he isn’t generous with. Costs nothing. For another who will wake up alone on Christmas day, to know that someone will pop in to say merry Christmas will be their best gift. Some people have family members who won’t even phone each other on Christmas day. Not even a text. Some people will call their parents and realise after no answer, that they are not at home. Where are they? They haven’t even bothered to let them know they are away for Christmas day…  leaving that person feel like rubbish, insignificant to whoever they were trying to call.


Some families all get together, a huge family. All around the table, but they may be just going through the motions. This is what we need to remember, just because some people have ten around the table doesn’t mean all in the garden is well. I have a friend who has eleven family members around her table and she dislikes many of them. Thankfully we got rid of all those we dislike… There will be three of us around our table and that is enough for me. But for those who are on their own, you, aren’t the only one…


Let me tell you about our church that did make me smile then recoil. They had a beer and curry night… in the church. Now at first, I thought that’s nice. But then I wondered what our last vicar would have thought of such an event. Our new vicar is very very modern. He wants to attract the young for the future of the church. But what about the faithful elderly people who have gone for years? Do they really want to watch a three-legged race in their place of reflection and worship and connect their iPhone to a screen at the front of the church? Why should our churches move with the flow? As the flow isn’t always the best thing, right? A happy medium is what I say, going back to the days of my spiritual church. Haha.


I wish I could invent a religion. For all cultures called a humane church. Where people were just kind. Took time to think about others as I say, if we thought of others, they would think of us, right?


I know my Husband is feeling rather let down now by some people but we are strong together and we will see this through. We have both had to grow up quick as kids seen and heard things we should have never done as children at boarding school, and I guess that has prepared us for todays let downs, but sometimes it just catches us up and lets us remember that really, we stand alone. It makes us or breaks us.


It was lovely to hear from our brother yesterday and we hope to see him soon. And my friends Mum called us last night I thought that was so special. She isn’t my family and for her to do that is so kind. I shall call my brother and sister in law on Christmas day and will talk to you all through my blogs. I will let you know of our gifts but always remembering that the best gifts of all is love and kindness.


For all of us who have family away abroad or just in the same country but apart this year, a circle of love I hope will be shared in our hearts.


I’m now about to go out and use a hammer… Well, a mallet. To make sure our penguin can’t escape as winds are due later. By the way did I tell you, I heard that our house was voted the best in our street for decorations I was really proud of that, not bad for two blindies, right? Haha. At least this year my bells are ringing the right way and my angel isn’t on her head… our projector isn’t lighting up next door and my swinging Santa has survived.


Sending lots of love, I shall be back later today with some silliness. X


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