
Wednesday 13 December 2017


Good evening Bloggets. I hope you are all well?  I’ve just got in its dark out there freezing cold and a cup of hot coffee has gone down a treat. I went with Wagga out a little scared in case it was icy we don’t know if it’s icy until sometimes it’s too late.  Sometimes there is no ice in our drive but once on the path especially when we are walking under shady areas it’s not had any sun so stays Icey all day. I hate that. Though I love the winter. I put on my warm long coat it’s not attractive it’s a proper coat for if it rains and it’s so warm. But it was dark and no one could see me, haha, right? Wagga just loves going out and she wagged her way around to the shops. Hub stayed at home as we are waiting again for parcels for Christmas.


This afternoon we put up most of our outside decorations. Our darling neighbours came out and in his lovely Indian accent he told me everything looked very pretty. They are the sweetest neighbours. I wish if we moved we could move them with us.


Well the large penguin I bought? My old Bloggets who have been reading my blogs for some Christmases now will know every year I have a story to tell about our decorations. Last year took some beating just for those who haven’t read it, in short, He was my teen at the time, now Boy Wonder as he’s now twenty, came home from work. It was late dark and Icey cold again. There was me with the biggest smile on my face as seriously Hub is the grumpiest person when we are putting outdoor stuff out, though this year he has been OK. So far… More later on that… anyway, as our Son pulled in the drive, we just heard him say.

“Oh guys, oh, my God, oh, no’oo’oo’oo!!! You can’t? “We just said, we can and we have.


As Hub was on the ground with an inflatable nut cracker towering above him, trying to stuff it with a large empty milk bottle filled now with water, let’s just say it looked, well, inappropriate…

Whilst our boy was cringing with embarrassment, at the same time he was taking photographs I just imagined the scene. The nut cracker had a big cheesy smile on his face with a moustache painted on his face… And Hub shoving a large bottle up his derriere!

The nutcrackers bottom, not Hubs…

Well to on lookers, the nutcracker looked as if he was happy…


One of the young lads went by when we came in the house I was at the window putting our lights on our indoor tree and all I heard was a laughter coming from outside. When I went out to look, the moustache wearing guy was on his back looking as if he had a sherry too many.


Well this year we have a Santa climbing up a rope ladder and he looks as if he has had too much of life and had to end it all… He’s just hanging there. Swinging in the wind… but, his hat keeps coming off and obviously it’s not meant to so you should see his head? Hahahahahahhahaha.

 Well, how can I describe it? Tacky? Yep, that’s what it is. Oh, but it gets better… My Son and I went out to buy a large decoration and he told me there were some great penguins. So, I bought one in its box. Brought it home and Hub and I fixed it together today… I kept saying as Hub was dealing with things on the ground level, (No bottle in sight this year.)

“Gosh, it’s beak is a bit on the long side?”” Hub asked what did I mean? I said, well it’s huge and floppy just hanging there… As we positioned it with long beak facing the front of the garden, I then realised that he had in fact two beaks?

Surely not, penguins don’t have two beaks… hahahaha. Nope, well this is BW’s fault as our penguin let’s say, isn’t a penguin… I am guessing he’s a snowman. As he has a scarf and a hat. No beak in sight. So, what I thought was a beak, in fact is his arms.

I think? I’m slightly worried.

Boy Wonder isn’t home for hours.


 We put up our bells that light up, hopefully this year we haven’t got the dongs dingging upside down like we did a couple of years ago…


We try. Let’s see what Boy Wonder thinks when he comes home. Goodness knows what the heckers we have done out there but we laughed and that is what life should involve, plenty of laughter… I have a rounded shrub at the side of my house with red lights in and a red wire going around the trunk of my apple tree that lights up in the same colour.

  Our neighbours have said before, it’s very strange that two blind people do so many lights… I simply love it.




Well thank you for your comments from my blog yesterday my first Christmas Diary of this year… I hope we all had a laugh but not as funny as my dear friend and one of our Bloggets who was saying today that they have an inflatable Santa clause and every year she puts it in her front garden but her grown up kids have told her that he looks a bit of a pervert with a smile on his face, so this year she decided not to put him out and to her horror, she went to her garden to see her Husband had done the deed this year and erected this fella… Along next to an inflatable bear. Well the wind had brought the bear down and there the Santa was, with a big smile as the bear bopped up and down against the Santa’s crotch.

Oh my, she has the best sense of humour her and I have shared some laughs but this one takes the first prize. I guess the story should be titled

(A bear behind)


In your country do you have Christmas cakes? Oh, we do and I love them but it’s so difficult to buy one from our shops that are any good. Even M & S, I paid £25 for one a few years ago and it was the worst cake I have ever had. Well Christmas cake. Believe me I have tried every shop but to me, the best one is Tesco.  And I think I paid £10 for it last year.


So, what is in a Christmas cake?

Mixed dried fruit, cherry’s, currants, cranberries, sultanas and raisins.

 You can put orange peel in or the juice from an orange and lemon.

150ml of brandy, Sherry, whisky or rum and keep some for feeding as the days go by. Whilst you are waiting for the cake to mature.

250g butter, 200 light brown sugar, 175g plain flour, 100g almond 1 tsb baking powder, 2 tsp mixed spice, 2 tsp mixed spice,1 tsp cinnamon, 100g flaked almond, 4 large eggs, 1 tsp vanilla extract

 This is for a small cake you poke holes in the cake when cooked then pour alcohol in it and feed it with alcohol for a couple of weeks. Then ice it and put a thick layer of marzipan on top and if you want decorate it here is the recipe in full




“Wouldn’t it be lovely if it could be Christmas every day?””

 Well to some no, as it’s the loneliest day of their year, but if Christmas was all about giving, sharing, caring and reaching out to those who needed us, and others held their hand out to us too, wouldn’t life be wonderful?


If Christmas is about peace, and we had peace every day, wouldn’t that be amazing?


If Christmas filled us with a warm feeling of belonging and we are shown love and really feel it, I mean, just get it, love so strong it fills our hearts so that thing that beats to keep us alive is fed with only goodness, wouldn’t that be the most magnificent way to wake up each morning and go to bed on every night?


Or, is that not how you view Christmas? Whether you are religious or not, or you celebrate Christmas don’t we all, need the above occurrences in our lives? So, why can’t we have them, every day like that. Full of love help selflessness, kindness beyond anything we have even witnessed before?


Because we are humans and sadly we have lost our way? Because we think, why should we be like that, no one else is! Because we can’t be bothered to take five minutes out per day to think of someone else and take action on it? Because we are fine, so why care about anyone else? After all, they never bother with me?


Think out of the box, not everyone sees life like we do, but everyone surely needs some sort of love kindness thought and care in their life at some point, whether or not we have required that yet on our path of life, but one day we will. And do we want to think when that day comes, no one will be there? Or, someone will be there, as we were there, to help them, when they needed it.


Christmas is a new start. A new beginning. The birth of, whether you believe in the religious aspect of Christmas or not, let us do mankind a deed of goodwill. Start off small and end up tall. Just like that Christmas tree growing up to the sky/heavens.

Wouldn’t it be a lovely idea to have an advent calendar each window we open every day leading up to the 25th of December, was a gift of kindness? Whether it be a phone call to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while, a knock on a neighbour’s door with a box of biscuits or a home-made cake, a donation to your local charity, to ask someone who can’t get out of their house on their own if they need to go somewhere? Or why not make something special for that person you love. A gift made by you, from you. Volunteer yourself for a few hours per week? Even just smile at someone who has the gift of sight or say hello to someone who can’t see you. When people say hello to me as I pass them, you have no idea how much that means to me. To be acknowledged. To feel like I belong, I mean something!


Christmas can be all about money, but it doesn’t have to be. Words we say to each other, would we want those words said to us? If not, then keep them to ourselves.


Wouldn’t it be lovely if it could be Christmas every day?

© Fiona Cummings



A pleasant day has been had. I’m warm and safe. My dogs have been out with the kids for a walk along the riverside. They came back black. Well, Wagga even more black than what she is always. but They went in the river. Well, they would, if they didn’t have a leader on?  Boy Wonder and Sham cleaned them but I will have to go back out and give them another clean now they are drier. I put thick towels in their beds and I shall brush them spray them with doggy cologne and wash their towels later! They are shattered.


Kids are now out for dinner at a local pub. They have had a lovely day. As have our dogs.


I have finished all of my Christmas shopping; can you believe it? I can’t. All bought on line… How many more Christmas’s will I have in the dark? Will there be a Christmas one day when I can see to shop live? In the meanwhile, we do well. As best as we can anyway. We bought Hubs Dads gift last month. We got him a nice warm fleece from a good shop on line and a bottle of whisky. We may see him before or just after Christmas but if we don’t he has his present.


 I always spare a thought for those who have no one. Or those who do the same thing every year and for whatever reason this year, that can’t happen.


One day it will just be me and Hub for Christmas dinner, unless our Son always comes here but I’m sure there will be one day when he decides he will go to his future wife’s parents house, or, just stay at home with his kids. In a perfect world he will always come or be home for Christmas day.


Yesterday we spoke about Christmas cake. It got me wondering where does the cake originate from? This is what I read today in brief.

Christmas cake is an English tradition that began as plum porridge. People ate the porridge on Christmas Eve, using it to line their stomachs after a day of fasting.  Then they started to add honey, spices and dried fruit to the porridge and then it became over time, Christmas pudding. In the 16th century, the oatmeal was removed and wheat, flour eggs and butter were put in the mixture and it became a boiled plum cake.


Wealthy families who had ovens began to make fruit cakes and with marzipan an almond sugar paste, they kept them for Easter.

At Christmas they made the fruit cake with spices to represent what the wise men brought as gifts!


Christmas cakes normally made in November in a airtight tub kept upside down and fed alcohol. I have a few friends like that…

 Until Christmas then it’s time to decorate it with the delicious marzipan. My friend is making us a Christmas cake this year. I asked her to do so and said I will pay her for the ingredients as it’s expensive to buy everything. I so wish my Mum in law was alive still, for lots of reasons, but her cakes were so good.


 Oh, you are not going to believe this? We have a Christmas mouse. Every year we seem to get a mouse now. Thank God, it’s in the loft, but still, it’s too close for comfort. So, tonight Hub and our boy are going to set up a trap, Boy Wonder and I are animal lovers too as well as vegetarians. I just can’t stand mice, rats and wasps. So now to find a shoe box. You may remember the last time we had a mouse. You cut a hole in the side of a shoe box and lift the lid off, place the trap inside with some chocolate or cheese, put the lid back on and the mouse goes in the hole, snap, and you don’t have to look at the poor creature before putting it in the bin outside, OK, it’s an expensive way as the reusable traps can’t be used again as we really don’t want to handle the poor thing, so with the box it’s nice and concealed. I just pray I don’t hear the snap sound. Oh, my it’s horrid. Why do they keep coming? And moreover, how are they getting in? I’m paranoid about keeping doors closed in winter but the loft?


And tonight, we are putting another outdoor Christmas decoration up. It’s an angel. She lights up and hangs on the wall in our garden.


Boy Wonder has just shown me what he has his Dad for Christmas, he’s spoiling him, mind you, Hub spoils BW too. I can’t wait to tell you what we have bought him. I will do when Santa has delivered everything I have asked him to get. We never over spend beyond our means, for our Son, but what we get him is lovely. He isn’t a brat though, I know of a friend who’s grown up child always tells their parents that they wanted better and more… Personally, I just don’t know how two lovely people have ended up with such a child, but it’s sad as the kid will never be happy.


How to make your house smell lovely over Christmas in fact you can do this all year round.

 My lovely Blogget and friend Kelly got me thinking today, she has made playdough out of beautiful fragrances like Sinnamon and orange. Then with her children made ornaments. So, what else can we do to make our house smell lovely?

Simmer a pan of water with herbs in summer, you can use lavender and mint, or at Christmas time, cloves, oranges spices and Sinnamon

I buy the oil that you put in an oil burner I get the wax burners too the ones that smell of gingerbread. Talking of gingerbread, as we in the UK have had our ginger snapped up, as in Prince Harry’s engagement, I am obsessed by ginger… Not as in the hair colour but the smell, the word even for some reason always makes me think of Christmas. As I love gingerbread houses, biscuits and the real actual gingerbread man. I love the story

A little old lady and a little old man lived in a tiny quaint cottage near a river. One day the lady decided to bake a gingerbread man as they were both hungry.


She made a large batch of gingerbread dough then rolled it flat and cut it in the shape of a gingerbread man.  She gave it raisins for eyes, a Sinnamon drop for his mouth and chocolate chips for buttons.


When the gingerbread man was ready, the old lady opened the oven door and before she could do anything, the little man inside of her oven ran out through the kitchen and out of the door of the little cottage shouting don’t eat me. The old lady ran after him. The gingerbread man shouted “Run run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”” the little gingerbread man ran through the garden passing the old man. The old man shouted for the gingerbread man to stop saying I want to eat you.


The gingerbread man shouted. “I ran away from an old woman and I can run away from you too. Run run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man.””


Through the yard the gingerbread man passed a pig. The pig shouted. “Stop I want to eat you!”

“I’ve ran away from a little old woman and a old man and now I will run from you as I can run as fast as you can but you can’t catch me, I’m a gingerbread man.””


The pig chased the gingerbread man followed by the little old man and the little old woman ran as fast as they could but the gingerbread man was too fast for them.


He passed a cow who mood stop but the cow couldn’t catch the gingerbread man and then the gingerbread man passed a horse in the field who chased the gingerbread man followed by the cow, the pig and the little old woman and the old man.

  Then the gingerbread man came to the river and didn’t know how to swim. There was a sly fox who invited the gingerbread man to jump on his tail and he would swim across the river with him.

The gingerbread man did that and half way across the fox said to the gingerbread man. You are too heavy for my tail. Please can you jump onto my nose. The gingerbread man did so, being watched by the horse, the cow and the pig as well as the little old woman and man.

The fox opened his mouth and ate the gingerbread man.

The end…


Why couldn’t the gingerbread man just jump onto his back? I guess the story is not to trust anyone and, learn to swim? Haha.


 On that note, it’s snowing heavy outside our window. As in its laying. The Little Fella wasn’t impressed as for Waggatail, it’s like whatever. Seen this stuff before.


I checked the weather in Canada and it’s colder here than it is there.

Why did I check the weather there? Haha. I dream to live there one day. Or, Italy… Just saying!!

Stay warm and safe and next time you are baking gingerbread men, lock all your doors or, be prepared to run.



My wonderful friend and Blogget from Canada told me such a great story. She was in her shop where they sell everything and there was a fabric large shed in front of her… Suddenly, the door burst open and out pops a Santa’s head… Whatever next? How do we explain to young children that Santa has a shed? I guess it could be where he makes his toys? What will they think of next?


In America and Canada, you can get some fantastic out door Christmas decorations. We are so boring in the UK everything is so small. You can get fifteen feet Santa’s, but places like the US and Canada, you can get full size Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. camel’s donkeys and the three kings. The full Nativity theme. A full family of Polar bears and full-size camels,


Only one person has their decorations out in our street… I thought a few days ago when it was snowing, people would have got into the spirit, but not yet.


I can’t understand it. This is the first year I haven’t fussed over my trees. I seriously can tell you that this year my decorations must look as if they are drunk. I just am not feeling it this year. I guess because I know in my head that this year is the beginning of an ending and it has me seriously depressed. I’m not looking forward to next year at all. My praying isn’t working at all. I’m sad to say for the first time in my life, I fear I am losing my beliefs, my faith.


Hub is now on the floor next to me wrapping…

My Christmas gifts…

It’s great we can do that in front of each other… I wrapped all of mine last week whilst he hovered in and out the room and this week it’s his turn… Thing is with my Husband; his hearing is crazy. He can hear a bird’s breath from seven streets away so when I wrap his gifts, I have to be so careful not to give anything away. The funny thing is, he asks me to cut the paper too. So, he takes a roll and measures it then says. Cut there… and I do… I know I have a couple of huge gifts this year. Then there is the hunt for his tape. I keep mine on my wrist but he keeps putting his down on the floor. Not good when we can’t see where it’s gone… as for the scissors? I’m paranoid about them in case we forget about them and A, the dogs get hurt or B, a hole is put or a rip in our furniture.


Every weekend leading up to Christmas I’m busy. My Son has something planned for his Dad and myself for a couple of weekends time. I’m slightly anxious. I don’t like surprises or shocks. And I fear it may be the latter.


Shamrock came around last night. She is so excited for Christmas. Bless her… Tomorrow night the two of them are going to stay overnight in a place far from here. BW will be exhausted when he comes home because he won’t be having a rest before he starts work again. I don’t envy where he is going and I hope he will come back in a good mood and shams excitement won’t be spoiled by the person they are staying with.


I have just put an orange oil in my burner and still have some gingerbread melts in another burner so the house is smelling really festive.  I need to order loads of little oranges and nuts for the dishes. Then light candles. And play Christmas music. It’s Advent Sunday today. Advent is the preparation of the coming of Christ. Advent, the name comes from the Latin word Adventus which means coming.


Will Christ ever come again? Oh, for his sake I hope not. We will just murder him again. For our sake I wish he would but this time with more power. There is a lot of sorting out to do on earth.


Advent used to be six Sundays before Christmas day but Pope St Gregory the Great.

   shortened it to four.


Some say God comes to us through word and sacrament making the ordinary extraordinary, making the broken whole; redeeming and restoring past, present and future, whatever they hold.


God used to come to me through angels. I still feel my angels but I feel like they are apprentices so are just learning. Earlier I felt my Mum, well smelt her smoke. I don’t sense her often but when I do the smell of her cigarettes is almost uncomfortable I have to hold my nose. Hub was next to me he didn’t smell a thing, but the other night he did and it kind of freaked me out, though I want so much to know she is close. It’s this time of year I miss her the most. What is she trying to tell me? It’s never clear. Until after the event. Or perhaps I just can’t understand enough to know. I wish I could get back into the spiritual church. Where I used to live I had a very good friend. Elaine, we met through the church. We are still friends will be forever as through what we both believed in, got me to where I am today. So, she will always have a special part in my heart. Though we live miles away from each other, she will always be close to me. I got great comfort out of the church back then.


OK, so reflection I guess today. Whether you believe in Christmas or not, we all need love and time to reflect. X


It’s freezing outside. My Christmas lights are all on out and in. It’s toasty warm here. Doors are locked and I’m sitting with Hub and my dogs watching Nigella Lawson cooking some amazing things. No way I can even think about making anything she cooks. I’m not a natural cook I cook basic food. I made my Son a vegetarian Lasagne the other day and he said it was the nicest lasagne he has ever had in his life including posh restaurants, but it was so basic just made with love and I think that is an important ingredient to any recipe!


When it comes to reading a recipe, it’s as though I have become dyslexic. Even though I obviously don’t visually read the words, but listen to them. Even when I had sight, recipes to me were double Dutch!


Half of the stuff I have never even heard of. And somehow, I don’t really wish to find out about them. Cooking I believe is a passion. You love it or you do it because you have to. I’m the latter but what I do I like to do well or what is the point?


Some people can’t even make a slice of toast, but they may have a Masters in whatever extremely difficult subject. It’s like you can sing or you can’t. I’m not even into kitchen gadgets though every drawer and every cupboard are bursting full. If you are into gadgets, here are some I found online that may interest you.


Yomee automatic yogurt maker about $100 as it like a few of these items, were found on an American website.

 MLITER s20 electric multifunctional knife sterilizer $50

Wow this sounds lovely. Hario ceramic and wood coffee grinder. $78

Oh, here we go, watch out kitchen display cabinets. Star Wars lightsabre salt and peppershakers… $40? Gosh, that’s a lot…Does that get you in a rocket to the moon?

Star Wars death kitchen timer with sounds… does that tell you when your time is up? $18

MPFX Oli porcelain olive bowl. Wuu’uu’uuw How much? $47? Do you get a year’s supply of olives as well?

Remembering my Mum and friends Mums throwing out their soda Stream bottles/makers. Hmm, well expect to pay £120 $150 for one now. Time to check out aunt Norah’s loft.


I found a UK website that were talking about gadgets under £50. How about a Lekue deep steam case? This is how you can cook a whole chicken in twenty minutes without making a mess or splashing your giblets all over your work tops.


Whilst I was looking for kitchen gadgets I stumbled across a great gift for a teacher. Special one obviously, a wooden pad and quill apple pencil holder. And only $40 that’s why special for a teacher, but for home decoration, I think that would look lovely sat on a desk or phone table.


Struggling with gifts for Christmas? Here are some options.

iRobot Roomba 980 vacuum cleaning robot 2016 /2017 season.

 Leave him to do your floors…

 new braun series 9 electric shaver (Wet/ Dry) with docking station. You can look out for offers on Amazon.

This is great to get the kids up in the mornings. A Clock alarm clocky wheels in chrome it will jump off the bedside cabinet and wheel across the room until the person turns it off it beeps too. Haha.


How about whisky stones? Rather than ice in your or his whisky. About £15 Or, if you shop around you can subscribe for £10 or $15 per month a new aftershave, so every 30 days he can try out a new fragrance and I know for the ladies you can buy monthly make up packages too as well as health foods.


If you want a night in and feel the need to be eaten, then why not get a Giovanni hot chocolate sugar scrub with crushed cocoa beans? Or, may be more like sleepy herbal tea, to guarantee a good night’s sleep? Smile.


You can get hand made book marks. Oh, the gingerbread man one looks great or you can get other Christmas characters like Dorothy’s red slippers in the formation of a clay book mark. I have to say, I haven’t bought one of the above items, but they say, that is the popular choice this year. Haha. Really?


A beautiful friend of mine and a dear Blogget had a lovely idea. Gift vouchers but in a very fancy box with a bow and filled with tissue paper and candy treats. Then the receiver can buy what they really want and not something that is going to be chucked to the back of your robe or drawer and never come out again. Also, you have personalised it by going to buy the box or looking for it on line buying the tissue paper choosing the colour of that and the bow and buying the treats.


 Those make up advent calendars should be half price now, why not buy your box and the calendar and fill your box with what was in the calendar? You will get 24 mini make ups or if you buy the candle one, 24 candles. Those calendars are getting crazy now, you can buy alcohol and perfume just to name a few. Again, look out for them half price but remember the tissue paper to make it look pretty and to prevent your miniatures from rolling around the box.

OK, remember the best gift is you!



Good morning Bloggets. How are you all? Me? Thanks for asking, smile, I’m so, so. Full, shouldn’t be. I should feel a healthy empty. I don’t know how my Husband goes to work without any food and doesn’t eat anything until he returns at nights. I have had my dreaded toast, I wish I could give up bread. The time I did ages ago, months, I felt so much better. But what is the alternative? Seems to be cereal… I crave for savoury. And the worst thing is, I am not a cheese fan. I don’t mind it, but I have never looked forward to eating cheese. Having said all that. Oh my… I have discovered a cheese that I simply adore.  It’s delicious. To me it’s the best cheese in the world. I only have a small amount but it’s every day and it’s so bad for you I really need to stop buying it. It’s not at all expensive either. I buy it from Morrisons but it may be able to be bought anywhere. Even the thought of it sends me into a frenzy. So, what’s it called and how much is it? The best Mature Red Fox 200g and its £2.44


 I must tell you today I spoke with my lovely friend from where I used to live we were on the phone. She told me she went to a garden centre yesterday, how I miss the garden centres in Newcastle. You can’t get better than them. Our garden centres are rubbish here in comparison. Yesterday at her garden centre there were real, reindeers. They are there until Christmas Eve then obviously they will be super busy helping Santa to deliver all gifts and smiles only to good kind people… Well, you could and still can, feed these darling creatures. They come to you when they see you have their food.  How adorable would that be. I so miss where I used to live. But I don’t miss the people we were surrounded by in our neighbourhood. They wouldn’t put you out if you were on fire. And, it’s too close to my ex. If not for him I think I would move there again. My friends there want me to live there again and the big question is, next year they may be a job going so could move back, at least the air would be clean and water lovely. But, there is the ex. He’s much older than me but not old enough to be soon popping his clogs. He’s fit too as in healthy.


 by the way… I miss the seaside there the golden beaches the forests woods and great shops, having said that, you still need to see to get to those places. And enjoy them. So, I could live anywhere in that case as I am sure there are nice places here, well at least a few trees, surely? Just I haven’t found it yet. This is city life! I’m a country gal. My Husband would move back to the North East like a flash. It’s me who’s holding him back here. The fact he has a great team at work too helps. His staff are the best they really work as a team and are like a little family. Unique they are. Their having their Christmas party at work soon I hope they have a great day, they work so hard.


Well my Santa outside is swinging away as if he’s drank too much Christmas sherry. I have checked his hat today and so far, it’s still on. He looks so ugly when it blows off because it’s not meant to come off so he has no hair and has a head like a gluey plastic bottle top. He’s meant to be climbing up a rope ladder but instead he looks as if he’s had enough of life, that is what my Son says he looks as if he’s hanged himself. The rope is like children’s skipping rope. It’s pure tac but every household should have some sort of tac at Christmas, right?


I think we are going to have to get our decorations either in our garage or deflate them as we are expected gale-force winds tomorrow and guess what is coming at the weekend? Yeahahah, snow… a picture-perfect Christmas. Then, one week later is our big day, oh, heck, what will it be? Boy Wonder has something planned for me and his Dad and I don’t know what it is… I must say I feel a little anxious. I don’t care much for surprises. I like to plan and be prepared, I mean, what to wear? An evening dresses? Trouser suit? Jeans or joggers? We may be going out for a posh meal, he may be wanting to show us his new business he has just bought, that is his dream… he may be taking us to a Christmas market, I would love that. A forest walks? Even better, a Christmas theatre visit? Or a meal with Shamrocks family? Possibly to announce something? Or, they may have a house to show us… oh, gosh, the suspension. Oh, heckers double heck, what if I am about to be told Hub and I are going to be Grandparents? Oddly Hub is getting rather broody. Em. I’m not… too young. All of us. Including the kids. Far too young and just not right…


My Son is driving home tonight he has been away for a couple of days with Sham. I think their plan was to go on hikes, God help Shamrock. Her short legs trying to keep up with Boy Wonder. She will die when she realises how long BW’s hikes are and how fast he walks. That was the plan but if Shamrock gets her way, they will be shopping, smile. Let’s see. Mind you, I think she has shopped for England, and Ireland as that is all she has done for weeks.


I have just received a wooden church in a box… it’s a village scene. It’s a cottage, clock tower and church with lampposts and trees that light up. I can’t open the battery compartment. Hub will do that, it’s his speciality. Why can’t they make battery compartments like they used to? Now you need a screwdriver for everything.


A couple of gifts came yesterday for Hub. For me. One was in a large box from eBay. It’s second hand and Hub said he has never seen one in his life he has even tried to look one up but failed. He came across this by chance. He says it’s totally unique. Gosh, what could it be? Also, something new he designed… this was a challenge for him obviously being blind. I can only conclude its jewellery. I felt so sad for him when he opened it, as you know by earlier blogs, we can do that in front of each other as we can’t see what each other has in their hands… So, bless him, I sunk inside as he was obviously very disappointed in what he got. He went upstairs I learned that he contacted the wonderful team called B my eyes you can call them using your iPhone they are wonderful volunteers who tell you what you are holding. It’s all done live. Well, they recognised it and told Hub as he was so sad I feel he thought he had made a boob.

Not literally.

  a dark sadness overcame him. Blindness totally sucks, especially when you just want to do something nice for a loved one and he will know if he doesn’t know what it is, neither will I. but he will be able to tell me and everyone else will know. Just not to know though that it isn’t a shape but obviously a picture of something. And, he paid a lot of money for it. I just wish we could get out to shop like other people then mistakes wouldn’t happen. I also wish he would know I don’t need expensive gifts to know he loves me. Sadly, that is the only way some people from his past knew how to react. He was a money bank to them but thank God, they are out of his life now and never to return in ours, but it will take him a long time to adjust just as it is for me with my ex.


Well as my cuckoo clock strikes another hour, I shall put down my lid and return to the daily grind of the housework. Then cook dinner BW said he would still like dinner not sure if Shamrock will be coming back with him or going home. So, what to cook? Hmm. I may do vegetarian toad in a whole. With Mash and veg. Toad in a hole is veg sausage or in Hubs case real sausage as in flesh… it’s done in the oven with Yorkshire pudding mixture poured over the top. May do easy veg like butter beans and sweetcorn. And I will make BW’s lunch for tomorrow as he’s back to work. Over three weeks now my Son hasn’t eaten meat. So proud of him. It’s not easy.


Take care wherever you are and if you have an interesting Christmas story to tell us all please do so and I will publish it or if you would like to try to remember which blog you liked best this year, then let me know and I will re publish it. May be give you an unanswered question?

Email me at



The snow was due, the night was cold. Our tree lights were a glow and what better thing to do than something Christmassy. Something my Husband would love. He has had a very bad week at work. An overload of crappy things going on, an email from some of his staff warmed his heart and a gift from another colleague brought back his spirit of this time of year, but something that friends kind colleagues or his loving wife can’t buy for him is a spiritual feeling back in his heart. That feeling my Husband has lost along the way. Something I’m kind of half interested in doing, but the outcome would be I hoped to feel the warmth in my Husbands heart again. That was a time spent in a Cathedral. I text him at work to ask if he would be home at a normal time. His reply was ten minutes late. He had been to support his charity at an event in the Cathedral where he works with a couple of his colleagues.


My Husband used to be a choir boy when a child and later on in life he sang in choirs and groups and to get him financially through university, he sang for weddings and funerals, but Cathedrals have always been his passion.


For me personally, I’m not too comfortable with Cathedrals. Churches I’m fine with but Cathedrals, not so, but two years ago, we went to the Cathedral and was spellbound by what I heard. So, decided to surprise my love with going to the city and once again enjoying what they had to offer. So, what was it? Oh, my. Let me start at the beginning.


Isn’t it funny how we dress differently at Christmas? Or is that just me? Smile. I wore my brand new lovely long red coat and the fluffiest of scarves that is grey with matching lovely warm grey jumper and new grey trousers with my black leather gloves my Son bought me a couple of years ago and I don’t think I have had them on yet, well until last night. It’s only when you put gloves on as a blind person, do you realise just what an obstacle they can be.


We stepped out into the night the air was heavy but thankfully it wasn’t Icey. I felt so cosy under my lovely coat which has a beautiful fabric almost like suede. Again, I never wear scarves but this one again a gift, felt so lovely. It just has to be cold at Christmas. I don’t think I could feel at all Christmassy if it was hot.


As we headed towards the Cathedral, LF wasn’t impressed though his tail was high up in the air like a cat’s tail, he shivered less him. Well, though we were there quite early, there was a long, no, hang on, very long queue. Oh, no, guide dogs don’t do queues. Old Bloggets will remember our old Guide Dog Long Chops, she didn’t do queues. She just headed to the front haha. Mortified dot com.


Well I said to Hub we are going to have to find the back. It’s so wrong jumping the queue. Oh, who’s idea was that?

Well it wasn’t like twenty people in a long line, straight line, but more like two hundred people in a twisty line going on the kerb, off the path and around the corner. Trying to avoid the awful bollards that sadly we have to have now because of the horrors who get a thrill out of driving vans into people.


 Had we got to the end of the queue yet? Oh, no, down another step and eventually it went quieter. Voices faded. So, between the two of us, we found the back of the queue. Well, before we could  count to three, there were a bunch of people starting to queue behind us. Hub asked the man in front of us was he in the queue? Because knowing us two, it could have been a queue for the pub or a restaurant… but no, the man was indeed in our queue, or, we were in his queue.


Every time he moved, bless him, he told us. Because that’s another thing, if no one talks, how do we know when they have moved? Footsteps are not always easy to hear when there are other sounds going on like traffic, the bells of the Cathedral or the young crazies on a night of alcoholic poisoning.


Well the queue moved fast, up steps down and around the corners. Eventually he told us we were at the steps and in we went. Hub asked for assistance to find a seat. They are great in there, not only did they find a seat, but they get a carpet for the dogs. Laying on stone floor is so bad for them. Oh, my, it was so cold in there. Hub said that the ceiling is about the size of five of our houses on top of each other and our house is two stories high.


The enormous organ one of the oldest in the world was playing but you could hardly hear it. And, we were in the middle. Well, after I made my grand entrance, feeling for the seat making sure I didn’t sit on it backwards, it has been known, I’m such a pleb. Sitting on a pray mat, heck, they have come on, they did used to be, well, mats, but now they are really thick cushions. And I sat on the hymn sheet flying, hahahaha. Hub, just walks to his seat an removes his mat, I did not even have a clue that there was one on my seat, until I sat on it. Who’s I had knocked off, goodness knows. The best bit was when the first speaker, well, spoke, and I think she was the Dean, she asked people if we wouldn’t mind putting the mats on the seats to save the peoples backs bending down on the floor.


Fifi was in the building!


Oh Bloggets, then the magic began. Wow. After reflection time the heavens came to earth and angels sang to us, for us and all around us as the procession walked among us. 


It is called The Sankta Lucia festival of lights. An atmospheric candlelit procession and carol service based on the traditional Swedish   Lucia celebration.


In Sweden, Lucia is one of the most significant traditions in the calendar. A powerful symbol of light. The bravery and martyrdom a young Sicilian St Lucy who died in the early forth century.      Her name and story reached Sweden along with Christianity and she remained popular even after the reformation of the bringer of light during the long darkness of winter. The procession enters singing the tune that was brought from Italy to Sweden in the middle of the 19th century. The singers are dressed in gowns and carry candles with Lucia dressed in her white gown with a red ribbon around her waist and a crown of lights marking the kings on the twelfth night.


Seriously, I have never heard anything like it. The beautiful Swedish words and the purity of the voices really did sound like angels. How I would imagine angels, to sound. Almost like bells ringing in pure waterfalls! Oh, my. Goodness. Notes were created I hadn’t heard for so long. Everything was so perfect. It was as if all of my Christmas’s had come to me in a dream. Tears fell to my lashes and I had to keep my mouth closed or butterflies would fly from my lips. A truly magical moment.


All around us, in stereo almost, we were sang to.  Candles were burning so the smells were lovely. It was so cold though, so very cold. As the voices were meant to look ahead, I did smile as obviously they spotted the Little Fella who stood up tall as if to say, em, stop, stop right there, don’t step on me and I’m not keen on those burny things. Their voices went from facing the front to facing us, and you could tell by the sound of their voices, they had a smile so big. Oh, Bloggets, I have never heard anything quite so beautiful.


It was now time to find our way out of the Cathedral and try to find one of the many doors out. Hoping we would be out the right door as we only know the way to where we need to be from one enterence. The darling man who helped us in the queue showed us where to go, bless his heart. What a dear man. How kind and what a difference he made to our night.


It truly was a magical night.

© Fiona Cummings




Why is it at Christmas some of us, obviously today, most of us shop like there will be no more shops after the 24th of December? No shops never ever again. As we stock up for Christmas it’s getting more ridiculous every year. My good old shop Morrisons, I went to do a New Year shop on line after my groceries came yesterday and I discovered that my toilet rolls were unavailable and they couldn’t substitute my snowmen loo rolls for any other kind in the whole shop, I mean any kind of toilet roll would have done… I decided to get some goodies for New Year as New Years day is the only day in the year I don’t cook unless I am fortunate to have a break for a couple of days away from my housewife duties.


Shocked the evening of the eleventh of December, they had no sweet mince pies, no Christmas cakes at all, no brand what so ever, no Christmas pudding, not even turkey that is turkey that normal people can afford. Have you checked out the prices of some turkeys out there? I think the most expensive one I have seen was and I mean was, £160. Seriously, OH, my goodness. Is it an ostrich? No, just stuffed with stupidness. No pigs in blankets, (Small sausages wrapped in bacon) or, in my Sons words “poor pigs wrapped in their own skins.”” There wasn’t even any streaky bacon to put on top of the turkey. Well earlier in the week, my Husband asked me why was I getting the meat for yesterdays delivery? It’s too early he told me… Well I’m glad I did as I normally do, and do so well too, and that was, I took no notice and added a large chunk of pork, pigs in blankets, streaky bacon and a turkey. All to go in the freezer. They all came thankfully last night. Hub said, where I am going to put this I don’t know… well we found a space in our small freezer in the garage. I swear if anyone comes over Christmas there will be plenty of meat as obviously my Son and myself don’t eat meat. As my brother and SIL have been that only leaves in our family who come my Father in law and brother and SIL in law. Whoever comes, will be getting meat… no way my Husband can eat that and I bought a small turkey it read serves four people. Really? Heck, it’s quite big, when it came yesterday I just handed it over to Hub the only thing I have to do with that is ordering it, I hate touching the poor thing… the pork looks big oh, and I bought a what they call three bird roasts. Basically, it’s three birds in one and topped with bacon. And that will serve about six people… Reminds me. I must go to our local shop and stock up in loo rolls haha.


My Son and I have a quorn gammon roll. And what they call a family roast. They are the size of a very large sausage and they are really nice, especially the gammon which I had never had until this year. I tried it a few weeks ago just to make sure it was OK before ordering it for Christmas lunch and both my Son and I loved it. I cook it in the oven with some oil poured over the top until it is slightly crunchy on the top. Turning it so it gets nice and crisp all the way around. You get loads of slices out of it you can eat the two roasts hot or cold and they are a fraction of the price but moreover they are not dead animals on our plates!


We have our Paxo stuffing mix that is the only brand I like. I chop onions up finely, add salt and pepper a little butter pour in the mix of sage and onion that is all the stuffing mix is as well as herbs and pour over boiling water, mix then put in a dish for the oven, cook with foil covering it then remove the foil for the last fifteen minutes. Yum. It’s delicious. We have our cranberry sauce we just need fresh vegetables and oh, I must remember plain flour to make Yorkshire puddings, they are mine and our Sons favourite. Veg wise, we will have mushy peas, I think a must for Christmas dinner. Turnip mashed with butter, sprouts, carrots, white cabbage, parsnips done in honey, roast potatoes and mash potato!


Re our Christmas cake, it’s a funny one. I asked my friend if we paid her would she make one for us as she is the original amazing cake maker. She said she would love to. She even told me the recipe she was going to use. I have asked her three times to let me know how much she wants for the cake. And now I can’t mention it again so I don’t know if she has even made one… I can’t have Christmas without a cake so I am going to have to buy a dam cake but as I can’t get one on line that sounds any good, in fact none were available last night, I will have to go to our horrid big shop across that awful deadly killer road. Battle through the crowds of people knocking each other out the way for the last cake on the shelf or the last parsnip. Seriously it’s crazy out there. The shops are closed for one day. Having said that, will there be anything left? Christmas is coming around earlier each year. Soon people will be buying at Easter and deep freezing.


Our snow lasted one day. It’s bitter cold out there but sunny. It’s colder here than what it is in parts of Canada. They said on the news yesterday we have had it colder in parts of Britain than Alaska.


I must buy some nuts for our birds outside. As there are no buries left on the trees. I just don’t know how they cope in that cold. I’m sitting in my conservatory freezing. I have my pathetic heater on but it’s not cutting it. My Husband is in the living room working from home. Why not the office? Good question. My Son is still in bed but he is taking our dogs out for a walk when he wakes.


Talking of nuts, we were honestly, keep up. Haha. There I was last night eating some nuts in shells… Well, not actually eating the shells, but using my nut cracker. Really, what have I done to the nut cracker what is it with nut crackers and me? After last years fiasco and last night, I was happily cracking away when ouch, the dam thing bit me. Nipped my finger. It bled you should see the blood blister I have now.


13 days until Christmas. Am I prepared? Almost just some final things to do, oh, like write Christmas cards, less and less people are bothering now days. I am off to see our friends in Northumberland next week. We always get a few nice cards from them. It will be lovely to see them it’s been forever. I think it was a year ago since we last saw them. Gosh where does the time go. It will be a big day out for Waggatail. She will love it, oh reminds me I have a doggy toy to buy too. We have one but have to go to the pet shop for another. Dogs love Christmas, don’t they? Or is it the thing of getting excited to open their presents as sometimes there are treats among them. So, in June we could wrap something for them and they would be equally excited. Or, do they really know it’s Christmas, perhaps they see Santa deliver parcels, or the reindeer flying over the houses whilst we are tucked in bed fast asleep. Because we all know that Santa won’t come if we are awake, right?


I’m amazed to learn just how many children read my blogs and as far as I know, most of them have been so good that they will be getting a nice present this year, but there will be some who receive a bit of coal in their stocking. Hmm. We all know why you will be getting that coal, don’t we? And it’s not to keep the fire going… but then there will be children who won’t be receiving any gifts. But they will be loved by all the angels and someone out there will be waiting for them to love them forever, just they will have to wait a while to find that person. And then there will be children who will have the best gift of all. The love from someone in their family. For those children I want to send my love. X 



Wrapped up well

Running towards the hill

With cherry red noses

Cheeks the colour of roses

Butterflies in my stomach

Such a thrill

In summer this path would make a racket

But the snow silenced our footsteps

The white sky above us

Was if a blanket blocking out the jets

No sounds, no fuss

A multi coloured sleigh

So many children play

I see a shape before me

As I climb up to the top

Did I really see

An angel from above?

The feeling was overwhelming, full of love

I shout stop

I saw spread out wings

And then the angels choir started to sing

The church bells did ring

I know they did

I even heard the organ play

Wondering has the church mouse hid?

Previous voices fell in the hills

Muffled, frozen shivering shills

As fluttering wings, flew over my head

I heard these words to me they said

No gifts you need

No feasts to feed

Just hold those in your heart, who are in need

Give something that costs nothing

That’s your time

Then a star in the inky sky did shine

As if to lift me to another world

My head was in a swirl

White before me, below and up high

Pure like a pearl

It was then I realised

As I saw my family cry

They were given the words

I had died

Fluttering birds

Circled my head

It can’t be true

I’m not dead?

I’m too young

I was having fun

But then I glided towards the sun!

© Fiona Cummings



It was a lovely day, not quite the white snowy Christmas day but cold enough for sure. I met my friend Hellen and off we went to the garden centre. There were penguins playing instruments and dancing and two polar bears rolling around in snow… Well, obviously pretend haha. If only we could buy them but they were for show only. Oh, the smell of the beautiful Christmas plants were spectacular. Of course, I had to part with my £8 and buy a pot that looks as if it’s a bird’s nest but it’s purple and full of glitter… The plants are purple and the smell from them is really really lovely. So now I just have to keep them alive. There are four in one pot.


My heart broke as a lady who knows my friend came to talk with us. What a really sweet lady. Turned out, her family are not coping, her and her daughter. Her 22-year-old Son died of a heart problem he had since a child and it was only eight months ago when the poor thing died, so their first Christmas without him. Awful thing is, the daughter who is 16, is training to go into the army. Oh my, I pray she will be OK. I just can’t imagine the pain that family are going through. Just shows when we are feeling down as this time of year is hard for most people, there is someone out there who is feeling a lot worse and for good reason.


Look at what we have and be blessed.


I had a scone remember Bloggets from America, our scones are different to yours. It was orange and spice scone with butter. I also had an orange and cinnamon latte, I have never had either before and wow, they were so nice.


On a funny subject,  I received an email today telling me that this shop can provide some wonderful offers for Christmas gifts. Wow, they were good offers. When I looked further into it, turns out it says. “Will deliver after 2nd of January!””

That’s nice love, em,  has anyone told you it’s Christmas on the 25th of December?



Twelve days until Christmas day. Am I prepared? Sort of everything is wrapped I have cards to write tonight. I’m just going to write them all the same. Writing is a skill I have been proud of but I’m now finding it rather difficult to remember sadly. Especially if someone interrupts me whilst I’m writing them. I actually get really anxious. Oh, I wish I could see and be able to write and see what I’m writing, I miss being able to see so much. But hey, we manage. I have a pile of Christmas cards in the hall for our Son to read when he gets chance who knows who they are from? I hope he will read them tonight. I don’t like to ask much of him it’s not his fault we are blind. I don’t believe our Son should be our carer. I know what you may be thinking it’s not our fault we are blind either, and, I used to help my Mum without her asking, but I was different. The world was different then and now if my Son was to read this, he would get so cross that I hadn’t asked. But we just try not to be a Burdon to him. Shamrock would read them too if we asked. I just hate asking. But I will have to, I just dream of days when I may see again. If God can grant me two wishes, one of them would be that there is treatment or a cure for those of us who want to see again. As for the other wish? Hmm. I may be telling you that one in the future…

Note, Dearest Bloggets I have avoided the dreaded annual Christmas jokes so far, this year? Well, so far, haha, are you ready for some cringing moments?

Did you hear Santa knew Karate?

He had a black belt.


What is it called when Santa claps his hands?



 Ho Ho Ho Christmas time is when everyone gets Santamental. Take a step backwards and remember it’s one day and as I have said before, we hear and see large family get togethers, but there are thousands of people on their own. You, are not alone. Love and care is a better gift than what you can put in any box. X





































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