
Friday 7 September 2018


Good morning to the United states, Canada, Greece, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Haiti, Spain and all you lovely people from many more countries who have come along to read this mad blog page today. Mad, yeah, but real for sure. Thank you for all your interest in my evening last night… so, here goes.


Well I had every intention of putting on my new dress. Only I couldn’t find it… I have one tiny robe with so many clothes it’s awful going in there. Well opening my doors. I gave the wrong impression there that I may have had a walk-in robe. I wish. Then I could have my clothes all organised. I ended up wearing just something I knew matched but I felt so ordinary. And I wanted to dress up. Fact is, I have so many clothes, but they are seriously mangled and hidden. So, I grabbed something easy, which wasn’t anything special. Black velvet leggings which are tight to the leg and a purple top short sleeved silky material with jewels on the neck and a purple short sleeved jacket. Black sandals and a beautiful handbag my Son bought me that is purple with loads of fancy studs and a chain strap. I just felt uncomfortable about what I had on. It was tight and if I wear tight clothes like trousers, skirts or jeans, I like to have a very long top and this top and jacket were not long enough. Also, leggings, though they were black and velvet I didn’t feel were good enough to go to a hotel. I was so cross with myself because as I said, I have loads of clothes.


My friend was going to get dolled up as my Daddy used to say, and from what I could gather, she was OK, but not over the top so I didn’t feel too bad when we met up but beforehand I was cringing. I had washed my hair and straightened it and I put on my make up because I don’t wear loads and I stuck with my faithful brand, just not that awful lip stain I was telling you about a few weeks ago, so hopefully that was OK. I just hate not being able to see myself in the mirror. Moreover, I don’t like not knowing what other people are wearing and how they have their hair. This is the downside of not being able to see, we miss out on what is in fashion and try typing into Google what is fashionable? You either get images or loads of none helpful words. From my extensive research on what is fashionable, and as a screen reader as I said, it’s not easy, I learned that animal prints are in fashion. Now, when I could see remember it was twenty years ago, animal prints were what well, ladies of the night would wear. Hahaha. For all of my blind Bloggets out there, I think they have really changed since the 90’s and earlier. But how they have changed, I’m not sure. I have a long sleeveless dress my Son says is animal print. Well, when I ordered it on line, it read purple print dress… so I said as the blood rushed to my face knowing I had been out in that dress with many purple accessories a week earlier. “What do you mean son, I thought it was purple?”

“It is Mum.””

Me, few. Blood now leaving face and depositing to other parts of my body. Me, but you said it’s purple…. From my days when I had sight, there were no purple animals….

“Mum, it’s purple animal print.””

I thanked him and left his pit of his bedroom as I could tell his much-needed fashion advice was wearing thin already. I didn’t want to sicken him by asking more an more questions. All I knew was my dress had some kind of purple markings on. What colour the background was/is? Not sure. Jog on and think on.


That is what we do isn’t it? We think all the time. We can get exhausted so why on earth can we not sleep at nights?


So, animal prints are in, big shoulders from the 80s are in fashion and trouser suits.  Also pencil skirts, oh, I love those, and thankfully they are long not the knee length ones we used to wear in the 80s. as for fatso’s like me, knee length anything isn’t a good look. Not for our legs as from the knee down mine are OK, but for what is above the knee, oh, just don’t even go there! As pencil skirts are rather clingy aren’t they. And they say if you are buying jeans, make sure they are straight leg jeans. So, not skinny jeans. I have loads of those I keep thinking skinny jeans will make me look well, skinny? Then I wake up and breath in. they say buy nice belts, nope, my belt line days are over.


Oh, and there is talk of the get this. Milkmaid dress? What the heckers is a milkmaid dress? I would make an educated guess and say longish with floating sleeves and frills, but as I said when it comes to fashion, as a blind person shopping on line, we have to just guess all the time. Buy and when our parcel arrives, hope.


Fact is, we never know what we look like. I have written about this before.  When I could see I remember looking at photographs of ladies from the 20’s and 40’s. they looked so different to what I did when I looked in the mirror. Then I would look at people in the seventies. Gosh they looked so wrong too. I last saw in 1998 and people from the 80’s looked so different too. So, do I look like someone from the 90’s? I’m not talking about fashion, but facially speaking. As the people I’m talking about their faces expressions the way they stood even was so different to the generation I was in when looking back to those days on the photographs or paintings.


My Son and friends tell me I look a lot younger than what I am. This is great, I am sure they don’t mean I look as young as I did in the 90’s. I wish, I also wish I felt as fit as I did then. But how young do I look? One friend told me she thought I was in my late thirties when she met me a few months ago. Hahahaha. I told her of the importance of getting a regular eye test. My Son knocks between eight and ten years off my age and a couple of other friends one takes off six or seven years off my age the other over ten. Wow, that is amazing. In fact, a miracle. As the stress I have been through in life makes it a miracle. But still if I was to be given my sight back, I am sure I would get such a shock as I won’t be that young lady in 1998 anymore, but her Mother.


My Husband was described as distinguished looking last night. Hahaha. Nonononononono. That means old doesn’t it? I must clarify that word right now…


 OK, took a break. Looked up the word distinguished. I was right. An older person. Who looks formal, wise and stylish. Oooooo stylish? That’s a good one. The rest? Well I would rather think of him as handsome. Haha. Distinguished, if I was a man I wouldn’t want to be called distinguished. As you can’t be young and distinguished. Of course, Hub isn’t young, he’s 49, but I feel that’s too young to be distinguished looking. Perhaps I won’t share with him my friend thought that of him. She also told me though she would make a play for him if I wasn’t married to him…

Hands off bee’eetch… e’eeez, all mine.



Well I have digressed. So, my night out? Not a good start, but, what was to come? In my next blog… a night with a medium. And I am not talking clothes size.


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