
Friday, 14 June 2019


Harsh words

I never know what is going to be said next. The words that are used are capricious enough to say something totally different a few months, weeks sometimes days in fact sometimes hours or even been known to be a couple of minutes later the mind, the voice, the body language, the volume of the voice will change!


The wayward way is impossible to live with in a happy situation. Walking on eggshells. A tightrope. Wondering when life is going to erupt.


So many shattered dreams that one doesn’t dream any more in fact, people just don’t even sleep long enough to dream, they just continue living a real nightmare that they can’t wake up from as they are fully alert, awake. There is no escape!


Hands pressed together in pure desperation. Begging a God for help. Pleading for something other than human to just listen. Surely there is a power out there that can help as this is far beyond human intervention.


This will take a miracle to cure. It’s diseased for sure. Rotten through and through. Sick, critical.


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