
Tuesday, 4 June 2019

GRANDPARENTS TREE @PoetryByFionaCummings



Sitting under the tree

With my love next to me

Looking into his eyes

Full of surprise

His mouth so beautiful

With words so thoughtful

I glance to the leaves up high

Seeing the perfect sky

It seems like just a year

Since my Grandparents were here

They planted this

It is under this tree

My love and I had our first kiss

I hope we will be able to protect this tree

For our future family

As this old oak

Has many stories to tell

Sadness and laughter after a joke

Winds have tried to get it to fall

But it still stands so tall

The elements have been in battle

Sometimes quite brutal

But my Grandparents oak still stands

And they have passed

But I hope they see me holding hands

With someone I am totally in love with

They would have loved him

Sitting under this tree

Makes me so happy

I feel at one with the past and present

The smells around me are so pleasant

This is nature

Natural life

What we were born for

To love and treat nature with respect

Something sadly, we have forgotten

Sometimes life seems so rotten

But not whilst I’m here with my darling

Not whilst this tree stands so proud

The sun is shining

Not even a cloud

This is what life is about


© Fiona Cummings


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