
Wednesday 19 June 2019


Looking forward to the weekend. Out doing our miles. Not sure where yet. At least the weather looks like it’s going to be OK. Today I actually got my washing dried outside. The first day in two weeks this has been possible.


I have an umbrella washing line right in the middle of our back garden. Now our garden is a big space. Finding my line? Well, I guess roughly where it is then walk slowly not to be poked in the eyes with the pointy corners of the frame. Put out my hands and find my lines.  


And then find my way back inside the house. Some of my readers stress as their gardens are huge and they get lost whilst getting used to the changes in their eyesight. I tell them to put wind chimes near their door you can also get the battery ones for inside so if you leave your door open, you will hear them. They don’t need wind to activate them as they run by batteries.  You can use things like water features to know where you are too. Tall vase like planters too and things like planting mint but that is seasonal of course.


Have I done any of that? Nope, I like living dangerously. Haha. No, I have done in my front garden as where we live all the gardens are open plan. So, when we first moved here, it was so difficult to learn where our house was, so, until our guide dogs got used to where they lived, I used my other senses to find our location.


It’s nine in the evening. We have politics on the TV. I have my earphones on well one on, and one off. So, I’m hearing the annoying people they are like children fighting in the playground. And to think that one of them are going to be our next PM.


I was reading a fashion editorial today and it was written that the Western look is trending. So, puff sleeved prairie gingham dresses with buckled boots. I don’t care much for that, do you? I do like the look of faded denim a thick buckled belt and cowboy boots though. Just not a gingum frock.


  For our hair we are meant to wear a slicked back ponytail tied in a ribbon and red lipstick.


Suede is in fashion. I love suede. I wish I didn’t I would love an animal free material that feels and smells as good as suede. Floral dresses are also in fashion. Pastel colours as well as rusty browns and orange. 


Tasselled cardigans and bell-bottomed jeans with oversized bag and gold and brown make up on your eyes remembering the red lipstick.


So, are you up for this look?


And for the summer, remember to wear sunscreen. SPF 15, will allow 7 % of the UVB at your skin and SPF 50, will allow 2% UVB rays to be transmitted to your skin.


And hair. This is what I have read today. Every week, try to massage your scalp. This will increase the blood flow to the scalp and the blood flow carries nutrients such as iron and B12 which is vital to have strong lovely hair.


Never twist your hair when it’s wet as this can cause breakages. If you need to use a hairdryer, then use it on the lowest setting. Oh, heck, that will take me ages as my hair is long and thick.


Did you know that sweat during exercise is good for your hair? How?

It unclogs the pores and allows your hair to get air.  And by drinking water, promotes hair growth.

You also need vitamin D for your hair. So, foods with that in may help.


And finally, the word cottage. Oh, I love that word and what it means in England anyway. As I think it has a different meaning in other countries such as America. A cosy home. Normally small with a roaring fire, in my mind. Cottages are normally larger downstairs than upstairs and they are normally in the countryside. I think in other countries people call cottages a small house with one story where as we have two in the UK. And, as I said upstairs is smaller than down.


When you hear the word cottage, what does it make you feel like? It just gives me a very cosy feeling. Every Grandmother should live in a cottage. Haha. It would be wonderful if in her back garden, she grew vegetables for her grand children to pick for dinner and she should own a pair of old wooden ladders for the children to climb to pick apples from her tree and she should make shortbread or gingerbread men with the children at weekends. Granddads should play board games with the children and teach them how to make things of wood. Then collect wood for the coal fire. My ideal of a perfect Grandparent. But remember I could be a grandmother and I can tell you, no way I grow vegetables, though I do now have some tomatoes plants and I can tell you, they are doing well. More on that tomorrow and how I got them. I can also say I have never made gingerbread men though I am obsessed with them as in I have loads for my Christmas tree made from all sorts of materials and I even have a stunning large gingerbread man house that my Husband bought me some years ago. It’s a collector’s piece and I love it. As far as my Husband doing woodwork with his grandchildren, haha, em. No. that won’t be happening. reading to them yes for sure. Running around like a nutter with one of them on his shoulders yes, I can see him doing that, but not carving wood, he will play board games with them I’m sure. And you can get board games if you are blind. We have a few that we are keeping for our Grandchildren. If we are fortunate to have them. Our Son says he isn’t having children for a few years yet. Let’s see. Can you imagine Granny Fi?



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