
Thursday 7 June 2018


She was so beautiful. Almost too perfect for this world. Everyone who met her was stunned by her appearance. Not only her perfect face, beautiful hair, amazing figure, her height, the way in which she walked was almost as if she glided across a room. She dressed with such style, she could wear a paper bag and look classy.


Her voice was beautiful. She was so talented. Not only could she communicate in four languages as well as her own, but she could create the most beautiful pictures. Her world was one big canvas and each day she painted a new way of life. like fresh new buds and juicy tropical fruits under a sun of love!


She was kind. She cared for animals and people alike.


Who was she? And even what was her name?

No one knew. No one asked. She was a Princess, a Queen, a Goddess.


Moreover, where did she go? No one knows, no one dared to ask. She was the unspoken one who said so many words just by her being. Though I miss seeing her, a part of her is forever in my heart. Perhaps that is why she came into our lives.


We could have trapped her. Asked her questions. Made her tell us who she was. At least a name? but we didn’t, as we knew if we had our lives would be less rich and our futures would be poorer. Our destiny would be marked. And how did we know this? She told us in words we had never heard before.


© Fiona Cummings 2018


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