
Wednesday 20 June 2018


I asked a question yesterday. Who would you like to have dinner with and why? Before I give my answer, here are a few of our Bloggets answers. From my Dear Philomena, Nostradamus. So, a brief description who Nostradamus was. Born December 1503 and died at the age of 62.  That’s a good age for those days!   He lived in the beautiful Provence, France. He was known to treat the Plague and he was an Author and studied the stars, also known for his prophecies and was a Physician.

So, our Blogget would like to dine with him… So, she can know what her future holds I guess. That would be lovely, I am really wanting to see a good person who can tell me what our future holds. There are sharks out there though. But a good fortune teller though? My love says he wouldn’t want to know, so if I found out, I would have to keep it to myself. But it’s one thing I would love to do this year.


Another Blogget and friend, Vikki would like to dine with Jesus. I imagine that would be a great conversation, but if that were me, I would want to save him from dying. If I were to go back in time I would know of his future and have to tell him. But I guess he kind of knew.


James from Australia would like to dine with Marilyn Monroe. Haha. Not sure James how much culinary experience you would have!


For me, one more Sunday dinner with my parents. Sadly, I never had that goodbye talk with them. I feel forever robbed. My Mother in law I got chance to hear her words at least a week before she died bless her. And those words will be in my heart forever.


Thank you to Karen for your kind words today and to all of you who have contacted me by email, I shall get around to answering you within the next day. I have been busy this morning just house stuff and again dealing with a total buffoon! Some people make me laugh.

I have a meeting tomorrow and an important phone call this afternoon. I don’t like this grown up world. I have responsibilities right now for others and I’m having to sort out life in a professional way. It’s out of my comfort zone but it’s my job right now to try to get it all sorted.


Our Son is at work until late so two meals to cook tonight. One for Hub coming home and the other for when BW returns.


My Son got that whatever done to his car to make it sound like a racing car. Oh my… he wanted me to sit in it and put my foot on the pedal to rev it. He video’d it. Haha. Oh, how I dream to drive. I very much doubt driverless cars will happen in our life time. I do wonder if it’s just something that is a phase talked about that won’t really happen. Unless some miracle happens and I get my vision back. Again, in my life time not sure I will but could get enough to see faces and for me that will be great. I think I will be in shock when I see how old we have all become. My baby was a year when I saw him and my Husband was 12. At this point may I tell new Bloggets that Hub and I knew each other at school when I could see and we are the same age…


It will be lovely to see our wedding photographs though. It’s coming up to our Wedding Anniversary. My Son asked me yesterday if we are going to renew our wedding vows? I said may be but nof for a few years. May be when his little girl can be my bridesmaid? Haha. I didn’t have bridesmaids when I married Hub, I guess if I was to do the vows, it will be small abroad perhaps.    


I have just read a lovely blog from our Blogget and friend Kelly. She has just started writing blogs and they are so good. Her words today were all about stamp collections. Now, let me explain, she teaches her children from home and one morning and I say morning as it was 2am. She was looking on eBay and noticed that there was a stamp collection from all around the world for a ridiculous amount of money. So cheap. She bought albums and when her stamps arrived she told her children to gather around the dining table and take the stamp albums as they were to put the stamps in and learn about the countries as they removed the stamps from the envelopes. She went on to write about how many countries the children researched and I can tell you I am sure they learned so much that day. But what memories too. A kitchen or dining room table is the focus point of a home in my opinion. Especially when you have children as she does.


It's more difficult now days to get us all around the table at the same time but if possible, I still do. But as a child, our Son always ate with us, now his work interferes with that but even when Hub and I are eating we sit around the table. I really don’t like the thought of families who sit in front of the TV not talking to each other not even appreciating the food as they are concentrating on what is on the screen.


If there is no TV, you have to communicate. And it’s around our table where we three have some really interesting conversations. I hope when my Son has children, he continues this tradition. My boy is now talking about making his Dad and myself Grandparents in four years. Hub will be a fantastic Grandad

 Though right now we are hoping for our boy just to be settled and happy before he starts thinking about bringing a new person into our world. Gosh, I can’t imagine myself as a Grandmother…. They are meant to be old, right? And you all know, I’m still only 32….

Stop it…


I am starting to pack away my ornaments. We don’t have enough boxes. Then the removal of our pictures on the walls. Reminding me of when we last moved house. We were lucky we had some help on the last day from someone who gave his time for us. The packing etc I did on my own as Hub was abroad, but the heavy stuff was over to the big boys.


I was so sad when we left Northumberland. Hub wants so badly to move back there. But my Son has a life here now and there is no way his girlfriend will move away from her family and who can blame her?


There is a part of me though who can predict the future and I can see Hub working full time in London. If I ask him now, he will say absolutely no. He dislikes the capital so much, but let’s see. Read this blog in five years’ time and see where we are?


Now in the news, Donald Trump and the children in cages. Part of me wonders how much of it is Propper gander. I am praying that children haven’t been removed from the arms of their Mothers. I am hoping that children are not in baby jails without parents? I also don’t understand why the people/families at the boarders just couldn’t be sent back to Mexico? Why arrest them? Or, did they get over the boarders and were then arrested? Oh, it’s awful whatever.


Hub and I were watching the news last night and were so sad to see the children or hear them as they were recordings of crying children. Again, how much of that was real?  For us it reminds us of boarding school. To me that was a jail and to both of us, at such young ages to be away from our parents. I just can’t understand why Donald Trump would do that and this is why a part of me thinks it’s media making things worse than it is.


Also, President Trump announced yesterday he was going to have a new army. A space army. Oh, my, why? Don’t get me wrong if I was an American, and it was only the choice between the two main candidates, Clinton and Trump, I would vote for Trump. But I do wonder about some of his ideas. The reason I would have voted for Trump is because he is what he is. He says what he thinks. As for the other lady Hilary, well, she to me is 100 per cent fake. As you know, I can’t be dealing with fake people. There is enough badness in our world without such people.


But, those poor children, please let it not be true?


In Wales, a woman died after getting trapped in an airing cupboard… Awful, but if it was an airing cupboard like I know of, heck, how did she get in? Apparently, she was naked and the handle on the inside broke off. Most airing cupboards don’t even have handles as there is no need for one. Normally. Obviously in this case, there was. When I read more into the story, it’s tragic. She realised she got stuck. She pulled down the wooden shelves and tried to smash the walls and door down. One wall after the plaster was a brick wall. The other one she got the plaster off making a hole but then the inquest said they think she must have thought she had hit another wall but it wasn’t, it was the back of a picture. So, if she continued to smash away, she would have got out, but it gets worse, she pulled off a pipe and tried to use it for a handle and water started to shoot out at her. Oh, my that is so bad…


In Scotland, each person drinks 10 litres of pure alcohol per year. I’m not being funny, but I am surprised it’s only that?

And all over the news it’s world cup. Yawn. Every night on our TV. We have 12 weeks of this.


OK, next blog a little lighter. Now I have to put on my serious head and make this dreaded call. And then I am sure a lot of emails to be sent and received. The person I’m going to call is lovely, it’s the person/people we are dealing with who are not so good.


Keep well. Later Gators.





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