
Tuesday 12 June 2018


Hello to Peru, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, Canada, United Kingdom, United States and Spain. So far, they are my top ten Bloggets of the day. Spain? 118 views from you today, and over 200 from the UK and over 300 from America. I wish I knew who was reading in Spain, as normally I get about nine readers per day from your lovely country.   In total blog countries now, the gap has really widened. Remember it was quite tight in parts? Not now.  Poland is still hanging on though.


I have to tell you something I read today on Facebook. My friend kindly transcribed it to me as it was written in a picture/text format rather than in word and my screen reader doesn’t read pictures or pictures of words, only actual word… She is my angel eyes and always makes sure I am included in FB posts. Bless her. Anyway, here is what was written and it’s as though it was written for me.


Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes, that’ll be boring. Spend

 thirty seconds in my head, that will freak you out.


My Husband has often said to me he would love to spend a day in my head… I tell him he wouldn’t survive the 24 hours. My head is a place no one should visit. It’s a car crash. Someone once told me they can tell by my writing, what a state my heads in. Bahahaha. Thank God they continued to say they love to read what I write otherwise I still would be wondering whatever did they mean? As their emails kept coming, I learned they liked the diversity of one day reading a diary, next a poem and next a recipe. Oh, talking of recipe’s. hmm. I will have to see what my Son makes of his lunch  I was tired. I should have done his lunch earlier but I didn’t because I wanted to know what he thought of the sauce I made for his lunch today. And he didn’t tell me until he came home at ten in last night. He said it was ten out of ten. It’s ginger and spring onion. I made him a dish with bulgur wheat and Quorn chicken. It sounds revolting in fact my Husband said Bulgur wheat should be renamed vulgar wheat…


My baby loved it. He’s like my ex, he loved everything I cooked. My Husband does too as long as his dish has a face… My Son wants to change from a vegetarian to a vegan but I’m struggling with that thought. So, this is as close as I can get.  Well tonight through sleepy eyes, I made rice and when it was almost cooked, I put some asparagus in with it to steam. Again, vegetarian chicken cooked in herbs and the rest of this sauce that was left in the fridge. Oh, and some mushrooms I fried. It would have been OK until two things happened. Firstly, my boy told me his new place doesn’t have a microwave. So, cold rice? Well it got worse, as I learned that the rice wasn’t well, rice, but barley. I think. Oh gosh. And he couldn’t eat that cold… So, I am hoping he will eat it at home as he starts at five in the morning and is finished by 1 pm. Even hot I do wonder about barley? I hate making cooking mistakes.


Sham came around last night at half ten I just hope BW got some sleep as he has to be up at four. I guess Sham is off work today. Otherwise she has to be up at seven so an early start for her too.


Hub called he sounded happy and that makes me happy. For my Son Hub and furry ones to be happy is all I ask.

There’s a lot of happy’s going on there.


We are expected storms over the next few days. It thundered last night and I was just glad it was one huge rumble and not all night, I hate it I’m scared of it. What a wimp I know.


My shopping is coming tomorrow at a slot I don’t like. Between 8 and nine. Now, I’m hosting the elevenses ladies get together. What we eat and drink, will be in that shop, so I hope we don’t have a disaster like the last shop who we missed.

Or I should say, they missed us… 


My friend has just asked me if I will be ready to go out on Thursday at half eight in the morning. So, no rest for the wicked.

 Now for my foreign students who are wondering about that phrase, I read it derives from the bible – Isaiah 57. Gosh I hope I have that correct… No doubt you will tell me if I’m wrong. The eternal torment that awaits sinners in hell.

Heck… when I Annalise that phrase, it’s not very nice, is it? Maybe I should just say, I don’t think I will have much rest this week? Bahahaha.


I had a dreadful night. I went to bed about 1 am. Stayed awake until after three this morning then kept waking up to check the time. I don’t want BW to sleep in for his new job. He gets mad when I do that but fact is, he has slept in before three times and only woke on two of those occasions because I woke him. Sham stayed until he went to work.


Thirty hours before Hub is back home. It’s too long. I really do not like his new job. Back to the bad old days when he used to be away a lot. Obviously, it’s not as bad as that, as he travelled abroad, us still three days from home is too much. We spent too much time in our lives apart. Coming up to our wedding anniversary in a few days. He said to me the other day, he has never been happier in his life as he is with me… This shocks me as why? I’m just me and nothing else. I guess we are soul mates and I have said before I feel like we were together in another land. From we were young children we loved each other, but circumstances tore us apart for 28 years. Hence now we have some making up to do.


I’m going to have to take my dog out, Waggatail is too hyper. We have nothing to do and it’s cold today, but she needs to work otherwise she will go crazy as will I if she doesn’t stop finding every single toy and trying to put them on top of my lap top. You have no idea how many words I have had to delete, well letters as no words made sense. One day I should write a blog called dog toys. And let her do her stuff see what she is capable of writing.


BW went to get a suit after work. He went to Moss Bros. The first lady who welcomed him was lovely but then another lady took over and she was very rude. My BW walked out as he was disgusted by the attitude of the woman. It’s sad really as it used to be a good shop but looking on line, it has really bad reviews now.


He’s going to a black-tie event. He was going to hire a tuxedo but now he’s just going to buy a suit. For one event one night, it wouldn’t be worth him buying a tux. But he would have hired one if not for that person. At least if he buys a black suit, he has one for funerals. Not that many people where black suits now days, not that many people wear black for funerals even… I hope it will be a very long time before he needs a black suit. Haha. And he will never need a tux.


If he marries in the future knowing my Son he will want to wear a nice colour not black. Again, hopefully it will be a very long time before he marries.

Having said that, if he finds the right girl I guess he’s 21 now, it’s not too young.


My good friends Son has just met a lovely girl. My friend is delighted with his choice. I am sure if he decides tomorrow he’s marrying her, my friend would be very pleased. But he is 24. How old is the right age to marry? It in my opinion depends on so much, at the end of the day it’s a number and if it’s the right person, then love conquers all. The only thing is, the stress of life when the honeymoon is over bills and not being able to do what you did when you weren’t married.


Just before I go some words.

All this talk about clothing. How did the farmer fix his pants?

With cabbage patches.

What do you call a jacket that’s on fire?

A blazer.









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