
Saturday 16 June 2018


My last interview was today and now I am free to enjoy the weekend. It’s cool today with some rain though, but still we have braved it and sat out with a cupper and some nuts. Bahahaha. They are some nuts I bought at the fair. Did I tell you about them? Oh, my days!!!

Well the first ones I opened were chilli and not as in cold but blooming actual chilli’s. I liked them and I guess they prepared me for what was to come next. Well I bought seven bags for £10.00. The bags are quite big but what is inside of them is rather small with a big punch. The second bag bear in mind bag shmag. I don’t have a clue what flavour I’m about to eat… were shocking. What the heckers had I bought? Oh, boil an egg on a banana boat. Few urg. My Son said they were Japanese peas? Say whaa’aa?

 They had I guess mustard on them. They were really hot and crunchy. I like them but they really do make your eyes water. I wonder if you can cook them in a stew for example? Or are they meant to be eaten just as they come… in a bag from the market. Hubs taste buds didn’t cope too well with them. And when I asked our boy if he wanted them he declined without even thinking about it. Cowards…


There are some normal nuts in that bag of goodies, I’m sure.


Well Bloggets, I’m going to cook something I have never cooked before in my life. celeriac. Apparently, I can mash it like turnip/mash potatoes. Or roast it. To be honest I’m a bit scared. I’m not the most adventurist when it comes to cooking. Hubs already said he’s fine with some lamb moussaka from last night.

I told him, he can have some of this celeriac with that… he said he’s OK. I replied, I’m sure you are love, but you’re still getting some of this. If I have to induce it so does the rest of the family…. I can see me putting what may be left in the pan in a soup! I shall let you know what I thought of it. Moreover, what the boys thought of it. I hope to be wrong about my first thoughts on the veg. the benefits of such a vegetable are amazing but if it’s so good for us, it will be awful. Why is it that things that are the best for us, not just good, but the best, tastes so bad? And here’s a good theory, what if those vegetables are not good for us, but we are told they are so we buy and eat just to keep the farmers companies etc in business?


 I can tell you I’m in our lounge. Hub is in the conservatory listening to his sport. The window is wide open in here. I’m blooming freezing. So, why is the window open? To try to get rid of Walter the wasp. So much for me saying a few months ago we won’t be getting many if any at all this summer because of the bad weather we have had over the winter? We have loads and they are huge wearing biker boots and leather jackets, they are that hard.


My poor little Waggatail is terrified of them. She comes to me as if to say. Protect me Mummy. She cuddles right in. Bless her.


They are the first dogs I have ever had who don’t chase them and try to eat them they are both scared of them. We have two wimps for dogs, or are they sensible?


OK, going now to put the lotto on. This could be my lucky week?


So, until later, I shall end with some news that got my attention.

(Mother of 2 was cut out of 27-foot python after she was eaten whilst gardening.)

This awful story was in Indonesia. The lady went missing and where she was gardening an enormous python was found hardly able to move. Her tools and sandals were found nearby. The python had a huge bulge. It had eaten the woman head first. The villagers cut open the python and sadly her body was clearly seen. Oh, my, can you imagine such a thing?



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