
Tuesday 22 May 2018


One year ago, today, children of all ages were so excited. It was going to be for some the best night they were about to have, for others their first concert. For parents they smiled as buzzing children delighted before them laughing and rushing to get ready to see their pop idle. For other relations like Auntie’s, they were looking forward to taking their Nieces and Nephews to their big night out. It was going to be special. Well one year later, we learned that dreams came crashing down and nightmares began. For those poor children who lost their lives, for those parents and other family members who lost children who had committed no crime other than to be happy. For those relatives who lost their lives guarding/protecting others and for young couples who went out that night with wonderful expectations only to never see another day. All for what? Crime and evil, that’s what!


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