
Friday 11 May 2018


Not long before I get my hair cut. It’s a real mess as it’s been so long since I got it cut last. I am trying to grow it as long as possible. But my hair gets to a certain length and grows, but dead ends only! A month ago, as I wrote yesterday, I cut my own fringe… So, you say, Fiona, you are totally blind and you cut your own fringe?


Create an orderly line!

My charges are your company! All I ask is for you to sign a form as you enter Fifi’s salon redeeming me from all responsibilities…


We have been invited to a birthday party. It’s not until next May. But my Husband is in demand. Smile. He’s been asked to play piano. It’s for my lovely surrogate Grandmother for my Son. It’s her 80th birthday next year as it’s her lovely husband’s birthday too, but don’t tell him I said he was lovely, or it will go to his head. I have to remain cool with him. Haha. Bless his cotton socks. He’s been so good to us especially when I was in hospital. He was the Dad I needed at that time and a Dad to Hub at that same time as well as when Hubs Mum died. I am looking forward to celebrating the event with them. And I’m sure when Hub learns of his talents being requested, he will oblige as he cares deeply for them.


I have told you about my friend Vivi before, she was my Sons Lolly pop lady on the crossing to school all those years ago. Her job was in Government offices but she retired and took this as a part time job, helping the little children and their parents across the road. She used to bring my dear old and first guide dog Black Beauty dog biscuits and my little monkey wouldn’t cross the road until she got fed by this lady. One day Vivi forgot the biscuits and well, let’s say, me trying to persuade my guide dog across the road when her claws were well and truly stuck in the ground protesting, followed by me going bright red as cars queued up and angry snobby mothers moaned behind me, as I then started to guide my guide dog, by pulling her across the road, wasn’t a good look! She sulked for the rest of the day. The thing is, my friend Vivi felt so guilty, she brought double biscuits the next day.

Holding up cars and people once again! Oh, we were so popular. I guess the moral of this story is, not to feed a guide dog on a crossing. I did try to tell Vivi this, but without any success. It was the last time Boy Wonder, Hub and myself visited Vivi last year to deliver Christmas gifts, we were having a meal. Our dogs were behaving well under the table as we ate.

I thought.

Next thing I learn. Waggatail is to Vivi’s right getting fed and Little Fella is blocking any vision Vivi may have had of the world and certainly a Vivi wasn’t able to be seen even by the best of sighted folk. LF had launched himself on her knee. I was mortified, in fact, my mort has never been so fied!

I blame Vivi. ()


Well we went to the pub quiz last night, and we are getting better. I answered a few, Hub did the same and I got the anagram. So, let’s see if you get it. The letters are


So, T. H. A. I. L. A. N. D. K. E. G

And the clue was. A famous pop group from the 80’s.

English, American? Even German or French, who knows. So, I could only start with English groups. Firstly, in my head trying to remember the letters that were given. It’s hard when you can’t see them in front of you.

Well, I shall give you the answer in a mo jo. My Hub and our two friends didn’t have a clue. Neither did I at first but I was determined that I would get it. I had to, I mean you should see some of the questions. One week we were given 32 letters for a film. No year or country. We got it though, the easiest movie I got was because it was my favourite film ever. It took me a minute only to get that one. The letters for that were

C. I. N. R. D. Y. A. G. T. I. D. N.

And the answer for that movie was…. Have you worked that one out?

Dirty Dancing. As for the ThailandKeg from last night, the pop group? I only guessed that one by the letters as for the group, I had heard of them, but only was reminded when I said the words I had come to which were…. Ready?

Go on have another look, see if you can guess? I shall give you a clue I think…. They were English.

So, the answer?

Talking Heads.


Honestly, believe me, they are so easy in comparison to what we normally get. The picture quiz was a beach, we were told it was in England it was the shape of the sands/cliffs/sea, so, where? Em. Don’t know. Wouldn’t know.

I can’t even remember it today. There was a red and white flag with a blue patch on with stars and we were to guess which state in America it came from. I can’t even remember that answer. My problem I have and I blame the pollution of our city, not my age… is a can’t retain information.

This is why I write a blog each day, so I can remember my name. Haha.


A busy weekend for us, off to our friends tomorrow and tomorrow night, is Eurovision song contest competition on the TV. China have been in our news as they have been screening out certain things on a preview. Some people who are homosexuals carry for some reason rainbow flags. As in people in the audience. Why? Not sure. Well the Ireland entry is a great singer. Fantastic song. Beautiful in fact. But the dancers in the background, are two men acting out a love scene. The flags in China were blurred and the dancers were not shown. So, the producer has been sacked.  Something to do with inclusion laws.


What ever is going on near you this weekend, I hope you are included.


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