
Friday 25 May 2018


Blog written in two parts in one. First part was from Thursday/yesterday

I guess this blog will be finished tomorrow or tonight if I get chance. So much can happen between those hours. Right now, I feel like going to bed. What a wonderful life that would be to be able to please oneself and listen to your body.


I have washing to bring in from outside where it has been drying. I have dinner to cook and piles of clothes to move from our bed to the robes. Then I think I am going out. It’s that time of week where we go to humiliate ourselves at the pub quiz, but right now I am so tired. A bit like the Little Fella he has slept all day. Hub left him at home today as he has had a really busy two days. Especially on Monday when Hub woke at half five and his day outside began just after six in the morning and he returned after seven at night. Then yesterday an early start and back well after half seven.


I have bought them a new bed. Bed number I can’t remember, about 12 in six years. That’s 12 each by the way, so, 24 beds costing at least £35 each, so, over £800 worth of dog beds. And this one I caught one of them raking it as if to start to bite. I shouted they stopped. If I am not in the room with them, then what? Bed number 13?  I have just bought them a longish bit of what they call vet bedding but this is thick and has a rubber backing. At least it will grip the wooden floor. Let’s see how long these last?


Shamrock has seven days off work but I bet she picks up a shift. Though she will be exhausted as she has a big party to organise. Bless her, she’s arranging her sisters baby shower. She has been working on it for weeks and weeks. If not months. I hope her sister appreciates just what she has done for her?


I had a meeting this afternoon. I managed to hold my tongue when necessary. I was on the edge though… the lady I was interviewing with was lovely. Calm. So sweet. Unlike me. Hahaha. So many questions that had to be asked and answered. We were a team. She’s so lovely and polite. Like good cop bad cop. But again, the end result was a good one.

OK, so I shall leave this now and be back. When? Not sure. But part two will continue.

Already next day, how did that happen? Smile.

And here we are, part two. So, we went to the pub quiz. I could write so much about those visits, but the punters and staff are lovely, may be in the future I shall update you all about our times there.


The people we go with asked us to go out with them on Saturday. Let’s see. The weather is due to be stunning this weekend. But where one of the people suggested is three hours drive there and back. Fish & chips, well chips for me, both for the rest. Ice-cream and beer is on the menu. It’s funny as Hub doesn’t drink any alcohol now days he just doesn’t want it. It all started when he wanted to lose some weight. I mean, he used to have two pints once a week at the quiz and perhaps a gyn and tonic once a week at home, so he’s never been a big drinker. But when he was trying to loss some excess, he stopped totally. And our neighbour who we go to the quiz with, can’t understand it. It’s really funny to see people’s reactions to not drinking. We live in such a drink culture. So, he sits with his lime and soda and I have my lime and lemon and we are fine, but our neighbour I guess feels as if he’s drinking alone. Well so, as long as he is happy and we are with him for company not to drink. It shouldn’t be pressure, should it. He said to Hub yesterday he hopes hub doesn’t let him down on Saturday. I thought he meant not go out with him, but he meant not let him down as in drinking… haha. Bless him. Hub told him he would not be drinking. Our neighbour replied we can’t drive all the way to that pub and not drink their beer? My question is, why not? As long as he enjoys it, and we enjoy the time with them, what more should be expected? Mind you, I did say do we have to drive that far for the beer?  There is beer on our doorstop. Mind you there are no good restaurants. Or ice-cream shops.


In London there are loads of great restaurants but here loads of restaurants but not good. London have so much competition, so should we have, as we are a city but no, even in comparison to my beautiful Northumberland, everything tastes the same here.


Hub working from home today.  I just handed him a cup of tea. Looks like Fridays are phone days. It’s none stop. So, I’m having to be quiet and it’s so funny how the dogs are too. If he had been at work, Waggatail would have had every toy out. She never lays down normally but when the Little Fella is here, they are sounding like little piglets snoring.


Their new vet beds are still looking fine, so they survived one night. They are really fluffy and thick. In inches, they are about 40 long. And 30 inches wide. 102 cm long, 76c wide.  The width is fine, but I preferred if I could get half the length again so another 20 inches or 50.8 cm. and guess how much the company wanted for that? £91.

How much?

 I almost died. I could have had my bedroom fitted out with a carpet for that much.


It’s really wet today we are expected 5ml of water. I love the rain especially when I don’t have to go out and I know how much the gardens need it. We are expected to have the driest summer on record this year. So, you watch, hosepipe bans. It’s crazy we live on an island and we have water shortage? And as I have said before we have clean water coming into our toilets. Why we can’t have sea water filtered, I don’t know.


Thank you for your feedback with regards to questions I have been putting out there, as in food for thought? Conversation starters. Well here are some would you rathers.

Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or be surrounded by annoying people?

So, think about that, and what is your answer?

Me? Well it’s easy. Alone for the rest of my life.  annoying people boil my blood. I have managed to eliminate most people who annoy me/us, thankfully out of our lives forever but still they come to us as if an epidemic. I’m sure there is a farmer out there who has land and plants seeds which grow into annoying people. Haha.


Here’s an interesting question, well I found it to be so.

Would you rather be someone who discovered a new planet or someone who discovered a cure for a deadly disease?

Again, for me that’s easy and I bet my regular Bloggets can guess this one. I believe in looking after our own planet before discovering other places to spoil. Inhabit. So, of course saving people comes first.


Ooooooo this is a good one. Now, this will make us all think….

Would you rather have a horrible long-term memory or a horrible short-term memory?

For me I did have to take three and a half seconds to think about this one, have you thought about it yet? What are your thoughts?

Me, definitely I would rather forget my past so horrible long-term memory for me please.


Would you rather find a suitcase with £5,000,000 or find your true love?

Oh, gosh, now for me that is a challenge. I did find my true love and for me I was lucky but there are some people out there who find their true love, and the question was find them, not live happy ever after with them. So, you find your true love and it doesn’t work out? Think of the fun you could have had with all that money? Smile. So, think about that one and what is your answer? For me an easier one would be if I found my true love and we could live happy ever after but he was poor or I could have found that case, which would I prefer? And the answer will always be, my true love.

Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can buy an easier life and it can help for research into treatments/research for things like cures for certain disabilities that may be affecting your lives right now. for me I would pay a load of money to research into cures for Retinitis Pigmentosa to be able to see again is my goal in life.


And finally, one more question. Would you rather be beautiful / handsome but not intelligent or hyper intelligent but super ugly?

Haha, for me beautiful. Beauty gets you far in life. no matter what people say but having said that, beauty doesn’t last. So, then what? I guess if you are beautiful, you are never ugly. If you are already ugly, there’s no chance really, but having said that, to be recognised for one’s brain is such an honour, a privilege and a great feeling.  But to be told you are looking beautiful is also sweet.  So, hmm. I’m stuckish on that one. I would have to think a bit longer.


Wherever you are in the world, have a great weekend, won’t you? I will be back and if you need to contact me via email please do. I’m now going to read to see what you have sent today. I shall answer too as I have time on my hands today. With love.




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