
Thursday 24 May 2018


Warning, heavy subject.

Even the word abortion, where does that word originate from? I believe it’s a Latin word stem of first appeared in the 16th century Latin, Abariri, (Miscarry/away with) having said that I also read that the first recorded evidence induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BC.


How ever you dress it up, it’s the ending of a life. removing an embryo or foetus before it can survive being born. An innocent life that you have created. To end that life, a Doctor can perform vacuum apirations until about 14 weeks, the most common type of second trimester abortion, is called dilation and evacuation.


Call it what you like its murder. In circumstances where the baby will be severely disabled and have no joy in life, then there has to be exceptions. But to get rid of a baby just because you can, or it’s inconvenient for you is immoral.


Having said all that, my natural mother if you can call her that, to be honest, those words for her natural and mother are as far from what she was or is to me, but on paper that is what her connection with me is, tried and failed obviously to abort me. And, I wished she has succeeded. Then at least I wouldn’t have the knowledge that I should not have been here.


Do people these days really have to get pregnant if they don’t want a child? And if they find they are with child, then why not hand that baby over to those who cannot have children? Again, that is another subject, adoption, and a subject I have first hand with, but there are some, happy adopted people out there and moreover happier parents who adopted children to give them such joy in their lives. For those children who are adopted and for those parents who have adopted, if you are all happy, wow, you are the lucky ones. More proof that abortion shouldn’t happen.


For those in pain every day with life, then I feel for you. If you wish you had not survived. I’m sorry. I can only hope your world gets better. I guess we were born for a reason, I just have to find my reason still.


I just think if you can go ahead with an abortion, then you can carry full term and give your baby away. OK, it’s more physical now, so you may have found yourself with a deep connection. Then, keep your baby and respect that your body has allowed such a miracle to take place!


Circumstances? Yours may change. And love costs nothing, your time is free to give. That is all a child need.


People are flying all over the world to get to Ireland to vote on abortion. To legalise it. Right now, thousands of people each year travel to England to get an abortion. And this week I believe there is a vote to see if it should continue to be legal in Northern Ireland to abort. People are travelling from Africa and Canada, New Zealand and Japan to mention just a few countries.


So, they feel passionate about the subject either way. But it’s a baby. It’s a life that may never be inside of you again. Who says you will get a second chance to have a baby?


Maybe you don’t ever want a child? Then take steps to make sure that never happens.


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