
Tuesday 22 May 2018


Good day Bloggets. My work has been done this morning, just housework to do now. Hub left the house at half five this morning. Four trains and he still hadn’t reached his destination. Why four? Should have been two. It’s two hours away, but our trains are going through a crisis. He was on three before they could get a driver. I mean, would you put people on a train without a driver? So, he hasn’t let me know if he is there I just have to presume. He was totally stressed as he has interviews to do today. I don’t expect him back home until much later especially if the trains can’t get sorted out. And tomorrow he’s off again in fact every day this week he’s travelling by train.  I hope the Little Fella will be OK, bless him, as sometimes crowds don’t see a dog if they are not looking at the floor. As for those trolleys? Well, if the train is as full as it sounded, there won’t be trolleys selling coffee etc. talking of dogs in our LF, our Waggatail is dreaming as she sleeps in the conservatory. It’s so hot in there but she is loving it. She loves the thick rug bless her heart. Mind, I wasn’t saying that this morning as I did the doggy doodle dance in the doggy doodle run. Searching for dog muck isn’t a pleasant thing to do especially when you can’t see…


So, now here are some thoughts for you.


I love the sea, not actually being in it, as I’m terrified of water. If it is under my neck, I’m fine, but over, I’m done. I love the smell of the sea, the sounds too. It is a dream of mine to have a house looking over to the beach. My homeland of Northumberland have the best beaches in the world but we have the worst weather most of the year though there can be days when it’s so hot the sand burns and it is sand, not stones or rocks. Beautiful soft sand in fact years ago our sand was taken to parts of the desert to a luxury hotel. They tried to create a beach. I wondered if you had a boat, what would you name it? For me it would be either the Mermaid but that is boring, or, see blue sea. For screen readers, see as in seeing, and sea as in sea side.


Can you imagine if the internet goes down all over the world? How would it affect you? Well all of our banking would go to pot as we say, it’s just slang, I’m not talking about drugs… And for me personally, I shop on line. Food and clothing, everything we need for the house too. I obviously wouldn’t be able to talk with you or hear from you all. I dreadfully would miss my sweet friend from South Africa, she is my rock. I’m sure if we thought about it, we would all be in a state and I’m not talking about being in America, but a place where by life would be a challenge, but, we would get used to it though I think it would take over a year to do so. And then all go back to the old-fashioned way of pen to paper, or in my case typed letters. Reading them back though would be impossible. To do it in a thorough way.


A question for you. If you could ask only one question where you would get the most absolute truthful answer. What question would you ask?

Gosh, for me, it would be five questions. Three of which I can’t say on here but two of them would be will I ever see again and is there life after death? But how would I ask the last question? As I would want to know is it a better world. But that would be two questions. So, I would ask. Is there a better life after this one, but that would lead to asking will we meat up with our loved ones? My Mum, Dad and Mum in law. Friends who have died and so on. Again, cheating as that is more than one question. Re my vision, will I ever see again, should be added whilst I’m young enough to make a difference. Then I could want to know when and how? So, are our questions ever final? And which one would I ask? As I said initially I have five or had five, but I reckon they would turn into ten.


Another question. Would you rather live in the wilderness far away from civilisation, or live in a city homeless?

OOOOOoooooo… heck. No way I would want to be homeless. So far away would be fine for me. Leads back to the internet question in a funny way. But how would I eat? No way I would hunt. I would leave that up to those with no hearts or thoughts for creatures. And if someone hunted for me, it would have to be berry’s.


Boy Wonder has just got out of bed. He will shower eat then go to meet with Shamrock. Where will they go today? Perhaps they will stay in. it is warm not hot but warm and there is a threat of rain. May be Sham is working, though she has had a few days off sick poor thing. Thankfully BW hasn’t caught what ever she has. She came around last night at quarter to eleven but we as in Hub and myself were in bed. As he had to have an early start up at 5 am. I of course was on my iPhone with earphones. Until well after 2 then I slept then woke just after 4 and went to sleep just before Hubs alarm went off but I must have fallen a sleep as next thing I knew, it was quarter past six and Hub let me know he was on the train, train number one. Smile.


Not sure we will get to our pub quiz this week if he has such a busy week. I think he’s in Newcastle on the day of the quiz, so he won’t be back until seven. It wouldn’t be fair to expect him to turn on his heal and go back out.


I’m waiting for an important call now. I wish she would call me then I could relax. It’s a call that has got me slightly on the edge. Important words are to be said.


Before I go, our Prince Harry picked the flowers for Meghan’s bouquet. How romantic is that? The forget-me-nots were from his Mums garden. Our Princess Di loved them. It was a beautiful day the best wedding I have seen for a long time. In fact, forever. I thought mine and Hubs was the best, but we didn’t have that amazing gospel choir. Smile.


Until later take care and talk with the angels. They can listen and sometimes answer.



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