
Monday 14 May 2018


Dear Bloggets, for Saturday, and now forever, for those in France who have been affected by the evil that occurred in Paris, I’m so very sorry. Once again, my heart goes out to France.


 I hope I find most of you well? I have been so busy today just doing work on my lap top, not pleasurable either. All business. If I could see, I would be seeing numbers in my sleep. Talking of sleep, I had non last night. BW went out at half nine in the evening and returned mid-day today. He stayed at his girlfriends again. I think this will be a regular thing now.


His boss is freaking out because he is struggling to find BW’s replacement. Well he should have thought of that earlier, shouldn’t he? After visiting my Sons new place of work the other day, gosh, I’m not quite sure how long he will stay there. It’s a dreadful environment. Talking to him today just before work, he said he will stick with it, I think he will push for the next stage though of a Managers role. Right now, he is an assistant manager. He was telling me some of the things he has to do in his new role, gosh, it’s really great for his brain. Sadly, he doesn’t mix with his friends anymore who went to University. So apart from at home his brain is used only in basic conversation etc. So, I hope this will do him good, but the actual place is awful. 


I received a lovely message today from an Author called Keith. About the poem I wrote yesterday with regards to the meadow. It was about the blog I wrote when Hub and I visited our friends. All four of us blind and we went for a walk in the meadow and let our guide dogs off. Next to the steep riverbank. Haha. We know how to live dangerously. I couldn’t believe it how we had such a great time. It was the best day of the year for me so far and I know Hub loved it too. He’s ready to move there tomorrow. I kind of wished we bought the house just behind our friends, at the bottom of their garden, but work was in charge so we have to live where the work is.


I just can’t believe how well we did when we let our guide dogs off to play, we had one white cane between us. We had such a great time.


A question for you. What does it mean to have a good life?

Well for me as long as my Husband and Son are happy, our tiny extended family and friends are all safe and well, then I’m delighted. As long as I know my beautiful dogs are happy, makes me smile. I wish we could have world peace, but that will never happen. Humans are getting worse. I kind of hoped that the latest protestors in America, would have set a craze of humanity across the globe, but that seems to have gone quiet now. And still People in America are getting shot and the UK stabbed. France are still seeing mad people on their streets and the world goes on, for how long? Not sure. People think that God will come to save the world. But I doubt it, as he too will be killed. Right now, the devil is winning. Humanity is heading in the wrong direction. There is no respect any longer with most people. I believe it started by small things/changes like people not wearing black at funerals. Sounds silly, may be, but it’s all the small things we are losing that make it our big problems.


If humanity was put on trial by an advanced race of aliens, how would you defend     humanity and argue for its continued existence?

Would you, could you? Personally, I for one couldn’t say anything that would convince aliens to keep us on earth. Now, for the animals, I could talk all day for them. Of course, there are some really great people. Few, but some and I call them my earth angels. And I know I haven’t met all the people who have warm caring hearts, and I never will meet them all, but I know they exist, I believe they are angels sent to save our earth, so if humans are wiped out, the angels will survive any way.


If it was discovered that personality traits were partly genetic and could be removed with gene therapy, would it be ethical to remove negative genes? Hell, yes. This is a subject my Husband and I have often. He is afraid of gene therapy because he says before we know it, genes will be edited. Now he is afraid a super human will develop for wars etc. yes, that is scary, but on a positive side, imagine if we could alter genes from people who will be compulsive lyres, cruel and aggressive?


As for morality, well, who’s morals are right? How do we decide whose concept of morality is correct?


How do you feel about us humans terraforming another planet if it means we may be destroying undiscovered microscopic alien life? I say no, not if it means we will be replacing that hopeful new life or existing life for what we have here already on earth.


Just thoughts for today. It’s Monday, a new week. Who knows what will happen this week? I hope it’s going to be positive news and our next weekend will be full of peace. And finally, Bloggets we have had over 302,000 views now on this page. Gosh, I can’t believe it. Thank you again for all of your shares, messages and emails.


Until next time




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