
Friday 24 November 2017


A gift of love to someone who would love this?

Mary Ellen Wright lives with her husband Mike in Northern California. After fifty-three years of marriage, three children and six grandchildren, they’ve braved the storms, are still upright, praising God, and loving each other. She is a passionate and vulnerable writer and teacher. Mary Ellen started creating and teaching Adult Bible Studies when she was twenty. Her teaching and prophetic insights on the Biblical truth bring God’s word and His heart to light. She also has a passion for God’s Biblical feasts and the Hebrew language and often interjects deep treasures into her teaching. All of these pursuits are blessing many people internationally through speaking engagements, her blog, and YouTube videos. Her YouTube channel is: Mary Ellen Wright. She’s been journaling her quiet pre-dawn time with God for forty years and loves to inject His insights into her writing and speaking. Mary Ellen can be found most days in her office studying and preparing teachings. You can find many of them at her website: Her husband, Mike, is usually in the garden or working with his ham radio. He calls her, and she calls him, Sweetie. Together they are full of wisdom and love. They are a joy to be around.


That was from Amazon but from me, I know if you have an interest in how some people view religion, this book is perfect for you. It’s like nothing I have read before it’s so personal an yet has the magic to touch everyone’s heart. This lady is a gift to us all. A warm sweet soul some would say an earth angel. I’m glad that this lovely lady is in my life. If you would like to give a gift for Christmas or just to tell someone you love them or perhaps to share knowledge that God is looking out for them, then please at least take a look at this link.


I read the reviews and from a twelve-year-old girl who couldn’t put the book down to people saying they heard God speaking to them through Mary’s words to others saying it’s a fantastic read where Mary opens her life to us all through troubles in her marriage Motherhood and more.




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