
Monday 13 November 2017


I read a great quote this morning and I shall write it at the end of my blog. It’s something to think about.


Temperatures go as low as zero across many parts of the UK for the next three weeks it’s going to be nipping cold. So, it should be its winter. Otherwise the midge’s will be wearing leather jackets and biker boots next year.

So, another week has started. Let’s take a read at what is in our news today?


It’s shameful and disgraceful how much abuse our Paramedics and other emergency service people get in the UK. Sometimes I am ashamed of our people. To me Ambulance workers, firefighters and some, Police are my absolute hero’s. How dare anyone give them abuse let alone hearl rocks at their vehicles?


There is a man in the UK whose wife has just left him. Now this is quite normal here, but this makes the news because she was wife number nine…

Oh, my goodness. I couldn’t be bothered, number nine? Two I coped with as my Husband was and is my first and last love. But no way I would marry again and as for nine times? Well, I just don’t get it. Has no one told him he can buy a wedding cake any times he fancies one? He doesn’t have to marry to eat it.


Dinosaur-era shark with snake’s head and three hundred teeth found off Portuguese coast species dates back 80 million years  

Reminds me why I don’t like swimming in the sea/ocean.


Bill Gates pledges $50m to London based Dementia discovery fund to search for a cure.

 Wow, what a man. Fantastic. I hope the money is spent well and we find a cure.


When I was a child, one question my friends used to ask me, in fact we used to ask each other. I do wonder now if it was because our boarding schools used to starve us so we used to dream about food. The question? If you had to go to space to live, what one food would you take with you. My answer was always mushrooms. I love them fried in butter with salt and black pepper and they have to be crispy around the edges. Not healthy so I only have them about once a month but I have always been baffled as to what benefit mushrooms are to us. Not fried in butter, but you know what I mean?


Well Fifi be baffled no more. I have just read that they may be the best food to fight ageing. Bring, them, on!

Mushrooms contain a high level of antioxidants the Porcini has the highest by far, of any that have been tested.


Well it’s the start of the week what has your week got planned for you? Who knows where we will be this time next week. I’m off to clean my windows inside and all the white gloss around my doors and skirting boards. Oh, then this afternoon I’m out and about, so world watch out. But before I go for now, this is what I read today from my friend Carrie.


Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else.


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