
Saturday 11 November 2017


Just before I lay my head upon my pillow, I’m thinking of all the poor people who died in our world wars. Today is Armistice day. God bless the people who were sent to war and didn’t return.


I wish for a world of peace and no more wars. Those are words that mean nothing who is going to take any notice? Especially as I believe there are more angry people who are born bad and end up evil.


Today on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we stood silent to show our respect to those involved! The fallen, the injured and the scars of life.


Today all day I thought about my darling Dad whose birthday it was. If he is in a place called heaven, as we know it, and he should be as he was a true earth angel, I hope the angels sang happy birthday to him.


I feel he sometimes walks by my side, and I never want to let him go. My Dad died almost twenty years ago and I miss and love him as much as I did the day he died the week after he died, month and year. He adopted me and worked his whole life to try his best for me. He was a good kind man who didn’t have a bad bone in his body. I so wish he was still alive as I know he would have loved my Husband. And my love would have thought the world of him. So, goodnight to all those who died because of wars and goodnight to my beautiful Dad, as a tear falls, I love you Dad. Happy birthday. X



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