
Monday 13 November 2017


I can’t believe how you are all caring sharing and reading my blogs you never let me down but this past month, our blog page has flown up there. Here are the top ten countries and how many views you have done in the time I have had my blog page. The first four countries haven’t changed you are a distance ahead of the rest but there are two countries who have not climbed but ran up that ladder and the bottom three are so close, one country may, be knocked off the bottom next blog stat report and I hope it’s not you, though I am interested to know which countries are on the tail of the last three countries on this list. I hope I don’t lose you guys as you have been here since the start. Through love and laughter, tears and tantrums. Remember there are so many more countries who visit us and I love to see you each day but here we go with the top ten. Remember to look at the bottom three to see how close they are?

United Kingdom 104120

United States 76,592

Russia 1074

Ukraine 7,388

Germany 5,966

Canada 5,180

Australia 3,504

South Africa 1,685

France 1,492

Poland 1,284


And this month just some of the Bloggets have come from

The Philippines, Mexico, France,  Singapore, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Peru, Brazil, Italy, Germany, UK, US, Australia Canada, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, India, Switzerland, Norway and Poland.

   Just to name a few. In total my blog page has been read 244,851 times, incredible.

Once again thank you as we have smashed all records again as normally my blog page receives about 5/6 thousand views per month, this month has had over 16,000

 I’m a shocked in a good way Fifi.








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