
Wednesday 22 November 2017


I love quotes and if we can live by the best of them then it can’t be bad, right? Here are some of my favourite quotes mixed in with some of my very own. A jumble of quotes.


You never lose a dream.   It just incubates as a hobby. Find something you love then find a way to give it to others. If you want something you have never had, you must do something to get it and don’t sit around waiting for it to appear in front of you. Sometimes reaching for the what seems impossible, can be an impossible thought. Try to stop thinking about it and reach out see if it can be made possible as just thinking about it, you won’t ever get what you want. Some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen others make it happen. If life gets tough, remember aeroplanes take off against the wind


A good leader is like being a Shepard. Let the weak and nimble go a head whilst the others follow totally oblivious that they are all being guided from someone in the background.


There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today, so don’t condemn those who don’t know what you know, because they too, will know things you don’t know. Sometimes you learn from a book, sometimes by talking with people but sometimes you do something that will make you so embarrassed, that you will learn to never do it again. Life’s about learning.


World peace must come from inner peace. People may die nations may fall but ideas live on.


At the end of life, I believe that you will be judged not on how many degrees you may have, or how much money you have made what wonderful items you may possess, but “I was hungry and you fed me. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you gave me a place to stay. I was alone and you sat by my side. I had no one to talk to and you listened. I needed advice and you gave it to me. I had no love and you loved me. Now I will show you all that love.”” You won’t be judged on how much success you have but how many times you fell down and got back up.








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