
Thursday 1 February 2018


Whilst nothing shocks me anymore, still I feel sad around situations, but never in disbelief. My friend just called me to tell me about a program on the radio to listen to. So, I turned the station on not in the old way where we plugged the radio in and twiddled with the dial to find the correct station after pulling out the aerial. But asked my Amazon Dot to play Radio Five Live.


These were adults. Men. who were with good professions like solicitors and into finance etc. They sounded about forty fifties! Spoke well, obviously educated. But also, obviously, there was something not quite wired correctly in their brains.


As I listened preventing myself from regurgitating, I ended up having to turn their voices off. I was repulsed. Disgusted. And to me they are equal to paedophiles and rapists.


I contacted my friend to tell him just what I thought of those people. He thought it was funny. How can anyone think it’s funny? I guess my friend doesn’t get so involved as I do something I need to learn to drop as a habit.


So, what do these perverts do?

Have puppy classes.

Dress up as dogs.

Wearing rubber and leather dog masks and full outfits like paws and tails etc.

They go in public places into bars put a rubber mat down and socialise talking to each other but when they have finished talking to one another, if they feel like going to play with another dog, on all fours they go.


They drink and eat out of a dog dish. They even have once a month walking around London groups where by they are taken on a leash by a person, dressed, well, as a person!


They even bark. I said to my friend, I wonder if they go to the toilet like a dog does? It really wouldn’t surprise me. And although they say it’s nothing sexual, nothing to do with a fetish, I bet they try to mate too. To me they are freaks of nature, in fact, no, how dare I put them in the same category as nature. They are sick individuals and I wish they could be experimented on in labs all over the world and set the innocent dogs free.


These people are Fathers. Certainly, have high regarded jobs. They are people you take your accounts/bank details to and ask to fight your case in court. I wonder if there are any doctors among this freaking group of undesirables. I can only wish the worst for these people. What you do in your own house is up to you, this is not what people should be subjected to in public. They only get away with it because people think they are collecting for charity. Oh, no, they wouldn’t do that. Why would they? Their  weirdos..

Just saying!




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