
Wednesday 28 February 2018


 The beast from the East has hit our area hard today. Trains are either delayed or cancelled. My Husband was due to attend a meeting in London but after putting on his best suit and dress coat, he turned on his heel and decided to try to attend the meeting through the means of technology. Skype. He was up today at half six which means I, was up at half six. So, I think he started to work about half seven this morning from home. Now he is on the phone/mobile as for some reason the skype mustn’t have worked. So, hopefully the wind will blow away the radiation caused by the mobile. I’m walking around the house like a mouse. Only there’s no cheese being eating by this rodent.


My Son is so excited to see the snow. He’s promised us he will have a snowball fight when he gets in. haha. His Dad’s not too keen. The Little Fella is loving the snow. Last year he didn’t like it at all. It was so funny in a odd way yesterday he has been taking in the fact that I have been gathering up snow from the outside box we keep their dog things in. The lid provided a perfect place to prepare snow balls to throw for the dogs. So, as I was about to come in the house, LF wasn’t having any of that, he launched himself towards the box thinking there were ready made snowballs for him waiting, only to find in fact it was slippery snow, so, as he flew through the air nothing stopped him he went gliding across the long box, spinning past my elephant garden statue and dangerously headed towards the wall. Thankfully managing to avoid it with a last-minute manoeuvre in the direction of me! Well, that just made him more excited and got energy from somewhere, and decided to play snowballs with my poor Wagging one of a Waggatail. She wasn’t going to be the main entertainment for LF’s winter Olympics, and ran to me cuddling in my legs. She’s seven going on eleven, though everyone says she looks three. She is much older than my last Guide Dog Black Beauty. BB, played wild until she was 12, but in the house, she was so calm. Wagga is very playful in doors but not outside so much.


Considering Waggatails age, she sleeps a lot too, so I think she get’s tired easily. Mind you, the energy it must take to get that tail going like it does, I would be shattered too if I was to wag like that.


I received an interesting and hopeful though scary phone call today that has I hope an outcome. The only thing is, it was the man’s secretary I spoke with and it’s the main man I need to talk to, but at least they phoned me rather than me calling him. When it’s concluded I shall tell you about it but it’s been quite an awful time of late.


Did I tell you I managed to buy my Sons 21st birthday gift? Oh, yesterday in our town it was so bad with the blazing snow. My Son took me, bless him, but at least when I was buying the gift, he granted my wish and had a wonder about so not to see exactly what it’s like. It’s his birthday in a couple of days and he has a busy day planned followed by a few days abroad.


His girlfriend is planning the holiday. But she can’t keep a secret. Though it was meant to be. And let it slip she had booked Budapest. We checked the weather there today, let’s just say, he won’t need any sun protector. I just hope he will be OK for food as he’s a vegetarian.


Oh, my, yesterday. I decided to fill our new sink in our newly fitted shower room. Fill it with water. So, wash all the tiles and so on down. And all going well, I went to empty it and refill it again with clean water, and, em. I couldn’t get the blooming plug out. It was well and truly stuck. No way that was budging. Na’ah, it wasn’t going anywhere. Oh, heck. No. now what to do?


What had happened was, the grout from the work that had been done, had gone into the sink and blocked it up. The plug is a what they call coin plug that flips round and around. Well, there was no round going on in my shower room. If all fails, out came the rubber mallet.


It worked. Now, I’m too scared to put it back in. my plumber is coming back tomorrow to do some finishing off work and he said he will look. Whatever happened to those good old rubber plugs on a chain?


On that note, keep safe and warm. Be forever hopeful, when hope leaves your life, know one day it will return. Just when you are not expecting it.

© Fiona Cummings



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