
Tuesday 13 February 2018


Good evening Bloggets. Gosh, what a couple of days? It was my birthday and I hate birthdays. For so many reasons. But this year was to be different as I would lock my doors and refuse to go out… My Son, had different ideas. After he tried to get me out, and it was obvious it wasn’t going to work, he came from work, told me to stay in my sitting room. He took the keys to the side gate and I heard loads of car doors… Oh, no, I begged my Husband to tell me the truth. “Tell me, are there people coming?”” I wasn’t dressed nicely just jeans and a top and I had no makeup on! I hate surprises. I’m a bore, OK? I like small groups. Very small. And I have to tell my brain what is about to happen or it all goes wrong. Haha.


Well the car doors kept closing, opening, pulling in were cars and vans. Footsteps were heard and who were they?


Turned out they were people coming home from work, as it was that time. Haha. After my Son took about half an hour, he came in to see Hub and myself and told Hub to follow him but told me to stay still. Oh, no, surely Hub knows how I feel and would save me from this horrid shock that was about to happen to me?


I could smell food from my kitchen and I think it was the smell of my favourite food… Mexican.


Boy Wonder then came in for me and guided me by the hand… Was this so I can’t run off? As of course I know my way around my house…


As I entered the conservatory, suddenly I was given a bottle to hold of prosecco with a sparkler on top. Blasting through the speakers was the song Happy birthday. Party horns were blown at the same time I walked through something above my head. At first, I couldn’t work out what they were apart from knowing they were balloons. Turned out, they were the shape of my age! 34, of course…

Stop. It…


There were two horns blowing, then BW’s two hands on my shoulders became one as he reached for a horn and the noise was like blooming swans on a lake.



My guests were of course Boy Wonder, Hub and Shamrock. End of… Thank goodness. Even though I wanted the day to pass in a flash, my Son and his girlfriend were determined it would go down in history.


During the meal I learned of Shams day. BW was at work all day so it was Shamrock who ran around buying everything. Shamrock spent two hours cooking. And I was right, Mexican food. Whilst eating the lovely food, I learned just how much work had gone into the preparation for my party meal.  



After work, BW, bought the two, bottles of prosecco, birthday cake and lovely card.  The cake was in the shape of a dog. So, cute.


We ate loads of food that was delicious, Sham did a great job. She was so sweet about it too. Then came the gifts from them. Oh, my goodness. I received the cutest two dogs from the Make A bear factory. One is Waggatail and the other is The Little Fella. They are adorable. Quite big too. Then loads of beautiful bath products, a stunning candle made into flowers in a pot and loads of bags of old fashioned sweets/candy…


Shamrock really did a great job with the food and she bought the gifts and really thought about them. Even one of the bath bombs had an elephant on top. You know how crazy I am over elephants?  


Talking of elephants, Hub bought me beautiful bronze elephants, a family just like ours… A Mummy, Daddy and baby elephant. All together as one ornament. I also got a beautiful vase and 24 stunning long roses.


My friends Trix, Like and Hanz, sent me an afternoon tea hamper and they gave me a salt and pepper set, as I collect them. One is an ice bucket the other a bottle of champagne. My friend D, bought me a beautiful birthday card and some perfume. So, kind.


 Today, my friends Vivi and Von came drove such a long way to be here. We all walked to our local restaurant for lunch and their gifts were so wonderful. Vouchers for my favourite clothes shop which I’m excited to go on line to see what I can buy, and another cake. Oh, wow, this cake… The detail is incredible. It has my name on it and on the top are two dogs identical to our two. LF and Waggs.


The dogs even have their collars on with two bells on LF’s collar and one on Waggatails. Just like in real life. there is even white around Wagg’s whiskers and LF’s fur is textured, just like in real life, as he is a retriever with the same floppy ears that are on his head in reality. Smile.


I kept the two dogs in my china cabinet and the cake has a serious mark in it where the cake slice has made an impression.


Wrapped around the cake is a long dog’s leash/leader. Even detailed down to the handle of the leader.


The dogs even have little pink tongues. How blooming cute and thoughtful. I mean, the cake is a fruit cake and would have cost a fortune. It’s huge and so tasty. Our friend Von was so thoughtful going to so much effort. Also driving over two hours to get here. And, she treated us all to lunch. My friend Vivi of course brought buckets of dog biscuits for Waggs and LF.


Boy Wonder was so pleased to see them. He really likes Von and loves Vivi as she is the closest person he has to a Grandmother. He has known her since he was four.


It has been two beautiful days but I feel sad now it’s over. Back to normality. I wish I lived closer to Vivi and Von. I miss them so much and time with my Son is precious as we hardly spend time together. Ten minutes on average per day but last night was hours. Five in total. It was so lovely.


I’m blessed to have such people in my life and the messages on face book and emails have been so touching. People actually taking time out to bother writing kind words. My brother phoned me and I received a lovely card from my brother in law. As well as a big bunch of flowers from my friend Geordie’s Mum. My parents are not here and I miss them so much, but when the chips are down, I have beautiful people in my life. Kind messages from Australia to America and all over the UK to South Africa and India. Canada and Germany.


Thank you all so much. With love. X




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