
Tuesday 6 February 2018


OK, a group I was asked to join today, ready for this one?

(Chat for Secular eclectic academic home schoolers)

I didn’t join.

I’m not home-schooled…


Another really odd day, the waves must really be affecting the moon making my soul dance with Satan. So, just to tell that former Lucifer, I, aint dancing no matter how loud you beat your drum!

Please angels, take my hand and waltz with me. Let’s show that devil how it’s really done.


Shamrock just came and she’s obviously upset. She is a carer in a home and has witnessed yet another death. The home sent her in the Ambulance to the hospital. She’s eighteen. It’s so wrong. This is her second death in two weeks of working there. If I were her Mother, no way I would encourage her to work at such a job. It’s with elderly people and for her and them she’s too young. Too young to witness so many deaths, too young to be the person from the home to be in the Ambulance with her and too young to wait with the lady whilst she lay dying. The lady’s family took hours, four to get to her. Also, too young to do the things she’s expected to do, where is the dignity for our elderly people?  I mean, without the young people doing this job, we would have even less staff as we are short as it is, so, what should happen is the people working with our elderly people should be on so much more money than older people would apply but what adult can survive on £7 per hour? I’m so glad I fought for my Mum to keep out of a home. And I’m grateful that I was able to care with the help of my ex, for my parents. I know there are so many families right now who this privilege isn’t possible. For those with parents who have Alzheimer’s for example! It really becomes impossible to care for those people at late stages.


Our NHS is in the news and of course Donald Trump is in the firing range. Our NHS is in trouble, as President Trump says, but it’s still an amazing service, when it works. There is nowhere in the world where you can get a heart transplant for free.  


There are calls to put a tax on the NHS services we receive, but why should people who work hard support those who don’t want to work? Statistics show that the most deprived areas of our country are the people who mostly miss their GP and hospital appointments. 14 million appointments are missed in the UK per year. If they had to pay a small amount, would they still miss?


the group the Spice Girls, remember them? Are getting back together… Surely, they can no longer be called the Spice (Girls?)

I mean they must be in their forties?


But if anyone wants to call me a girl, that’s fine… and that leads me nicely onto my next story.


In England, well, I suppose the whole of the United Kingdom, I believe so many women are changing. Is there such a word now days as ladylike? If so, are we creating ladies in the UK? Sadly, I’m thinking not!


Competing with men I feel has left women out of touch with their feminine side. I don’t want to be the same as a man thank you, I was born a female and I like a man to open a door for me pull out a chair and let me through the door first. I also like to be different to a man. Different isn’t bad. Of course, it can be, but when it comes to men and women, in my opinion, different is good.


It goes further than our buttons being on the left when men are on the right. I like lace, silks and pretty colours. I don’t want to wear shoulder pads or steel capped boots. Even if I could, I wouldn’t want to work in an environment where by I would have to wear those undesirable kinds of footwear.


I’m not saying I don’t believe in equal pay and I certainly don’t agree with men going to work and women staying at home. I do however believe that if possible, children should be cared for by at least one parent rather than a child minder. I know this isn’t always financially possible, but in most cases, it could be. We live in a very want now society and greed is allowed to be acceptable.


The girls my Son has introduced me to are as far from ladylike as one can imagine. Their bad language is awful. They speak like men out on the oil rigs. It’s simply awful but we as a country allow it to continue. And each week on our news for example, the women presenters are speaking lower, deeper than their mail colleagues. Men are not as macho as they used to be and women for sure are not as feminine as they were even fifteen years ago.

Just saying.


So, on that note. I shall go for now. My Husband has just left the house to travel again. Not his office but elsewhere. It’s been a couple of busy weeks for him and on Thursday, he has another 12-hour day. A seven-hour journey there and back to where he needs to be at work.  


I said I would cancel the pub quiz we go to but he insists we go especially as our friend is coming next Thursday night so we won’t be going then. He is working from home this Friday but when he works from home, he seems to work so hard, I have seen him working in the office and it’s for sure more of a varied day so many interruptions where as it’s rather intense when he works from home. I have to walk on egg shells as he is speaking either by skype or phone all day. He has worked from home this morning and I would say he has spent about three hours on the phone and its only mid-day now. he started working at quarter past eight and left the house a few moments ago. He had a two-minute break before he left to wolf down a sandwich and cup of tea! The weather rout there is awful. It’s snowing but won’t lay as it’s watery. It’s so very cold too. -3 but during last night it was -5 Laters with love. .




















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