
Wednesday 21 February 2018


Waiting for my workmen to come I decided to brows the net for a job… I guess it did cause me to smile, and I wanted to share with you what I read. With regards jobs, unless you are fully qualified in something to do with mathematics or want to be a driver or carer, really, it’s dreadful out there. My Husband has three degrees and a Masters in business and even he would struggle these days. My Son has very good school and college qualifications and good I.T skills also has been a supervisor in two jobs and again his choice is limited.


Well this is what I found. I, was browsing through the jobsites today to see a job advertised for a carer for those with learning difficulties. Great so, far? Then came the company the job was advertised with.

 (Genius ltd)

Obviously, they, have no difficulties in learning!


Then there was a job for a carer for weekends. The benefits?

(Free drinks)

Hopefully none alcoholic.


Another job requirements did make me chuckle.

(Ambitious driving licence required)

Really? And how does one obtain one of those? My Son is very ambitious but not sure about his licence!


Another with regards driving, a job as a driver and you get, now, this is to make you jump up and down with enthusiasm…

 (Free parking)

 Wow… The benefits.


And on that note, I shall go and do my job… Take care cos I care.






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