
Friday 23 February 2018


My Friday evening wasn’t quite so much fun as my Friday afternoon. Seriously, I know all about in fact too much about sucking water than I really need to know.


We have been looking for a window vac. For our shower. As my friend Arty told me, they are great for the shower to keep the glass and tiles nice and polished. So, Art, it’s all your fault, smile. Well at last we have ordered one. And after the condensation on our conservatory windows too, hence me cleaning them all yesterday, all 5.1 x 3.1 meters of glass, caused by either the dryer from our kitchen, or, the electric radiator in the conservatory. So, the search began for a vacuum for our glass etc. And, I can think of better ways to spend my Friday nights…


As for during the day, I thought my Hub was working from home, I was wrong, he took the day off work so I could go out with my friend Geordie. Well, he had to baby sit the house, or, the workmen… or, both. My day started by having a bath as of yet we can’t use our new shower… “Why Fifi?”” I hear you shouting at your screens… well, how can I put this?

Em, well, it wasn’t even installed… Our work started on Tuesday, and still we are in the process of renewing our shower room which is the size of a cupboard, my friends in America, even I’m sure, Australia, who have ballrooms for their  en-suite will be shocked just how small ours is… 0.86 meters wide by 2.8 long. In old money, 2 feet 10 inches wide by about 9 feet long. So, by the time the shower cubical, toilet and sink go in, there aint much room.


Every morning from Tuesday this week I have got out of bed at roughly twenty past seven half past at the latest. My man hasn’t turned up until eleven. So, today, Hub was off work, I set the alarm for eight and in the bath, I went. Came out sorted my clothes as I had to get dressed in a suitable fashion where by my WAG friend wouldn’t want to only take me out by dusk! Then I had to find my hair drier, which had been moved, not sure by BW or Shamrock… as there is another story there by the way, for another time. I had to get my hair straighteners and make up hand bag and mobile phone. Carry them all down stairs and get ready there as the workmen will be in my bedroom when I was due to go out, so, no way I could get changed into my glad rags half an hour before my friend came, as I would normally do… If I were to start to get out of my work clothes into my dress clothes in my bedroom, I think my workmen would run away and shortly afterwards, need therapy. Or at least some kind of counselling!!!


Well. Then. the door bell rang, oh, heckers like… Hub answered. It was my new guy, new workmen. Sent by the original one to play catch up. So, Hub stalled him, thank God. And downstairs I came, he went up and action began with the drills and bangs.


I started to put make up on the brilliant job by a blind gal trying not to look like Charlie the clown. When my hair dried, I started to straighten it. Then came in my boy… He’d been up early, he had a day off as he has holidays to use. He had already been to town. He had his hair cut and saw me doing my hair… “Oh, Mum, let me do that for you. Yes, oh, I love doing your hair… you have such beautiful hair Mum!”” bless him, at this point I had to remind him, he wasn’t at the gym…heck, he isn’t gentle… but he’s good, a natural talent. And then came my original guy, happy man. At his normal time of eleven. He brought the shower with him.


So, we moved a bit closer today to our work being finished but Mr. Happy left at two apparently, as I wasn’t home to see that.


At half past mid-day, my Wag friend Geordie, came for me in her extremely posh car and off we went for my adventure for my belated birthday gift from her.


More on that tomorrow.




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