
Thursday 6 November 2014


Hi Bloggets. Well, today I have two beasty girls again. LC has found Wagga’s bone and won’t give it to her back. So she is lying in her bed and poor little Wagga is coming to me telling me the tail… It’s really cool out there and you should smell the air? After yesterday’s bomb fires and fireworks, the air is filthy. Our Poor LC, had nightmares all night, so Hub left her home to calm herself down.

Teen came in last night at ten.        I don’t think he had a good night, he for sure wasn’t in a happy mood. Shame he wasn’t with his friends, he was meant to go out with a friend to the cinema, but in the end didn’t.

He said he did well with his math exam, but sadly, we have to wait till January to find out the result. Our girl is waiting to find out if she has been excepted on a scholarship too for next year. The competition is tough. A lot of pupils have applied. Who wouldn’t? You get paid and you get a huge house with six bedrooms and on the second floor, there is a ballroom? Say what? It’s to study music at the Cathedral. Well Hub and I are not sure if she has a chance, as she is a A level student, she is expected to do so well for her exams, so perhaps they will give it to someone who is not so academically minded? Who knows how they think, also it would be a bit unfair if she doesn’t get it, as she has given hours to her Cathedral choir over the years, but at the same time, the Cathedral have given her time too. She has learned how to conduct and has been on countless courses teaching younger children’s church choirs. She has worked hard to raise money for her Cathedral too, singing and playing the harp and violin, so if there is justice, she will get in, but they have to be fair as well as realistic I guess. I’m just glad I don’t have to make that decision. I’m also glad I don’t have to live in such a house on my own? I don’t know how she would?

Today was one of those days when you are lying in bed and everyone has gone to work or wherever and you think, why do I have to bother getting up?

I’m lying here and when I get up, I will have dishes to do, kitchen worktops to clean. All Teens breakfast dishes to put in the dishwasher and dishes from his room. I will have to do the same old floors again, bins to empty, I must dust again today s it’s been about five days. Oh Hubs shirts to wash and I know this week he has worn blue and white, so to differentiate between colours? Impossible. My head starts to hurt. Oh but I have to do them as he put on his last one today. The rest are in the basket. Then dinner tonight? Oh no, not cooking again? To cook what? As for me? I’m hungry, but again, can’t be bothered. Then the bathrooms. Oh I can’t put off cleaning them again. And then from my bed I check my emails and find out I have to reply to at least two of them and deal with another one by phone. They are not from friends, but to do with life’s boring stuff.

My head hurts. A headache again. Every day I have woken up to a head ache this week. Since I banged my head some weeks ago, three times in one week on the same blooming place on the front of my head, I have had headaches. OK, so I don’t see the half open door, and misjudge the kitchen work tops when bending, so I don’t know where everything is, but I do know where my blooming head is, right?

Oh then I decided I should get up, though it was really early, to lay in bed just makes my mind work in so many strange ways.

So here I am. I have some Christmas poetry to write for some people. Only two this week. To get into a Christmas mood in November is challenging. But I know I will be able to do it for these good people.

This month would have been my Dads birthday on the 11th. Rememberence day. I received a lovely poem today from a friend about that day, well, our soldiers. The words were so true.

He was getting old and paunchy

 And his hair was falling fast,

 And he sat around the Legion,

 Telling stories of the past.

 Of a war that he once fought in

 And the deeds that he had done,

 In his exploits with his buddies;

 They were heroes, every one.


 And 'the sometimes to his neighbours

 His tales became a joke,

 All his buddies listened quietly

 For they knew where of he spoke.


 But we'll hear his tales no longer,

 For Ol' Joe has passed away,

 And the world's a little poorer

 For a Veteran died today.


 He won't be mourned by many,

 Just his children and his wife.

 For he lived an ordinary,

 Very quiet sort of life.


 He held a job and raised a family,

 Going quietly on his way;

 And the world won't note his passing,

 'Though a Veteran died today.


 When politicians leave this earth,

 Their bodies lie in state,

 While thousands note their passing,

 And proclaim that they were great.


 Papers tell of their life stories

 From the time that they were young,

 But the passing of a Veteran

 Goes unnoticed, and unsung.


 Is the greatest contribution

 To the welfare of our land,

 Some jerk who breaks his promise

 And cons his fellow man?


 Or the ordinary fellow

 Who in times of war and strife,

 Goes off to serve his country

 And offers up his life.


 The politician's stipend

 And the style in which he lives,

 Are often disproportionate,

 To the service that he gives.


 While the ordinary Veteran,

 Who offered up his all?

 Is paid off with a medal

 And perhaps a pension, small.


 It is not the politicians

 With their compromise and ploys,

 Who won for us the freedom?

 That our country now enjoys.


 Should you find yourself in danger,

 With your enemies at hand,

 Would you really want some cop-out?

 With his ever-waffling stand?


 Or would you want a Veteran

 His home, his country, his kin,

 Just a common Veteran,

 Who would fight until the end.


 He was just a common Veteran,

 And his ranks are growing thin,*

 But his presence should remind us

 We may need his likes again.


 For when countries are in conflict,

 We find the Veteran's part,

 Is to clean up all the troubles

 That the politicians start.


 If we cannot do him honor

 While he's here to hear the praise,

 Then at least let's give him homage

 At the ending of his days.


Perhaps just a simple headline

 In the paper that might say:




 I just wish we learned lessons?

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