
Thursday 20 November 2014


Those pesky insects that feed on human blood, are more than a nuisance, they also carry the parasite which causes malaria. Kindly passing it on through their night time bites.

Symptoms appear about ten days after infection and include fever, shivering, vomiting and other flu symptoms.

It can be treated but can be deadly. Worldwide, Malaria causes 207 million illnesses and 627,000 deaths annually.


Almost half the world’s population are at risk of malaria.

In Africa, because of poor treatment, it’s the biggest killer of children.


So Ebola? In my opinion which I know will be controversial, is manmade. And suddenly the rich are acting like do gooders. They make me red with anger. Why suddenly are we to give money for such a cause? Two reasons.

One because it’s fashionable, the socialites can say whilst sipping their Pim’s, draped in pearls without passion how they will save the little children.

Yeah, right, more like save themselves, as Ebola can affect them. The rich can’t get away from Ebola but they can from Malaria, so where is the money for Malaria?

The countries with wide spread transition are as follows

Guinea with deaths so far




Sierra Leone


So in total 5406 have died, in comparison with 627,000 of malaria deaths.


All unavoidable deaths are regrettable so why suddenly are we focusing on Ebola? I will leave you to answer.

Before my next blog, tomorrow, another eighteen hundred people will have died of Malaria.

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