
Friday 18 April 2014


So after another rather life changing time last night and getting a bit cross as my Sons driving instructor badgered him constantly about having blind parents, asking so many questions about us, today started a little better. The three of us went to our town and did the tradition of Fish & chips on Good Friday. Though the atmosphere was not good no fault of my teen, it was OK. No one died. After then, we passed the fudge shop I so wanted to go in, but for an easy life, I didn’t. We got back to where we knew we were and I asked my son to come to the shop with us to pick a new door plaque, as the shop had them all in a catalogue, but he chose not to, fine. We went on our own and teen came home. Oh God the streets were packed, full of Easter shoppers. I am a real traditionalist and find it hard that not one of my Sons friends knew about not eating meat on Good Friday and all of our shops were open. I’m not too traditional though, as we headed for our door plaque shop on our own.

People just stand chatting even though they can see we are heading their way. Our LC did so well bless her weaving in and out of the vast amount of people. We got to our shop vicinity and had to stand trying to hear the key cutting machine they have in there. We heard nothing; we knew it was the right street, but no sounds that were of help.

My Husband got cross with me as he asks me to ask someone, I’m so shy I just can’t. I want to crawl into a corner and hide. He doesn’t understand why I’m like this. He says he is too but someone has to ask? I don’t believe he is as bad as me. So he at last asked a lady, who said we were just one door away. No wonder we couldn’t hear the machine, the door was closed. Normally it’s open.

Anyway, we went in I was dreading it. The last time I went in to get a key cut, the staff were ignorant, but this time, a man asked if he could help. We didn’t have a choice really, if we could see, we would be able to look through the catalogue, but to cut a long story short, we got a new door number and I asked for a flower with our number 41 and this is what we are getting.

So back through the streets again and in front of us was a blooming brass band. Haha. Oh God, the music was getting louder and closer. I was so afraid in case we would walk through the band with all of their instruments? Can you imagine the clatter?

My Husband trusted in his dog and she did it. We turned right at the last minute, but I bet the musicians had a sweat on seeing us heading towards them?

Anyway got back no trouble, though my nerves were shattered.

My Son was in the house and had his bags packed to leave until Monday.

I miss him so very much. I’m finding it so incredibly hard to let him go. No one understands apart from some lovely friends I have online.

It’s really like grieving. I can’t bare the pain.

Stupid I am sure you think.

Everyone is out in their gardens cutting strimming and fixing fences. Whatever happened to family days out? People really are disappointing.

OK now to wonder what to make Hub for tea, as no meat is getting eaten here today. It’s my old family tradition and if others wish to make Good Friday a normal day, well, up to them. One day we really will all be robots, all doing the same thing without a thought or care for anyone else.

With love.


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