
Tuesday 29 April 2014


Gosh, a different day for sure. This morning, we got up and went to the doctors for Hubs prescription. Waggatail did great, going and on the way back, cleaned the streets of all leftover food.

Passed our chemist and whilst Hub went in, I stood outside with Wagga as it was a red hot day. Passed our local shop where the staff were so lovely and friendly, we are all on first name terms, which is so nice.

Got home the long way and on our way back, we bumped into our friend the cake lady from our church; can you remember her from many blogs ago? We walked back with her and had a nice chat. It’s my friend’s wedding on Sunday, so off to our church. Haven’t been for ages. Can you remember my friend Coffee cup? She’s getting married.


Anyway back to today. We got back and Hub

and I decided to go to our local shops. I have wanted him to do this for weeks. So, off again, dogs harnessed up and out we went. Waggatail and Long Chops thought it was their birthdays. Out twice in one day.

We walked through our avenue of all sorts and around the streets passing the lovely lilac tree and other spring smells. Clearing my head from the past few dark days I have had.

Now then, to the tactile? Would Waggatail find it? I am not so good at finding tactile on the ground. I go to jelly when I am outside.

She got the location right, just was a bit keen and didn’t quite get to the correct place to cross the road, but when she did with my help, she crossed over the road and on the left turn, I thought I would have to peal her away from the path to the park, but she was OK and continued walking. More importantly, she found the post where we are to wait for a bus.

She has never done that before not at that side. She is normally really bad at that.

We waited for only two minutes and on the bus we went. It was almost empty so quite good for finding a seat rather than someone’s knee


Concentrated as we had to get off a couple of stops later, did this, we always wonder if we are at the right stop though and never really know until we are off and listen to our surroundings.


Now we were in Wagga heaven. She knows this route. Better than super LC.

Weaving in and out of the trolleys and poles keeping the roofs of the overhangs up and in and out of the little tables from the coffee shop and at last whether we want it or not, into our local pet shop.

Bought some things and then to another shop where I have never been before on our own, to buy something to treat our roses in the garden.

I was delighted to say I managed to show Hub where to go and Wagga did great. Then the treat of the coffee shop. Again, Hub made me buy and handle the things I hate. Like going around the shops and ordering coffee and snack I just like to be in the background.


I can’t relax when out, so was a bit uptight. Hub could, and did, with a hot drink with all sorts on it and a huge cheese toasty.


Then time for the bus back. Hmm. Then the adventure began.

Well, Wagga was amazing. She headed streight for the seat where she gets her treat and we waited for our bus back. A very kind lady told us when our number 8 came in. The people here are so very kind.


On the bus we really had to listen as they go different routes all the time, and this was no exception


Let’s just say, in the end, we got back home, but we did a little de tour. Not much, but thank God we got off when we did or we would have ended up in a place we really wouldn’t have known.


But a great day, we were so good together. A team the four of us, with our twelve legs.


Tired dogs and rather proud Fifi.


I still sit here and wonder how on earth we did what we did today?


Simply a miracle.

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