
Wednesday 9 April 2014


 Hi Bloggets. I’m not having a good day. Life getting on top of me. But last night was good. As I went to the shop to buy milk, one of our lovely neighbours, stopped her car coming in from work and asked if we fancied going to hers for a small get together as it was a lovely evening and we could sit in her garden.

I was talking with my friend Di at the time, so Di, her Husband and daughter Hub and myself went along a couple of hours later. Then came our friend who cuts our grass for us. He brought with him his enormous Chimineer. So we had a huge fire going and I tell you, we blooming needed it as it was sooooooo cold.

Our neighbour who invited us is the most hilarious person on earth. She says two words and I am crying with joy.

 It’s her amazing accent and the way she tells a story. I love her.

Di also told me a great story that had me laughing more than I have laughed in ages.

Her young daughter met a pop star and asked if she could have some free tickets into his gig.

The pop star said if she puts her name down she can go there the following night. The young girl put her name and a few friends. Some friends didn’t want to go so Di said she would go in place of one of them. The young girl told her Mum the name she could be. I can’t remember what name it was now, but think it was something like Bev. Well the girls went in two by two as required. Then leaving Di on her own, so she went through. The lady inside the venue asked Di what was the name on the list?

She answered Bev.

The lady then said Bev who?

Of course Di didn’t know of the girl she was supposed to be so said I don’t know.

The lady said you don’t know your name? No. hahahahahaha.

Anyway the lady let her in after Di explained. Then surrounded by 14 year old girls and only another couple of Mums, the singer launched himself from the stage into the audience.

Flying through he air. He landed on top of Di sending her flying slam on her back.

Oh as she was telling me, I was imagining her with this lad on top of her.

All the kids screaming around her as he got up and put out his hand to help her up. As she said that I laughed more and said

“He probably thought he’d killed a Granny?”

Heheheheheheh. She is really funny so I am glad I went and chilled. We are blessed to have lovely people around us. I’m glad we picked this avenue of all sorts to live.

The night continued with Di’s Husband who was also great and had us laughing as he decided to burn half of his garden in the huge fire we had going. As well as fill the hosts garden bin with his garden rubbish after he had filled ours with his stuff too. We joked saying he’s going through the street filling everyone’s bins. He’s great

So why down today? Just really bored. Never get out and really need to be out doing something different like a picnic or sunshine holiday. Just been enveloped by letter writing emails phone calls and so on with Hubs new job and his x wife. It’s all a battle. One good thing, My boy is happy and free. He’s just had another driving lesson. Loved it too but expects to be driving after only five lessons. He’s tackling our round abouts junctions and traveling up to 60 mph.

He’s reversed and so much more, so doing really as well as expected.

Shame my x doesn’t live closer and he could take out teen in his car. I hope my brother in law soon will visit and we can sort out him driving with him.

Did I tell you about my other brother in law one of them who got married a few weeks ago? Well, his poor wife discovered a lump in her breast and under her arm and she had to be operated on yesterday.

It is cancer too. She was operated at half three and home by nine in the evening.

Now it’s a waiting game. Her Mother has days to live too. Some people have so much bad luck? Some never seem to get any? What is all that about? And the people, who never go through bad luck, always are the nasty people.

Still have my blur in my eye and it feels like it is being nipped.

Later I will tell you a mystery about our local river.



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