
Sunday 6 April 2014


A really really boring weekend. We did nothing, there’s lazy and blooming boring? Teen been ill all weekend. He’s been in bed all day today and most of yesterday. For tea tonight, it was pork, roast potatoes carrots and broccoli for the boys.

I had noodles but couldn’t eat them. My old BB loved them.

Tomorrow I pray we will get that dam phone call from the organisation who will let us know if we are to receive some kind of help financially to get Hub to go to work at his new job.

My friend asked me out the other day, but because my Husband is so wound up with the fact he is glued to his phone and if they call, I will have to take notes down for him as he has not got a computer of his own, I had to say no. I really hope our lives can resume soon.

Did I tell you the latest casualty in our house? Apart from our garage door, our bath now is leaking. Oh yes. We had the sink fixed in there and now the bath.

The new shower fitted last year leaks too. I’m fed up with work men. We went to our local plumbing company the other day and he was so rude. Horrible. Just was interested in getting us out of his shop. You would think blind people had diseases and were like zombie’s waiting to bite and infect.

Hub and I before were talking football. Not that we are going to have a game, as the only thing I can kick now days, is my toe.

The conversation went on why some teams like our team, Newcastle United are performing so very badly.

Hub says it’s all to do with who owns the teams. When you get owners who are millionaires, they don’t care what they spend, so are prepared to take a risk. If they crash, so what? If they can afford it, well, then they buy the best.

Other owners, who may not be so rich, don’t buy the best but if they get a good player, he will be bought / sold to another team. A team that will be more attractive as they are the team that always wins. The millionaire’s team. The team everyone wants to be in. Hmm. Whatever happened to passion? Playing for a team that will pay you more than enough to live on and you know when you are going to so called work, you are playing for a team you have supported all your life?

Some Spanish players are earning £1000,000

One million pounds per week? Shocking. There are people starving and others who can’t afford medical treatment and others who earn astronomical amounts of money.

OK, grump over. I just wonder what a world would be like if everyone earned under a certain amount, abolish high wages and reward good workers with a car, or holidays, or even a bloody honest plumber. Haha.

My little old Black beauty is losing her sight. Oh bless her, it’s so painful, she was my help to see my way for ten years and now I’m having to help her. It’s quite pitiful.

I do wonder if we give our dogs the credit they deserve you know? For example, I don’t believe dogs are just submissive creatures that can be trained to do whatever we want. I think they do it for an easy life and they aim to please so much they will do anything for us. My Husbands guide dog is a funny one in the house; she sometimes attaches her head/long chops, to my leg and walks across the room with her head as if glued to my thigh.

So she is guiding me around the house. I just let her though it is a bit off putting as I know my way around quite well? Haha. Well, quite well until a dog or three leave their nylon bones on the wooden floor and Mummy stands on one of them and I go ice skating across our lounge?

Then as I’m busy breaking my leg and neck in the process, little naughty Waggatail is busy trying to remove the bone from beneath my sliding foot.

Seriously though, they know we can’t see. I told you before when I was being guided at a train station my Husband Mr. Independent was walking a head with LC the lady guiding me, said that LC kept turning to look behind to make sure I was OK.

Bless her little padded feet.

Also I used to have a pet dog Kara, she was adorable and my total life before my Son was born. I had her for ten years before my baby came so she was my child. If I dropped something, she would run put her nose on it and not move a muscle until I found her nose and my dropped item.

Now all we need to train them is when they do their woopsies, how to pick them up and bag them for us. A request for our British guide dog association do you think?

Reading earlier there is a new app you can download called skinneepics something like that, well it is for your photographs and can apparently take five to fifteen pounds off your pictures on your IPhone.

I wonder if you can pick where you would like the weight to come off? Imagine if you can just say one arm? Hahahahah. For me I would like 15lbs off each section of my body please?

OK on that note, I shall leave for now, but will be back tomorrow. I hope with good news. Xxxxx

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