
Thursday, 7 February 2019


Good day to you all. I hope you are well? Well this weekend we are starting to decorate. A bedroom. I have bought the bedding. Then I took it to the paint section of our shop B&Q to get them to match the paint with the bedding. So, the walls are to be duck egg. Kind of a bluey green. Very light. The bedding is obviously that colour but every now and then there is a tropical bird all colours. And even more spaced out on the material is a section of four stamps from different parts of the world where the birds come from. I got the curtains to match and I bought a lamp shade for the ceiling which I’m so excited to have been able to get. It’s a bird cage with embossed blue birds every now and then. The cage is cream. As is the furniture in that room. So, in my mind’s eye, it looks lovely. Now in reality? Let’s see!


I’m waiting now for the plumber to call to remove a radiator from that room, so it can be painted where the radiator was, then I hope to get a new one to replace the old one as the one that is on now, is as old as the house.


It’s windy out there today. Forecast to rain too. Hub is in my hometown today working in that office. Tonight, if he is home in time, we are to do our weekly contribution to our local pub quiz.


This afternoon I have furniture to move and more boxes to pack away. And then the normal cooking. Tomorrow I’m really excited for. my brilliant friend Geordie is coming to pick me up and we are going out for my early birthday lunch. I can’t wait to see her. Even if we didn’t eat, I love her company so much.


In our news, a man is due to die today in Dignitas. He is eighty and has motor neurone disease. So, he chooses to die and is given I, don’t know, tablets, a drink? To kill him basically. How do you feel about this? Oh, I have watched programs on this subject. On one hand I can understand the person not wanting themselves to become so reliable on others and go through the humiliation of being treat almost like a baby. But I can not imagine myself going there with my loved one and knowing I am taking them there to take a drink that will end their life. oh, the last program I watched the wife was so calm. I had tears running down my face and she was so whatever!!!


I always think, what if there is a cure? Like if someone is in a comber, I would never want to turn off the machine same reason, what if there is around the corner an amazing breakthrough?


Remember I was telling you about the French footballer who was bought for fifteen million pounds by a Welsh football team? His plane went missing. Well it’s been found and his body and now Emiliano Sala:Nantes  is demanding Cardiff City to pay up…. Hmm. But they didn’t get the goods? It’s kind of awful really, they demanded the money yesterday before the poor man’s body was even recovered. What do you think of that? Hub and I were talking about it yesterday he thinks the teams should pay half and half… I don’t think Cardiff should pay anything. They didn’t get anything, but I guess E.S.N, lost their player. As did Cardiff And I think the timing is in bad taste for the poor footballer’s family. Also, I’m not being funny, but the footballer would be worth a lot of money as in he should have a healthy bank balance. So, may be some money should come from there? Having said that, why should it? Oh, it’s a really difficult one as far as I’m concerned. I also know that the public raised almost £300,000 to pay for the rescue. In the end, I’m not sure who rescued or found the plane. The private people or the proper investigators? But if it wasn’t a private search, what happened to all that money?


If you have lost a coin from your wallet or purse, haha, for my American Canadian and whoever else uses the word purse for what we call a handbag, in England, a purse is what you keep your money in if you are a female, if you are a man, a wallet. Well spare a thought for Jaguar Land Rover, as they have made a loss of £3.4 bn. Their biggest quarterly loss.


More scares about some Apps that are secretly recording your screen. That’s an interesting one, an I’m sure tech people will laugh at me, but do these companies have to have a screen turned on to see it, as when you use the voice on an iPhone, to sighted people, the screen is black. For sighted people to see our screens, we have to triple tap the home button to turn off speech and then our screen comes on. Some of the Apps that are written about today are Expedia and Air Canada.


We are forecast to have another hot summer. Whilst 2018 was the worlds forth hottest on record. I think it was the UK’s hottest!


Now I’m all for human trials rather than animal testing as you old Bloggets will know. But I think this is a very sad situation what I was reading about earlier. Students are being paid up to £3,500 to catch potentially deadly diseases.

Oh, my! Please, test on serious prisoners rather than our young kids?


Reading about students at our Universities, so many ends their lives, it’s so sad. I do wonder if it’s too far from home to much pressure and they are too young to leave home? A 21 year old girl in the UK was on a night out with friends. She took a taxi almost home. But rather than go in her house, she went to a local bench to sit for a while, not sure why? Her mobile was found near her student accommodation outside and she was seen by two people sitting on the seat… she has been missing for a week now and today a man has been arrested for abduction, though a body hasn’t been found. Oh, gosh, I fear the worst I would like to think something horrid has happened and she has been kidnapped but not killed.


Well my fingers are blue now as the house has gone cold. I have tried to keep the heating off for my lovely plumber, but he still isn’t hear. So, I think I am going to have to turn on the heating for a while as I’m not sure what time he is due…


OK, I shall go for now, now you are all up to date. Smile. Have a lovely day x






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