
Wednesday 11 November 2015


Hello Bloggets. It’s about one in the afternoon here. I am so weak again. I do too much and then it back fires. My head is splitting eyes are a tiny bit better. Only one now hurts. My ear is still ringing but I can hear a little better out of it now. My stomach pains are almost gone but I’m left with severe joint pains. I have no energy. My darling Husband got up at silly hour during the night to bring me fruit and cool drink. I had such a fever. He also got up half an hour earlier to hoover the floors and do the dish washer as he knows how I struggle coping with the fact that it needs doing and I really can’t be bothered. Physically I just can’t put one foot in front of the other. I have to be well soon. I have too many commitments and as I said yesterday I gave it my all throughout the day so that I could do what was needed to be done so today I suffer.


I went to bed at ten that isn’t like me and I was in so much distress. I couldn’t breathe at all hardly in a normal fashion for sure. My asthma was preventing me from doing so. But today, my asthma seems to be better. Thank goodness. My throat is worse though. I am craving fruit yogurts and cold drinks. Gosh, last time I was like this, I was pregnant.

Em. No. Unless a baby Jesus will be born to me on December the 25th?


 I’m not sure how long our blinds have been closed in our front room. No wonder yesterday I couldn’t hear our Canary, he’s Irish you know? Smile. Singing as he doesn’t when it’s dark. No blooming wonder the poor thing has been so quiet. I only learned as I went to him before as I walked to the window, I could feel the closed blinds as the air became thicker.


Today would have been my darling Dads birthday. I haven’t cried yet and hope this will be the first year I haven’t and I won’t again. Don’t get me wrong, I do through the year but of late, I have had a close spiritual feeling towards my Dad and that has been so comforting. I totally believe that he has helped me and my family this year. I still wish I could buy him his jumper and slippers that I got him every birthday. Wherever he is right now, I hope he is waltzing and smiling his way through his day.


We ordered a Pizza last night well, two. My dog ate a slice from the cooker hob. Now, it was one of two left and she would have taken two but Hub ate it earlier. We never allow her in there but because I’m not on the ball, she got in. So naughty she was and she got wrong. She is so tiny I really don’t know how she can jump that height.


The house is so warm. I haven’t had the heating on since yesterday and the temperature is 18.5C.

Outside must be higher than that. It’s crazy for November. It should be max 5.


Do you know what I opened last night? My Mum would have gone mad. A Christmas cake. I don’t care. It was a really cheap one from Morrison’s only £4 with icing and marzipan on it too. Mind you there are not really any nuts or fruit, not much anyway, hence the price of it.


My friend Trix has made her own. I love that tradition. My ex Mother in law used to make the best cake. It was delicious. Only trouble was, when she gave you a slice, it was as thin as a wafer and the cats had tried it out first….


Thanks to my lovely friends who have sent well wishes. Love and hugs to you all. Virtual of course, as real ones, you will catch what I have.


Later gators. X


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