
Friday 6 November 2015


Good day Bloggets. I hope you are all feeling better than what I am?

Yesterday I was with some lovely people in the office. I felt dreadful. As so badly wanted to do what I could to help, an yet so badly didn’t want to pass on whatever I have. As the day progressed, I felt decidedly worse then, the long one hour and fifteen minutes journey back home. I had to make phone calls and honestly, I sounded like I was smoking forty cigarettes per day. Today, well, I’m much worse. All night I coughed and coughed and it really hurts. I have asthma just a little, but when I’m like this, it’s as though someone is sitting on my chest forbidding me from breathing.  My head is killing and my throat feels like I am swallowing glass.  I’m sneezing nonstop too and my eyes are on fire. I look a butte.


So I had to take action today and head off to our chemist as we have guests coming tonight for dinner. So a lot of preparation for their visit just making sure everywhere is tidy. When you can’t see, there could be a right mess next to you and unless you put out your hands to find whatever, you wouldn’t know. I’m always finding cups lying around left by mainly a young lad in our house, but on occasion, they have been left by an older lad…..


It was only when I headed out that it occurred to me. How on earth am I going to instruct Waggatail where to go?


Oh my word. I sounded like a darlek. But worse as only every six words I spoke, one of them could be herd. So it would be like this.

“Wagga **** *****? Find ***? Where’s *** ***r?


After I was crashed into a wheel bin, I made Waggs go back, with hand gestures. We did it again, she went to the down kerb as we had to go onto the road to avoid the bin and she found the kerb back again without me having to tell her thankfully.


Weaving in and out of the buildings avoiding the awful steps that you could if you misjudged or your dog misjudged, knock your block off. Thankfully ones block was still in order as we arrived at the chemist.


Now, how to tell the lady what I wanted? And, how to stop Wagga from doing her usual thing as we enter a building, stop her from eating the carpet? With no voice.


Anyway, I made myself clear. Came away £15 lighter but as the lady told me with pride.

“We don’t charge for our carrier bags.”


It was a nice walk back kind of blew the cobwebs off a little though it did start to rain. But the wind coold me down, I had such a temperature.

 Our neighbour in the street with the parrots, well one now as he got rid of the other two, sold them. He was feeding a seagull. It was a baby and couldn’t fly. I hope it will be OK? Though I’m not a fan of seagulls. They are flying rats.


Talking of seagulls, have you seen the price of Christmas turkeys?

Okay, believe me, there is a connection….. Isn’t there? The most expensive turkey I saw online in our grocery shop the other day was £140. My Son asked his Dad how those kinds were so deer. Hub answered because it is what they have been fed. I then said must be caviar? Even if that were the case, that price is shocking.  As for geese, my brother in law sadly shoots them and sells them on I’m not sure how much for but the butcher buys them and they are around £50 plus. For some people that is a week’s shopping….


I guess you can make a lot with them though, when we buy a turkey, Hub does all the cooking of it. I refuse on principle. I cook meat for the boys all year but won’t touch a poor turkey. Hub makes all sorts with it. And the lads eat like kings for a few days.


My pumpkin soup I made wasn’t very nice. Not sure what I did different this year.


I can’t believe its Friday again. Seven weeks today we lost our beautiful Long Chops AKA Suki. Our Just giving page has reached

  • Total raised£1,080.63


That is amazing and so very kind of those who have given to the charity. To name a puppy after our Suki. Who I hope will grow to be a wonderful pair of eyes for a blind person. If that puppy will be half as good as our LC, she will be a champion. There isn’t a day goes by when we don’t think or talk about her. Hub hasn’t been able to get out leisurely for those seven long weeks. Little Wagga still misses her and has really changed. She is still ever so slightly subdued.


My Husband is a boarder now for guide dogs in training. Do you think that is something you could do? It’s basically bed and breakfast for the guide dogs whilst they train during the day. It gets them used to being in a homely environment rather than kennels. It’s better for the dog too as a home is a happier place and I know Guide Dogs in our area are desperate for people who can board these wonderful dogs. They would be about one years old, when they come to you.  The trainer would collect them from you each day to train them and bring them back about tea time. If you can help and you live in the UK, please call your local Guide Dog team?


OK that is my PR for the day, there is so much goes on in the Guide Dog world that most people don’t know about. It’s not just about dogs. Guide dogs are the root and growing from that wonderful oak tree are so many different branches.


Talking of trees, there were so many leaves on the ground today. Just a little wind today and whoosh. It was like walking through cornflakes. Crunching all the way.


Did you hear the story last night or yesterday I should say, about the little girl baby, with cancer? For the first time her genes were changed and thanks to modern science, now she has no cancer at all in her little body. Without this future treatment, the baby would have died. It’s amazing. The only problem is why they have to call it. “Designer genes? That terminology is just dreadful. The treatment hasn’t been approved yet but in my opinion, saving that babies life, what more approval do we need? I mean, there is the long term affect, who knows what the outcome will be? But if negative, hopefully we will have moved on again by then and can fix whatever is wrong.


My Hub and I have this discussion. He says if we save everyone what will happen to the world? Already there are too many people, well, I say, let’s get rid of the bad and keep the good? Simple, right?


What’s in the news this week about Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Worms have been used to research for RP

The worms are a platform for testing. They were given the RP Gene and now are being examined and will be used for experimenting on…. It’s kind of a little sad that we are still working on worms as you know worms to rats to rabbits to dogs to monkeys before humans. So a long way off still? I think it’s because there is so much going on around the world so many tests that we have reached humans with some of what is going on, other treatments we are onto  monkeys and poor dogs, then something new comes up and the worms come out. As I always say, cut out the poor animals and experiment on humans. Prisoners who are in jail for life.  Those who sexually abuse children, who in my opinion should never get out. We would have had a cure ten years ago. For not only blindness but cancer and so on. Linking back to what I was saying about saving the good and getting rid of the bad earlier.


OK its Friday so some fun?

A patient came to the hospital for a MRI he was put into the machine by a beautiful young technician. When he came out, he was met by a much older person. He turned to the lady and asked.

“Okay, how long was I in there for?


I was reading this true story today.

“My friend phoned me up horrified and said.

“I have a mouse in my kitchen. I’m totally grossed out.”

Oh no, what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know, but I’m never going to eat what I drop on the floor again……


And finally a friend of mine also has my eye condition and two nights ago she took from the freezer pork chops, but it was a big joint of pork and she only knew when it defrosted. Last night she took beef and decided to cook it on the top of the hob. After a long while she couldn’t smell anything so went to her kitchen. She had put the wrong ring on…..  Well, as I told her. I got my home shopping the other day delivered. I thought I had made a mistake as they had delivered three bottles of milk shake rather than two as I don’t like it. My son came in from work. Laughed. Asked me. Mum, why have you got in the fridge three bottles of bubble bath? Haha haha. Well I didn’t need the cold water for my bath that night.


OK I hope my voice comes back for tonight? Before I go, a final thought.

So what if I can’t spell Armageddon? It’s not the end of the world!


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