
Tuesday 17 November 2015


 A quick blog today, well I intend it to be, you know me Bloggets, I can talk…. Oh today is an absolute nightmare for Teen. So yesterday his old car just about got him home. So he took it to the garage. £300

He doesn’t get paid till end of the month. His Father my ex told him he would give him his Christmas gift early so he could pay towards it. Kind, but means teen won’t have anything to open or buy when it comes to Christmas. Last Christmas he got an advance on his money from my ex to pay for his evil ones Christmas present. He never seems to be able to get anything for himself. So today, he receives a call from the garage telling him actually, the car is going to cost £550.


It’s not even worth that. But what choice does he have? He has to get to work it’s an hour’s drive away. So just before Christmas, guess who has to help his Son out? My Hub. And what on earth will go wrong next? That bloody car is a curse. I really thought I could trust my ex on picking a good car for him. Teen paid for it but ex chose it. A huge mistake. I really can’t tell you how much money has been spent on the dam thing in less than a year. And moreover Teens insurance was stopped. A total nightmare. He has gone well over the five thousand miles he was allowed. Why? Because of his job…. His father’s advice was to quit his promotion…. Great advice. I wouldn’t expect anything less from him.


Anyway luckily teen took notice of us and him and battled on. His Father needs to know, he isn’t a quitter.


I just wish I had enough money to buy him a new car. It’s a good thing though that his Father has given him so much money. I just wish it could have been on him and not the car. I fear tomorrow, more hidden charges will occur Hub worries about his tires, and I worry about the breaks. They are totally done in. Not good when it’s getting icy.


It was about ten tonight, or I should say yesterday now as its after midnight  when I can say for the first time in two weeks, I feel a lot better. I’m still coughing but not as much and still breathless again not as bad. At least today I have managed to stay awake. I have totally wrested today though the guilt I feel is awful.  My friend is coming to stay at the weekend; I have so much housework to do I have been ill for too long and it’s all catching up on me. But I know it will get done whereas yesterday, I feared that I wouldn’t be well enough. I feel bad that I have so much volunteering work I am miles behind in it all I hate that as I’m a perfectionist if I say I will do something it has to be done. Like I guess I can say today now, I am out doing a talk and lunch. I so much feared that I wouldn’t be able to be heard as on Thursday of last week I gave a talk and really, it was awful as was the one I gave two days earlier, that is why this week my voice has been wrested. But this means I have not been able to do the phone calls I was meant to do. But because I have wrested the vocals, I hopefully, will be able to talk tomorrow. It’s the second time I have given a speech that combines a meal. The first time was in America. That was a gentleman’s breakfast club. Gosh that was a while ago. Hub and I did duet. I just pray that I will survive the meal then wrest again as for Thursday, I am talking again.  Then I have to be all talkative for our friends visit. She is coming for the full weekend so that will be lovely. And finally, Monday, I have some news for you all. But until then. I shall go for now, I hope to pop by again at some point over the next few days. Take care of each other. With love.

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