
Monday 9 November 2015


Hello Bloggets. I hope this finds you better than what I am? At least now I have my voice. Gosh I have been so ill. Only last week I was saying that I hadn’t really been too ill with colds since Hub and I got together. Oh it started with a sore throat it killed me. Like swallowing glass. Then I began to cough and then sneeze. Then my asthma was affected and I couldn’t breathe. I never need medication for Asthma but I should have had it this week for certain. I have been so very ill. Even spent two days in bed this is so unlike me. I feel like my weekend has been stolen time with Hub but I had no choice. I couldn’t even put one foot in front of the other. My ribs were in agony. I am deaf in one ear. My head has been pounding, my eyes are red hot feel as though they are bleeding and have been kicked by someone in pointy shoes, my legs and arms are really hurting and I sound like I should be on some kind of breathing machine. Today I’m able to write. I haven’t even been on my lap top. Thankfully I feel as though I can today but can’t do housework it would be stupid of me to even think about it. I’m wheezing like someone with emphysema. I’m starving all of the time and yet can’t eat as feel so sick. My whole body aches. From my head to my legs. I feel as though I have been kicked by three horses not four or two, but three. But at least today my humour is back. I’m fed up though as for seven days now I have been unwell. It’s been flu for sure.


I’m meant to have a flu jab but this is something I totally don’t believe in. I always struggled when my Son was a baby with these needles we as parents are meant to feel comfortable with. When my darling Hub used to travel abroad to faraway lands, I used to fear what they were injecting him with and after he worked out in those countries for some years, he really began to get ill. I swore it was the injections they gave him.


I have missed you all. How have you been? Today my canary has been so quiet, I hope he hasn’t got bird flu???


I have never known him be this quiet.


My Son bought me some flowers over two weeks ago I think almost three and they are still alive.


Friday night, my voice came back though I did still sound as though I had been out on a heavy night on the smokes. Our friends came over for a meal. It was lovely evening but boy; did I feel so ill in the end? Saturday and Sunday I went to bed after breakfast and stayed there until dinner time. My Husband used to do a load of cooking when we first met. Now? He won’t I don’t understand why? I wouldn’t care, he’s a brilliant cook. I tell you, the way I’m feeling now, I really don’t know what or how I can cook tonight. I wish I didn’t feel so guilty.


 My little Waggs has been on a walk with a dog walker. So at least that has tired her out. As I haven’t worked her since Friday.


OK short blog sorry. I’m really shattered. Just feel awful. Doesn’t help that the air around here is totally horrid. I’m a through and through country bumpkin and love the fresh air. Can’t deal with the pollution we have around here. To some it would be fine, but to me it’s suffocating. 


I hope soon I will be back to normal, well as normal as a Fifi Blogget can be. Later gators. X


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