
Tuesday 24 November 2015


Good afternoon dearest Bloggets. Here I am sitting in my conservatory after a rather busy day. It’s just after four in the afternoon I have done only one bit of housework so far. I am really cold just realised how cold, as I paused for the first time this afternoon.


I started my day feeling rubbish. I was so ill. During the night too. I decided I was going to have to make the dreaded visit to the Doctors. If I had to sit and wait, so be it. Well, at half eight on the dot, I called them. To be told the surgery was closed. I kept phoning and after five minutes of receiving the same message, I was then given the engaged tone. So I kept at it though as my chest was so bad the sounds from it were like a really bad orchestra tuning before an event. I know I have to get better as this week I have two more talks to give and they are really important ones that can’t be said no to.


I got through eventually and was told I could make an appointment for 11.20am. Well, I guess it would be a.m, as nights it would be closed. So that was an improvement on the ninth of December like it was last week when I called? So I didn’t have to wait and I was to see the Doctor. Great.


I got up feeling so rough. Worse in fact.


Showered and let Waggs out to do her stuff in the run. I don’t know why they are called runs, unless, oh, why did I go here? I was going to say they don’t run in the run, but then had to write the word runs? So I guess that is why they are called run? Hahheheheh. Oh how gross.


Anyway she was delighted to work. Unlike my darling Black Beauty with her, she hated the harness and would rather stay in bed. She and I used to go on some right goose chases. Not that we ever caught any geese thankfully…. But it’s a saying in the UK. If you get lost, you go on a goose chase.


With Waggs, she is unpredictable but adorable and we do seem to get from a to b.


Oh I totally totally hate our Doctors. Don’t get me wrong, the Doctors and nurses are stunning, it’s the whole idea of trying to get an appointment then facing the horrific receptionists. I know one Doctor reads my blog, so I hope she passes my thoughts on to the dreaded women.


OK, so I can walk a head as I enter the surgery,  and risk bumping into someone already waiting to speak with the people behind the desk, so I wait slightly behind the queue.


No one talks for ages. I’m not kidding, they see me there with my dog and they answer phones, talk to each other and it’s so obvious that not one of them wants to face the blind person. Or at least that is how they always make me feel.


Then a whisper.

“Can I help you?”

Well, is she talking to me? I wait, for a few seconds then tell her I’m here to see the Doctor. She asked my name I tell her “Fifi Blogget.” (SMILE)

Then, then, only then she tells me I’m to see the nurse. I told her that I called to see the Doctor; I was told I would see the Doctor, but she says one word.


Then it goes quiet again. I ask her to please show me where there is a seat. There is no answer from the ignoramus.


I ask again. Please can you show me where there is a seat?

She tells me that there are some seats over there. I ask her where? She I assume points and says there, where the nurse will see you. I ask again please can you show me to a seat as I’m blind. I mean, I do have a guide dog, with harness, but hey, I have her just for fashion, obviously.


It’s silent again then she answers the bloody phone. I am still stood there the other receptionists are talking to each other. The queue is now building up behind me.


Then she gets off the phone. I’m red with anger and shame. I ask again as she cheekily told me to sit down, to show me the seat? Guess what she did?


Tutted and then shouted, yes shouted across the room to a gentleman and asked him to help me to a seat.


I was furious. As the lovely patient came to help me, I apologised to him telling him that the receptionists were the most ignorant alive and he shouldn’t have had to do this for me. He was adorable. He said they were disgraceful. He had heard the whole thing and wasn’t best pleased.


The guy and I got talking and he used to work with a blind man who also had a guide dog. He didn’t want to go into the Doctors in case the nurse called me when he wasn’t there to help. I told him it would be fine and not to worry but thanked him so much.


I waited and waited and waited. That’s a lot of waiting.


Then the mouse voice shouted my name. Oh this should be fun?


I took Waggatail harness and headed in the direction of her voice but she didn’t call me again. I asked poor Waggs to find it…. She bless her avoided all of the coffee tables, weaved me in and out of the chairs. Baby’s pushchairs and toys on the floor.


I stopped still. I waited for the nurse to call me again.


I heard. Over here.

I asked over where? Stupid idiots.


The receptionists sat on their lazy behinds watching me. No one thought that I may need to know in which direction. There must be ten doors to that place including the doors out and dentist also the lift. As she said again this way, I heard enough to walk a few more steps. I then lost it. I said

“I can’t see you; you are going to have to communicate with me by talking more or coming to get me.”

Well, you could hear a pin prick in the place. What is wrong with people? I walked about fifty sixty steps but how obvious is it that I am struggling?


She just said this way I got to her and tried to push a door open. She said from this time behind me, no, not that door.


So I waited to see what door? Nothing. Oh I could go on I got in eventually down the very long corridor. Passing door after door through another lot of doors.


Into the room where the nurse was. The person who came for me was I guess a student. Remember the days when we as the patients were asked if we minded there being a student in the room? Not now.


Anyway the nurse asked me what was wrong. As I was telling her, she was fussing over Waggs. After I waited for her to say whatever after my talking to her, she said whilst laughing. “Oh, you are going to have to repeat all of that again. I was too busy loving your dog.”


To cut a long story short. I have a chest infection. She said very very bad one. So I have so much medication, I had to bring back a huge plastic bag.


That involved going via the chemist where they are lovely. Kind helpful without being patronising.


Wagga was great. Then we went for milk and pasta. Back home in the pouring rain. I took my first pill after having to call the Doctors and talk to one of those fools on reception

“Can you please tell me how many tablets to take each day I forgot to ask when I was with the nurse?

Receptionist went quiet. Then said. It will be on your tablets. I know, but I can’t see the print. I was in about half an hour ago. Please can you ask the nurse? Or it may be on my file?”

Receptionist. “I can’t do that. It will be on your pills.


Oh my God.


After me saying again, I need to talk with someone with some sense. She then opened my file and said three times per day. Now I hope those instructions are in Braille rather than just the name of the tablets so Hub can check it out as I have no faith in those people.


This afternoon I have called so many people on the phone and written out so much for my volunteering work and a couple of poems are now done and sent off. So I guess it’s time for me to start the housework.


Stressed? Now you know why I hate our doctors. X

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